Monday, September 12, 2011

The Metal Scab

Do you know the sound a sardine can make as you peal back the lid? How it is like a metal scab being ripped off in a most painful way?

This is the Metal Scab.

I have been hinting here for some time in the funding process of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Ed Schultz........and whatever fraud ilk the left has on the air pretending to be liberal like Keith Olbermann.
What this blog though is about to exclusively accomplish is something which is going to turn "what you think you hear and see on radio and television" on your proverbial brain axis. What I'm about to do is going to raise some attention where attention is not wanted.

As a disclaimer to Management, the rules are if someone else is talking of this, it can appear here, and, it is not the responsibility of this blog when the parrots are out of control and are sh*tting all over the cage, fouling up the world.

Let us jump right in.

The three major front benchers, or propagandists for the establishment, patricians or whatever Rockefeller name you care to coincide their name with are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.......I will leave out NBC and Ed Schultz as they are the welfare intelligence funded by Obama in conglomerate General chicom Electric.......same group, different division, plucking up union funds blah, blah, will become aware of the protocol as this unwinds.

Limbaugh and Hannity are owned by Clear Channel, which is nothing but Texas oil, in the Bush syndicate of taking up the reigns of the reign of LBJ, when that group was dabbling in Operation 40 to remove Fidel Castro, and those hyper Cubans got fingered for blowing John Kennedy's brains out in Dallas.
This is the reason puffy lips Karl Rove has a paycheck and it what is behind the Bush patrician east coast dynasty of the Rockefellers moving into Texas to leverage psychological control of the Texas Reagan and Conservative hating fashion.

It was Clear Channel's Tom Hicks who bought George W. Bush's shares of the Texas Rangers making him a multi millionaire, and in this Texas oil money it would be the other triad in this, ABC Radio Networks president, whom you have heard Rush Limbaugh refer to as "discovering him to the big time" in Ed McLaughlin, who set the stage for what you as Americans are being betrayed by.

I need to digress here, as all of this is Mockingbird, meaning it is, intelligence funded, either through government contracts handed to key conglomerates as Obama did GE or via Carlyle Group which has it's connections in this, in Bushites starting a corporation, and using government contacts to gain contracts to make billions of dollars.
For the Obamites screaming about Bush.............just shut the hell up, as your saviors are even more dirty in this.

You have heard of Capital Cities right as in ABC Capital Cities? CC was founded by OSS agent, William Casey, and yes this blog loves Bill Casey with deep respect. Other founders were Lowell Thomas who was business associate and friend of the Dulles boys, and Thomas Dewey who was given millions to run CIA front companies for intelligence work.

CC was part of Mockingbird and that is where the money came from. It bided it's time and soon enough with the help of Obama supporter and nation rapist, Warren Buffett, bought out ABC.
This then transformed into gay Disney receiving intelligence funding for it's conditioning Mockingbird projects, and as you can now see the covert intelligence money in black operations is what has Mark Levin in his long contract, Rush Limbaugh in his long contract and Sean Hannity in his long contract at ABC Radio and Clear Channel..........all Bush oriented entities which hijacked the Reagan Nixon intelligence group of Reagan in Caseys group and Nixon in the Texas oil group.
Prescott Bush has had his fingers in both sides of the presidential pie with the Rockefellers directly since the 1950's and if one cares to run this back far enough, you start picking out names like Delano as in Franklin DELANO Roosevelt, George Herbert WALKER Bush, and John FORBES Kerry, in the basic original Yankee traders who made their 19th century fortunes in the opium trade into China.

I have a question for you right now children.........if you were Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz and the unnamed co whores put up in your pretty red light window in Amsterdam, having your yahoo exposed in public, do you think you would have just shifted uneasily in your chair as you got this stunned look on your face........chewing twizzlers and puffing on a big ole cigar?

Did I not fairly warn these entertainers, as John McCain, who as an intelligence asset, knows what Limbaugh really is, that if they did not start serving America and stopped betraying Americans, that their 30 pieces of silver would not be revealed?

This blog is just starting in this and now each of you knows exactly the game Karl Rove was playing, that he in service to Prescott Bush, has been implementing in destroying Conservatives, and taking over just like their Rockefeller counterparts, the GOP, talk radio and are what is behind trying to destroy the Tea Party.

Karl Rove and Gram Bush should have left the girls alone. Rush Limbaugh should have not married his daughter Elton Blondeberry for a million. Sean Hannity should not have knifed the Tea Party, and Mark Levin, should have not called Dr. Jerome Corsi a goof ball.

Do you get it now why Levin and Limbaugh hate ethanol as they are funded by the oil barons now hijacked by the Rovians? Do you get why Ann Coulter is a whore for this operation in bashing the Birthers, and why Levin, Limbaugh and Hannity will NOT TOUCH THE BIRTHER issue in removing Obama?

Rove wants Obama in office, and helped install him, as only this blog pointed out, so that Jeb jr. would be president in 2016. I told you children this was a decade long plan being implemented that is going into it's second decade.
I might surprise you, but I liked old Prescott Bush when he was a robber capitalist and this bunch was paying a good wage to Americans and not raping them every few years in stock crashes. This ain't Prescott's show though and you see how these nation rapists are in this from Soros, Buffett and the current Bush folks in how it is all rapine today and feudal America tomorrow.

This group controls the information you are fed, and it is why Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin never dare utter a word about the thing which will get Obama booted out of office, AS THEIR BENEFACTORS WANT THE OBAMA RAPINE as that is the government tax money pipeline dumped directly into their accounts, just like on the Obama slave trade side, they get their 30 trillion pieces of silver in Mexican slaves and GM fascism.

They are all parrots, and yes even that cute little Miki Malkin is a parrot, as no one gets into this high revenue game unless you are contracted, rewarded and promoted by Mockingbird.

You really know too blessed much information now, but when Levin opened his yap about "goof balls", that was the line in the sand. It is one thing for Rush Limbaugh to owe this blog 11 million and counting for what he plagiarized in Inspiration here in talent not loaned by God, but OF GOD, but it is really to the bone in this pedophile stuff as that is what this ilk is popping off about in promoting queerdom, for this Rovina ilk.........same thing Obama and the Clintons are popping off about.

That is why Rush Limbaugh to Howard Stern to Ed Schultz (sorry Keeter for blowing your Conservative cover and crunching your cash flow) get the big bucks. It is just like those damned snack and fuel places you see all over the place with no customer 24 hours a day are a money laundering operation................the benchers are all funded not from advertisers, but from this same Mockingbird financial infusion.

Once it becomes common knowledge that all of the people you watch on the right and left are intelligence stooges of the very cartels who want you dead and processed into crude oil (Yes James Wolsey happened to mention that in the CIA had done studies on turning dead people into oil........that would be the best use of WMD dead humans in not letting them rot in disease, but turning them into fuel.) would think that soon listeners and viewers would stop the charade and these frauds would all be unemployed.

Look I have been completely chivalrous in this. All I said was "leave the girl alone" and "Limbaugh needs to pay his debts". They just could not do it though as this bunch of greedy snatch haters are obsessive compulsive in psychopathy. So the Truth is starting to come out in what the stooge crew is all about........and it is going to feel like a metal scab being ripped off, and the people behind this are not going to like it, as it means their funding and operations are exposed, and the intelligence structure is not going to appreciate it, as Americans furious enough are going to have a conversation in Obama trillion dollar debt in why Limbaugh is getting hundreds of millions of dollars and Karl Rove is getting to use tax funds to rape on Sarah Palin.

This blog is really a cheap date in the girl, the money and the apology.

Management can thank Karl Rove and his Sandlinettes and Limbaughites.........and they can please do it personally........and tell them Mark Levin sent ya.

Sappers in the wire...........

agtG 285Y

Ye olde dope money

Brother can you shadow me a hundred million?

The Oil Media

Lester Lowry Mays

Clear House

A capital idea