Friday, September 16, 2011

Tan Orifice Rising

Poor Col. Colin Powell, as the Louis Farrakhan supporters like to call him, in he just does not like the floodlight of Dick Cheney piercing his treachery to America, the Bush Administration, American blacks and Martin King jr.

Ask yourself if there has been a more Col. Klink in getting everything wrong for America, and everything right for the Berlin cartel and their al Qaeda terrorists than Barack Hussein Obama and his political tan, second adoptive father, Col. Colon Powell?

Who the hell is really responsible for 9 11?

Trace this all back as baby sister has in you remember that Maggie Thatcher humiliated George H. W. Bush into going after Saddam Hussein after he stole Kuwait.

Who was it on the road to Baghdad as Hussein's looters and rapists were caught, that this general warned Bush41, "You don't want the world seeing this Mr. President"........sure it was Colin Powell who stopped the just retribution in allowing Saddam's forces to escapse back into Iraq, so Hussein had a power structure to survive.

Ah and then what happened?

Well in a pre Obama Twitter Revolution the Kurds and southern Iraqi's were told to rises up........and they did. To which Gen. Powell didn't do a damn thing about the slaughter of these Patriots, and Saddam massacred them.

Kind of nice for Saddam wasn't it, in he had Powell's cover to massacre people in a treaty he signed with the American military.

It gets better though, in Powell followed this up with screwing up Sec. Rumfeld's, Vice President Cheney's and Presidetn Bush 43's, victories in Afghanistan and Iraq, by demanding that America occupy those nations, and thereby give the cartels the chance to retaliate for Bush43 ending Saddam's oil bribery funds flowing into this cartel ilk.

Then Powell and his buddy of the CRF, Dick Armitage smeared Conservative Robert Novak, and in a really hateful skew, set up that Plamegate nonsense, to cripple George Bush, and with the help of Karl Rove, tried to impeach Dick Cheney which destroyed Scooter Libby in that very crooked Patrick Fitzgerald's prosecution.

Oh throw in the Mexican in Counsel Gonzelas who stopped the coup by not letting Bush or Cheney get involved when Armitage tried to get into the White House and "brief" them on secret Grand Jury testimony.

You remember all of this right as it was exposed here exclusively as the world played finger up the monkey's butt.

Then Colin Powell really got America in a bind in he backed B. Hussein Obama, a real foreigner, to usurp the Presidency, destroy America in the Marxist abyss and set up his little paramilitary terror militias around the globe.

Powell has not said one word about the wholeslaughter Obama has carried out on innocent people around the world...........but he sure came out of the closet to whine about how mean Dick Cheney has been to him and........oh yes Condi Rice.
Why Colin Col. Powell, is that race baiting you got yourself involved in there just like you Obama boy?

So it is proof that the one person most responsible for 9 11, global terror wars, and the destruction of America is none other than that pointy stick Purple Heart winner from Vietnam, the paper pusher political officer, whore of the globalists in Colin Powell.

You just keep talking Colonel as Obama is tied to you tail and before this is done you will be exposed rightly for the traitor and fiend you are to the Patriots of this world from Libya to America.
How's that greasy oil deal in stealing African crude turning out for you and your Obama there Mr. Powell?

Well how is it?


Powell says Cheney taking 'cheap shots' in book

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of taking "cheap shots" at him and others in a new book.

Powell was America's top diplomat during the first four years of President George W. Bush's administration. Cheney's book, "In My Time," is set for release Tuesday.

Cheney writes that he thinks Powell tried to undermine Bush by criticizing administration policy to people outside the government.

Powell tells CBS' "Face the Nation" that he routinely gave his opinion and his best advice on issues to the president.

While Cheney writes that Powell's resignation was "for the best," Powell says he had always planned to leave the administration after the 2004 election.

Powell says Cheney is almost condescending in his remarks about Powell's successor, Condoleezza Rice.