Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Viral Obama

turn your head and obama

In watching the Obama job speech, it was visited upon me the thought that B. Hussein Obama appeared to be a man drowning as his arms flailed about talking in a pool of his own air.

Yes Mr. Obama had the blow fly eyes, but he was darting in movements, instead of the heavy lumbering Jeremiah Wright motion of moving as is his black pulpit scripted method, and even in that Mr. Obama's cadence had changed from that negro liberation to an NFL pep talk at halftime in having lost the game 5000 points to nothing, Mr. Obama was raspy and coarse in pleading, "Come on we can win this one".

In not focusing on the psychological aspects of the Obama change, he apparently can believe in now, as the mission of his self made religion of narcissistic Marxism has failed his faith, there was something else in the Obama speech which was something only to be exclusively noted here.

The body politic of America has reached an illness point with Mr. Obama. Clearly when he has 65% of California liberals not following the lemming trail of the Obama unholy grail in now believing "no we can't as this speech like you we hope goes away", is the reality of the viral Obama.

America has reached body fluid stage with this regime.

To explain, you know how when you are sitting there feeling not too bad, and all of a sudden an intestinal influenza hits you? Your first reaction is a catch in, "Oh I do not feel so good".
As you mull that over in your mind as you do not feel good, you start to conclude that something is going to come out of you................and you start deducing if this is going to be vomit extraction or diarrhea extraction...........
This is where America is at now. The body politic is certain it has a disease with this Obama, and is now wondering if it is going to be puked out or if it is going to be crapped out. They know fully well that there is nothing that is going to be pretty about this. That it is going to be loud, something embarrassing in no one wants to hear, but one mouth or one rectum this is going to take place, and the longer this Obama disease infects the politic, the more ill the American nation will become.

America has not yet begun to question if it will die from this, if this viral Obama continues on. She is though looking about for a toilet, and wondering about tissues to wipe up the mess and starting to think it would be nice to have someone hold her hand or her hair.
She would rest in much needed sleep, but this continuous churning in her guts will not give her peace and there is no medication which will alleviate the symptoms.

The best of this would be a 24 hour flu in puking Obama out in handcuffs and flushing the excrement of his tenure into exile with literal lethal orders if he tries a counter coup ever in returning to America, he would be J. Edgar Hoover's infamous poster for John Dillinger.

Mark Levin though thinks he has time for elections, because the patrician whores who pay his salary want this Limbaugh Gridlock to profit off the mayhem, but like Levin's pneumonia the reality is America is going to become more weakened in this treatment when the diagnosis at the bottom of the chart reads, "THE MORTICIANS PHONE NUMBER", as the condition under Obama is not going to improve.

Obama is a plague like his Napolitano snot wiper Obama Flu, and that is the worst of it as America has been infected of him, now Obama has infected the world with his sickness.

Behold the regime's cough upon the Muslim lands in it's deadly pneumonia spread upon the greatest in Hosni Mubarak and the least of the Khadaffi babies.

The Obama pandemic will spread as it has contaminated the earth. Change is change, and there is no definition otherwise, when you have a healthy planet in small wars, the change is a deadly planet in engulfed in major wars.

You must understand that the world decided to fight small wars as it was required to bleed the warlike contagion from the nations. For the record, major wars were wiping the planet regular in empires against empires for all human history of combined existence. The Dulles Doctrine invested in sovereign regional powers slugging it out and everyone else staying out of it.
This was changed to the United Nations grasping of arrows in it's claws of America doing the fighting in wars, so the world would have faux pax.

Faux pax is what the world existed under as Reagan waged an economic war finally to dismantle the Soviet state and then the George H. W. Bush doctrine of the monetarian patricians created the monitor monster of the Chinese dragon now flicking it's tongue about the planetary carrion as Brzezinski's militant Islam is the tool of the European monetarians.

Mr. Obama's contagion though has infected the planet from coughs and sniffles to a wholesale plague in the making.

America the sick has had Obama hose her down, wet her blankets, open her windows to the winter snows and been told to cough out the window, and the virus of Obama has infected the world.

The best solution would be to isolate Mr. Obama for the disease he is and quarantine him in an exiled location like a Typhoid Mary in Albania, a nice Adriatic vista pinning him in between the old demonic Oracles of Delphi and Vaticanus to regulate his monkey demon of India back into it's abyss.

Best solutions are not in vogue though as Dr. Cherry has told America to puke or dump to rid itself of this sickness brought on by Obama jungle fever.

Yes what was a jungle venereal fever spawned in the loins of Stan Ann Obama, has become a black death with fitting rodent at the White House as the fleas leaped off and spread the rash from which America was not immune.

An apple a day will not cure this. You are going to have to go to the doctor and head the advice given if you do not want to be lingering with this and trying to work and warfare in trying to save yourself these United States.

Tis the Age of the Obama Plague, it has gone viral Obama.

Turning your head and cough is only going to spew vomit and get your undies soiled as you got it bad Yanks.
