Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We have reached the Obama Abyss

With zero job growth, several years of no economic expansion, but instead decline, a GDP rate of 1 percent per anum, America has reached the Obama Abyss.

Recessions are what one has in an economic slowdown. Double dip recessions are what one has in financial constrictions. Depressions are what one has in staged plundering by the elites of the masses in their savings. Super Depressions as America endured for 3 years of Mr. Obama are the result of realignment of global power among the elites, what follows that has only been experienced once previously on a historic scale and it was associated with the Black Death, the vermin plague, which drove the world in hundreds of years of isolated fear.

This is what this blog predicted would take place as inflation has been rocketing up, but as the masses are being lied to by FOX which sounds more like Obama news all the time, no one barely notices that phone, electric and gas have doubled in price in the few short years Obama engaged in strangling the US economy to make it European.
Others have utilized my phrase of THE ABYSS, but have not comprehended the definition of the word. America is now officially in the Obama Abyss.

It is not just the downgrade of America's credit ranking, but the entire spiral of how this all projects out now. The world is in the pre global war scenarios of I, II, III.

I will explain this world war situation one more time as people do not understand the situation or the history.
The first world war was undertaken in the mid 1700's, and in Europe it was called the 7 Years War, but in America the colonies fought it as the French and Indian War. This war was horrific and spanned to the Spice Islands, China, India, Africa, the Americas and Europe. The victors in the Angle Hanoverian Americans divided the world in a dominance which would set the Rule Britannia standard until 1900, when the cartels engaged in the Great European War.

That is the correct definition of World War I, but it really was the second global scale war.

World War II, started in 1940, and of course was the third world war....and what America and the world are being leveraged into for a new world order is World War IV, which is now taking place in the constant economic terror attacks on the west, the neo feudalism of Obama, as the free world is plunged back to literally the pre 1500's on this planet.

I will make this point again, as points get lost by readers in not comprehending what is being stated here in depth.
What if you were immortal, meaning you had found the elixir of life?

Would you worry about nuclear bombs, chemical bombs or biological bombs going off?

Before you clinch in fear, recall fully that you are immortal and can not therefore you would not give a damn about the billions of other humans as they died in body piles now would you.

This is what the lords and priests have been initiating for centuries. No one speaks of this ever, but they were able to extend life approximately 20 years ago, meaning that fantastic ages were possible, and that is why the elites were not dying like everyone else.
That would start to show up as people notice a mass of elite living past 100 years of age, therefore the time line must progress, as the "tree of life" the false tree of satan, has been constructed in it's sacred geometry by the priests for the lords.
This harmonic device will literally change the human DNA at source from mortal to immortal. It MUST be engaged though with God light or it will read a false signature and what is false light will degrade, which is going to be quite a disaster as "chaos which does not die" will be the result in these tormented souls.

The reason for bringing this out again, is when you have elites who desire to keep planet earth their garden, with the adequate resources and a dying population they can control to serve them, then one hordes resources until the sun does not burn any longer which is a million years, and one must engage in a cropping method of pitting religions and systems against each other so billions will be cropped.

The immortal does not fear death by radioactive death for they can not die. That is a reality no one is factoring in, as it is beyond their understanding. The Tree of Life existed in the Garden, one is in residence in Heaven. The Metatron's Cube is that tree blueprint, and in building this in motion geometric pattern initiated by the Source of Light, the mortal will transform to the immortal.
That is why God shooed Adam and Eve from the Garden, lest they "eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life" and become like Us.
It is obvious that what one eats one becomes, and the DNA of immortality can be transformed by the Fruit of the real Tree.

Ask yourself, if you have a group of thousands of these immortals skulking about, what kind of gods they will be in witnessing the rapine they have unleashed on people from injecting people with cancer, killing your children and pets with poison food, wars to slaughter millions...........Mr. Obama slaughtering Muslims in front of their children.........this kind of bestial conduct is already before you, so you know that as immortals they will be even more ghastly as the same fears will not limit them.
WMD warfare will be deemed a tool to accomplish the ends which they deem necessary.

This is the Obama Abyss which has now come in so many degrading levels. You will know for certain in all of this when that miracle working anti Christ appears in Europe. The stage is all being set, and once this mortal coil unleashes, it will spiral out of control in the chaos ordered.

I frankly hope for it, as the world can not last nor humanity in this compression being put upon it.

nuff said.

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