Saturday, September 3, 2011

When the trophy becomes the carrion

I have a great unsecret love for President Theodore Roosevelt. I understood him as I mirrored a great deal of his fascination with nature, and his sound reasoning on political and "walking softly with a big stick issues".
Teddy Roosevelt for his New York Dutch background, really was a nester, an immigrant, a natural American who came into his own, as he stated on the Northern Great Plains as a cattleman hunter, as that is what prepared him to be President.

I have a great adoration for his son Kermit, who was the best of the Roosevelt sons, in meaning he was the son who could hunt all day, and no one could keep up with him, from guide to African.
Kermit saved Teddy from death on expedition, and after the old lion died, part of Kermit disappeared in despair as having a man like Theodore Roosevelt in one's life a son is a chasm which can not be filled when the old man dies.

Teddy Roosevelt was a wonderful father to his children, in the expeditions he took them on in their acreage in New York and it prepared Kermit for the robust life he excelled at, until life lost it's purpose and he ended it in Alaska during World War II.

I read a story decades ago in which a father and daughter ventured on a journey to Africa, to touch Teddy Roosevelt's African Game Trails. They somehow had acquired a gun I have lusted after as many have in one of Teddy's Medicine Guns.
This was a fine English double, which the father and daughter had purchased, and were told by the Roosevelt's of the "Kim" variety which followed Kermit, "that perhaps the forearm was in the upstairs, but they didn't know".

I was stunned at this. This was Teddy Roosevelt's gun and the family didn't give a damn about the thing in pieces were missing, and they sold the thing to strangers.
To explain heritage in this, the Roosevelts who could have cared less for this monumental historical firearm, had this father and daughter send the gun back to England explaining to the gunmaker if they could fix it.
The English promptly fixed this firearm for NOTHING as they understood the meaning of this Medicine Gun.
I actually have a custom Schmidt of which only 12 were made, the other 11 went to international leaders and one to the Roosevelt family..........what I learned as of late explained a great deal of what the Kim Roosevelt clan is now.

Kermit's son, actually was the genius who installed the Shah of Iran. This Kermit, when the coup failed, and ths Shah fled, flew him back from Italy, staged another coup, after ignoring orders to return to America, and gave the world cheap oil for American dominance.

What followed are Kim II, which sounds a great deal like a bad Kipling novel. Kim II I have no idea of no more than the North Korean Kims as he is just a lawyer in DC, but his son Kim III is quite the lawyerly scholar producing such milestones as a praise of David Souter in Slate magazine.
This quote sums up the article completely:

Souter's frequent four-justice dissents, from the court's liberal-moderate wing, could have become majorities. I'd hoped he would stay long enough to see that happen.

Another stunning thing to discover, Kim III, wanted David Souter and the liberals on the court to be the majority again, as they hadn't since FDR done enough damage to America in ridding her of God, guns and motherhood.
It makes one wonder what the hell Kim III is so lustful over as all that is left is raping children and turning animals into people.

Kim III goes on to degrade Justice Scalia in this rant before the bar:

So Scalia is making value choices. I'm not here to say that is illegitimate, my argument is indeed that is it inevitable. And I'm not here to say that his values are wrong, either. I hope, I believe, that they aren't America's values either. They aren't my values.

The above rant focused on the 14ht Amendment and promoting the abomination of sodomy, in transferring rights of moral belief and race, onto sinful actions which harm societies.

I was told long ago that satan invests a great deal of time on children of Pastors as corrupting them does the most harm. One can observe how the children of great men and women, often fall into the Ron Reagan jr. camp of becoming a fellow Kim of this current Roosevelt clan.

This bunch is the Souter patricians, the Bi Cons of Limbaugh and the Vichy Cons of Mark Levin. They have no shit under their fingernails, have never not bathed for a week, and have never had to make real choices in life and death which rip the soul.
I feel like an Arctic wind has burned my soul raw in this breath of the offspring of Teddy Roosevelt, who are the Obama voters.......for indeed you know they all have voted for Carter, Dukakis, Clinton, Gore, Kerry and Obama, as this kind of liberalism is Franklin Roosevelt and not Theodore Roosevelt.

I have mentioned before on my desk I have a little tin Christmas box, with a note on the back to Grandma. I obtained it in a thrift shop as it was well worn, as Grandma loved this box, kept it and used it for something special to her, because it was from her children and grandchildren.
It is obvious when Grandma died her most precious keepsakes were dumped by a family who didn't care one damn thing about her memory.
I keep it, just like that father and daughter keep the Medicine Gun, as Teddy Roosevelt means more to them than their well funded offspring who have betrayed every last vestige of Teddy and Kermit Roosevelt in all they bestowed on America, and all Franklin Roosevelt raped from America.

So America is not part of Kim Roosevelt's values.

Odd how that sounds exactly the same thing Barack Hussein Obama would say, and the same thing John Kerry screamed as he threw his medals away (well he didn't throw his medals away and only tossed fake ones away.)

Not very bully children you have there Theodore do you. Your disappointment is great as mine.

I would hope for heirs great and small
Heirs from me statured tall
But what one finds in doting care
Are these changlings all deposited there
Noble heritage to ignoble oblivion
It is what happens when the trophy becomes the carrion.
