I dislike unfairness, and murder even in martyrdom is unfair, even for the rewards in God's Kingdom whether it be George Custer or Joan of Arc.
Part of me must rectify this, even if doing so literally would rob those from that Glory for God and the honor He bestows upon them in His service to Him.
Having saved Gen. Custer, my focus has been up the Maid, as at least in someone thinking this through it is an honor to her.
I had first considered in my travel back in time, of passing papers as an Englishman, some recorder from the boy King of the Angles, and mucking about such things for a few days, in finally questioning her one eve, whereby I would free Joan from her chains, have her wrap about me under my robe, and we would walk out in front of the guards, as they did not consider such nonsense in 1429.
I would though smuggle in something of bones in a bag to put into her bed, and another bag full of quite a shrieking smoking sulfur bomb to scare the hell out of the guards around midnight and choke the dungeon, so when things got sorted out, the traitors would all figure the witch was burnt up and went to hell.
Meanwhile Joan would be hidden away in my quarter whereby I would raise English hell about it all and in a few days of my own report, my assistant and I would ride away...........Joan being my boy with no one the wiser.
The problem in this is Joan being alive and unprotected as she got into this mess from French treachery in her Dauphin King not liking being in a woman's shadow.
There were variables of things going wrong in this too, as if caught, I would glady join the Maid at the stake, but once again there is the problem of Joan not being rescued.......chivalry requires rescue.
That is where Inspiration hit and hit well. For when in France with pigs, do as Rome and be a Citizen.
See Joan was being murdered for the English by French Catholics. She did speak out once about being sent to the Pope, but it was brushed aside quickly by Bishop Cauchon who the pig new Joan had full right to be tried by, as this was a Church of Rome matter.
This is then what I would do.
I would enlist Joan's French Catholic's loyal to her in getting hold of some middle European rag tag Soldiers........Austrian, Swiss..........I don't care as long as they do not speak English or French, and when told they are on a mission from the Pope when I lie to them, they will believe it.
With a dozen Soldiers, some calous old European type noble, I would set out and allow the loyal French to spread the word that an emissary of the Pope was come to confess Joan of Arc.
No Soldier, Royal or peasant would dare stand in the way of that mission, and would all stand aside like a wave. Of course rumor would spread more greater lies, and some might hurt and some might help, but the main charge would be, "the Confessor has come from Rome".
Naturally I would pick up some English Soldiers to keep the tide rolling, but not too big of tide as I would not desire this reaching the English Royals still sore over Joan.
Upon reaching her, is when the stage act would begin. The roll of drum, down echoing steets and halls, the bursting forth of doors to the court......fat Cauchon puffing up wanting to know what was taking place, and the dramatic pause, as my liutenants scorned him without reply.
To which I would enter in flowing in robe and colors.......as peasantry are awed by fake jewels and things.
My glare would sweep the room with contempt and scoff at Cauchon in ignoring him. Then I would slap my orders to my subordinate who would bark out the command in French.
"Hear ye hear ye, by order of his place as representative of the Christ, his excellency, the Pope of Rome and of the world hereby in his care, decrees that this French woman, known as Joan of Arc, is hereby under Papal sanction to be removed immediately to Rome for examination on said charges in full supreme authority on this matter so help us God."
Of course there would be a stir and some frog excuses, but I would pipe and say, "Is this the wench causing all this concern?"
I would not wait for any confirmation and promptly glide, as people in authority glide about places as it is expected. Upon coming before Joan, I of course would frown and then cast a look at Cauchon of disdane and say with threat, "This waif you been starving gets sick and does not make it back to Rome, and the Pope will see your bones kindled along with anyone who delays the Confessor of Rome's mission for the Holy Father".
I would then bark out, "Bring her some meat!"
As things were milling about, I would then order Cauchon, "Death of cold is your trial next French man, give her your cloak".........I would then boot some Soldier in the ass to go get it from him by force if Cauchon tarried.
Not waiting for things, I would turn to leave, with the drums rolling and Joan in tow of my lieutenants. That bluff would no doubt scare Rome into hell fire obedience to the hearts of these at the trial, and we would be off.
Of course, I would send my English escorts on a fool's diversion to get away from them, as Pope or not, you can't trust those English to let the prize go after they think on things.
So best would be to split the groups up, split again, and high tail it with Joan and an escort to some place of safety on the Joan side of the Church.
It would take months for them to figure out the bluff, and by that time I could have a new bluff working....main point then it would be Joan's play. I doubt the Pope would burn her even at a trial if she chose, but then she could come back to the 21st century with me, but then what would she have in common with such vomit of this age.
Dying once is enough for people, and I know her martyr's death is supreme to Glorify God. Problem was I know she was murdered by satan over that Crusade thing she would have led.
Yes Joan like that hero Christopher Columbus was going on Crusade. She would have wrapped the English up in two more months and even if she invaded England, she would have had a full bore at being 19, and the world to take on and build the 3rd Temple, because in 1429 she would have done it, and by 1492 Columbus would have sealed it and none of this filth of the modern age would have taken place.
So I grieve in knowing why her Angels herded her to the stake. She was much too beautiful for this earth and would have fixed things too early. To say I would never have been born or necessary would be small price to me, as Joan would have the greater glory and what would I know in not ever having been.
I still try as no one tried for her then. I wanted her to know I would have done it and I would have died at the stake with her if caught and not regretted one moment of the cause.
It is enough she knows these things and in reality she does not need the grief in looking back for her high state now, even if she wanted to show an old man a fairy tree that made her heart like a child again.
She has my loyalty, my faith and my word. I would have done this for her. Even at 500 years someone needed to do this for her when no one else would.