Monday, October 10, 2011

So Einstein was wrong......

So the Europeans in their atom fragmenter found some matter moving faster than light. If you noticed the world did not stop in this that flat universe Albert Einstein was wrong in stating that nothing could move faster than light in this dimension............

Ah tell that to God and Angels there Steven fool Hawking.

That is why though they call things THEORIES in scientists are in most cases flat ass wrong as their flat world and flat universe ideas or theories which do not become laws.

I have stated for a very long occasion that the "combined theory" was bogus in nothing can combine all situations in this dimension, as this dimension is controlled by God out of this dimension. Certainly there are laws here to keep things orderly and to always create order from random nature, but this universe is one which is not existent on it's own. It is one created by consumption and the order of rebirth, but is overlorded by the one simple mathematical law of LIGHT equals LIGHT. This is the combine theory as what is, is.

Granted God reveals that all things will pass away and a new heaven and new earth will come into being, one which hundreds of cubed miles of a the city, New Jerusalem, will float down to become the home of the Saints in Christ.
New laws of physics in a new dimension which will not obey to Einstein's failed thoughts.

It has always bothered me the physics of discovery as in Sir Isaac Newton and the apple. How does one man simply noting things fall and gaining insight, suddenly be able to lay claim and fame for something which has been taking place since God created this dimension?
Take for example my cousin, Charles.


Oh yes there are many Chucks about, but no I'm not speaking of Prince Chuck, but of Chuck Darwin. You know the slightly disturbed man who had a child die and became afraid, so off on the Beagle he went coming up with "evolutionary theory" which is fine on basics, but is flat ass wrong on species changing in monkey to man. DNA does not pop like that ever, and that is why the MISSING LINK is missing, in it never Obama's birth certificate.
Chuck renounced that stuff and became Christian they say, but this cartel garbage is still polluting little Hawking brains stuck on flat world.

Ecclesiastics prove the human mind is a fool without the Wisdom of God and that is what science is now in so many fools.

In order to comprehend science one has to observe it from the dimension which sets it up to operate.
I was told once and will modernize it with this, that God is like you in a room with a long stack of flash drives in order before Him. He can pull one out from the year 3000 BC and deal with it as easily as 2000 AD, as just like you are not stuck on the drive in it's dimension, but are operating in your own will.

Odd though isn't it in these hypocrites in they hate Sarah Palin for being right on things and expect to extract pounds of flesh, but let the Nobel geniuses get Obama wrong in his war, war, war, and no one demands the Nobel ilk step down and no one with Einstein proven wrong is demanding him being removed from the epitome of science.

Say, this is interesting in Shelly.............that fat actress, Shelly big boobs who starred with Jimmy Stewart in Winchester 73..........Shelly Winters..........wanted to say Duvall, but she hasn't look good since she was dolled up as a hooker eons ago, and I always got Shelly mixed up with Totie Fields..........have no idea how some people got to be stars.
But anyway Shelly was best girlfriends with Marilyn Monroe. I never seen what people saw in Norma Jean......always thought Olivia DeHaviland was much more attractive.......but people liked that psychotic Scarlet and even Sir Lawrence dumped her gone with the wind.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, Shelly Winters was saying one night that her and Marilyn were talking about the guys they would bang, and Marilyn came up with Einstein.
Winters thought, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Marilyn said she thought she should have someone brainy to offset all the brawn.

Came down to it, Shelly said she saw a picture Einstein had autographed to Marilyn, so she apparently got what brain Einstein was thinking with that fifteen sexonds of fame.

No need to worry children, as I have never wanted to have sex with Steven Hawking as my brain is much bigger..........

Where was I?

Oh yes, all dimensional mathematics can be placed on the number 1. It is the combined Law from God, and it spreads out in sequence on all dimensional levels before returning to Source.

That is enough of that as I just heard on PBS someone saying that hummingbirds "chirp" with their tails...............
Might not be that I have heard them chirp sitting, and that just like a human yelling, their stomach maybe a hummers tail flexes as the male makes a loud sound?

The hummer flexes it's tail at the end of the dive as like FLAPS on an aircraft to slow speed so it can then regain control and altitude.

It never ends with scientists.

Where the hell are my Nobel prizes and millions.......have to get a Mercedes to haul out all my prizes.....might as well give me a pile for the future as Inspiration is sure to be filled with the coming brainiac of Lame Cherry.

agtG 214, 234

PS: Changed my mind, that hummer scientist had a pretty good looking gal with save her, she needs to breed with someone not a damn fool. I volunteer to enlarge her brain size.