Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Obama Arches

Oh my, the White House Insider speaking on condition of Tutu to Dangerous Weapon Ulsterman informed you about the racist lynching from the Obama 2012 campaign, but he neglected to inform you that Val-erie Jarrett had here own unctions of psychological allurements for Mr. Obama to appeal to his voting mob.

Take a very good look at that photo above, as it just did not happen. Those flags lined up are for effect and I can promise you children that Mr. Obama is centered in that photo exactly where he wanted to be........and as you are peaking below already as to what this is about, you have the in the flesh proof of the message Barack Obama in his cast of perverts were sending.

Yes Mr. Obama has just auditioned on to become the national clit, all erect and complete with his little presidential hole sealing all that netherworldliness allure to bring this all into the Obama arches of spread eagle enticement.

Ask yourself why Obama did not go phallic in symbol, in some tower, pole or other erect symbol, but instead chose a woman's vulva to present hisself as the national clit?
You thought I was just blowing smoke here didn't you when I kept using the term vulva? Oh ye of little faith in thinking it is perversion and not Inspiration happening here.

Ok to explain this, there are more in the Obama mass appeal who want vaginal and anal sex than those who want a penis erect before them. Psychologically, an erection is a power symbol most people do not know what to do with or want. Obama using a vaginal opening is using the passive response, as people are scared enough of this big missile sociopathic mass murderer.

Hence you spread it all out, put in that Berliner uber frau complex into the V, and just like Obama has been wife beating Americans for his tenure, he is not going for a little sado masochism to bring the virgins in for one more rape to set them into voting booths to obey the Dom working out his limp dick phobias in having gay males smoke his cigars.

If you have not worked on Presidential photo ops, you have no idea the work that goes into this, in it is as complete as a Hollywood second unit director setting up shots. You need location, camera angle, lighting is taken into consideration, all so you manipulate the voters into thee exact psychological mindset you fully intend Mr. Himmler.

I would note in passing, that this Obama really is interesting in he did not go with the Reagan Clinton huge flags behind him, but instead is hiding behind these odd little too big flags in front of him......which are quite distracting, but then you are supposed to be lifting the flag "skirt" to get at the naughty bits under the dress.

Perhaps next time Obama will wear a pink shirt as he has become the aroused clit of 2012.

Aren't you pilgrims glad you have me around to show you what you are seeing and do not even know what Tavistock is triggering in the mass gang rape mob Obama is appealing to?

You should be, because this blog is the only place you are getting the Truth of what is going on, as no one else dares to expose this lewdness. The white vagina of 2008 now has a new jungle fever message in 2012 of the little erect tan clit for a second Obamasm.

Maybe he will have a fountain behind him next time for special squirter voters need all the XXX porno visuals you can get.

Come on Deep Tutu, catch up to the game.

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