Sunday, November 27, 2011

RAHM 2012

There is a reason Rahm Emanuel showed up in Iowa to seduce Democrats and trash Republicans looking Presidential, and that is because he is the one.............Ulterman's Deep Tutu one who is supposed to run for the Democratic nomination and cripple B. Hussein.

Emanuel is the choice as he implements Chicago no bars thuggery in the Windy City in keeping order, solving budget problems and talking tough in his pretty boy gay appeal.

The idea is not to have Emanuel win the nomination, but to cripple Obama enough, as only Emanuel could.

Emanuel's strengths are is he knows fully well all of Obama's crimes in Chicago and DC. Emanuel was the bag man on the Blaogojevich fiasco.
Emanuel is from Chicago in it's wealth and political power. His challenge to Obama in his own usurped state, would remove that state from the Obama campaign, as Obama needs to flip 30 million votes to steal the 2012 election, and without the Daley Clinton Emanuel machine rigging all the vote machines, it is not going to happen for Obama.

You must get this part in the Wall Street bundler Ulsterman utilized in that liberal was not going to help the GOP, but he was not going to help Obama either, meaning money laundering cover in funds raised.
If the key Democrats in power do not steal votes, then Obama can not steal an election. Chicago stole 1960 from Richard Nixon, and it was this same Daley machine which has Rahm Emanuel at it's powerful helm.

Emanuel will take the Jewish vote from Barack Hussein Obama as Emanuel is Israeli intelligence. This reality is another crippling blow to Obama as this works out in the phase two assets, meaning the GOP nominee in the "surging" Newt who is in bed with Hillary Clinton, has entered into the negotiations which this blog urged President Palin to conduct with the Democratic machine.
Yes, a deal has been worked out already with Newt Gingrich, the GOP leadership and the media, in they will be allowed certain things of Obama to remain, no follow up criminal investigations, if they simply do not assist B. H. in 2012 and he goes down in flames.

These are exclusives here only of this blog by Inspiration, so you know the inner workings of what is being staged in all you are seeing.

OK children this is short, but there does not require a great deal of explanation for et tu Brute politics.
Emanuel runs, gets his public persona enhanced, trots over to the Illinois senate for election, and after things sort out, he auditions for President for real, as Jews having stuck a Muslim Marxist into power and having been suckered will now demand their own kind in the Oval Office to get their liberal agenda through too.

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