Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Return of Pravda

I will content myself in my suffering malady that this blog posted in it's archives a story directing all attention to Vladamir Putin in the coming elections.
I make note of this for the simple reason it will publish on December 1, or two weeks before anyone had even started to figure out the world political landscape as this blog has shown for years in directing attention to Mr. Putin.

Forget though stories about Medvedev grousing about missile shields and threats, and the west propaganda this is directed at gaining nationalist votes.....look children is Putin has imprisoned, criminalized and murdered all the competition. There is no "nationalist vote" to appeal to. This positioning by Mevedev is the Warm War, as under Obama, these United States have moved from the Cold War of Putin annexing eastern Europe, to a tepid thing like warm urine.

The real story is Russian news woman, Tatyana Liponova, on national television in Russia, giving Mr. Obama the Vietnamese whore salute while reading a story about him. This was by design and it is preparatory as Mr. Obama has taught the Russians to think aggressively, in now Mr. Putin is teaching Russian to expect to rape the American whore.

So you comprehend the depths of this, when Uncle Lenin and Papa Joe Stalin shipped the unsuitables to Siberia for detention, the Russians were quite equal to the task in the same trains which brought in goods, also brought in Russian women who were judged unworthy of society.
The Russian males would gather around the cattle cars, no matter the weather, the doors would slide open, and the males would pull the screaming females from the cars and gang rape them.

Rape is a suitable tool in Marxism, as Bill Ayers proved on Jewish girls. Rape conditions the female to be degraded and animalistic, and rape conditions the male to treat the female in base terms, creating a predator state.
Russians are beasts at best, or you might say modern American males in they wholesale rape of American females in all sanctity of God's morality has been erased.

This same Russian method of rape, is what FDR, Truman and Eisenhower stood silently by as Joe Stalin stated in conference that so many million Germans needed to be murdered after conquest.
PM Churchill as was exclusively reported here, was aghast as FDR laughed at Stalin's "joke".

The net result was under Eisenhower's occupation bushels of Germans perished, and it were not for Gen. Patton a great deal more would have.
In the east, the Russian army raped everything from infants to grandmothers to animals. The literal rape of German women was designed to cuckold the German male and turn the German female into a state whore, numb to all.
Some escaped to the west in suckering American GI's stupid enough to f*ck them before they started to show and brought the babies here, but the majority of Germans in that period were Russian bastards due to this Kremlin policy.

That is what is behind this lesbian rape of America in flipping the bird to Barack Obama by a woman. It literally states that it does not take a man to face America, but a woman is all that it will take.

120 million Russians have been provided this message in a new conditioning have mongrelization of Americans, meaning that Americans are leaches as Mr. Putin stated, and American are whores only good for being raped, and in that conditioning when war does take place, it will be in it's cartel brutality.

This came directly from the Kremlin, and all the Obama propaganda is not going to change any of this. Mr. Putin started nuclear World War IV when he used Polonium in London to murder a British asset years ago. That was Putin's FU on the sly to raping the British.

This has now taken national stage, and is the reality. The situation will only become worse now as this tide is being rolled back against America. Obama crested all this in his Muslim world murders and now that tidal wave will return in opposite reaction as it builds.

There are now 3 billion Eurasians who not only hate America, but no longer fear her.

That is the message as Pravda returns.

I do not know how long I will be able to keep this up, so you had better have paid attention and get off your lazy asses, as when these things come to pass, you will know in your ashes a Prophet has been among you.

And, lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not.
And when this cometh to pass, (lo, it will come,) then shall they know that a prophet hath been among them. Ezekiel 32: 32, 33

You should have treated me better for your own sakes.

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