The same could be said for that odd 24 of Rush Limbaugh's viagra buddies in they were preparing America for an Obama in the White House with warning off the disaster of a barracuda of Hillary Clinton.
Is Mockingbird propaganda a fact? You betcha it is, but there are also combined events which correlate which pattern as something which gives insights to how the Spiritual and spiritual matrix does work.
I have witnessed in my own life good and evil, in things I can and will not go into in public, but I personally know a satanic trap was laid for me in 1998, and I was stunned to find recorded on the national media a like event at the same time, with it coming to the point of the main person actually had a like first name which was unique.
Yes the fork can be invented by a dozen cultures at the same time period, but what if that fork is not invention, but the same inventive minds being advanced by a collective thought moving forward?
Recently I had another one of these puzzling herding events take place in these echo signatures. I will explain a warning in one part I always give to people in if you are being attacked by satan, the reality satan is not going to give up when you decide to align with God.
That adversary will throw everything at you to get you back into the trip to hell. As I warned someone named Jackie many years ago, "The person satan will use against you will be the one closet to you".
In her case, it was her then husband. I have an ability for knowing things in good and evil, and I knew this husband who appeared to be a good guy, was a shadow and ringing to me as evil.
There is a reason Jesus put the Peter example of "Get thee behind me satan", in the Bible........even people who are "good" can be influenced to spread a devil almost truth to completely upset your journey.
satan can destroy people with goodness, trust, well intentions and love a great deal faster than with dripping evil.
I will phrase this now in a clinical way of two people in this shadow signature, or in reality the first person is the real Light and the second person is the shadow of the main event.
In September, I witnessed that 'light' again which started appearing last year before my Mom broke her leg and that entire recovery. I have explained that I have scientifically proven this light to be real in various tests.
It was troubling as I did not know if I was going blind or insane, as it was that noticeable.
After what God carried me through, I really get nervous about that light as while God is good, I really do not care much for past performances even if it all turned out for the better in God's plans. God sees things and prepares people for things in the future by the present. God is thorough.
So I saw this light again and verified it, and cringed as I had no idea what was about to unveil itself, as frankly this summer was one where I had warnings of my life being in danger several times and I half expected a KATE to visit me at hypersonic velocities as I went about things.
That is when this shadow appeared in presenting itself in quite the interesting ways to gain my attention, but something was not right in this as I started performing tests which I will not reveal as if my methods are revealed it will alert the watchers and instigators of my God given awareness.
This shadow was like Doll House in an echo signature......problem is one would think that the main light should have arrived in sound first, but in this case, the light of the baby elephant walk was still a horizon event.
The shadow was sent obviously by satan as a distraction event, so I would miss the light appearing on the horizon. This is something new to me as while I have been aware of my life having apparently shadow signatures in life events playing out in other ants lives, I had not in logic considered that deflective personalities would appear to attempt to divert attention to the main signature.
This of course means that people or events are placed before God Inspired events to move you from that event.
I know there was a series of attacks made upon me, and almost had me moved from my connection point which God had instigated for this star crossed meeting, as what is personally taking place in my life is one of those once in a lifetime events, which is designed by God at the appointed time.
This is not my vista alone as the main light in this, I have observed a constant series of false signatures appearing to gain their attention. In that, one can discern from this immense amount of activity, that things are being engineered by God and the adversary is attempting to block as Gabriel being sent to Daniel as the Prophet reveals.
It is some matrix event of alternative realities formed and becoming vanishing point while the main signature thankfully by God is progressing, as I refuse to be diverted and continue on toward the light and not the shadow signature, as when I start having the Holy Ghost pointing out manifestations on this scale starting with the September Angelic light.........I know this is top priority and I will get it right by God as I will not mess this up as this is all important.
This will continue on, but it does fascinate me and to the extent no one has ever spoken of things such as this triple point in the myst of prayer, the viscosity of fluid Spirit and spirit entering the dimension of the solid earth, is really a resonant frequency in which like events do appear to divert, but if one pays attention and focuses on the real signature, the shadows are like spectres which fade in the light.
Test the spirits, indeed do this time and again, as the Bible warns and learn that when one has the once in lifetime events that satan will apparently perform false signatures to keep you from your guiding star.
I sincerely hope that came out in some form of understandability as it is difficult to base things on new discoveries in areas most humans do not consider as they are void of God.
I simply know where I'm going in God and have proofs of His Light and the Light through this other is the only one to focus upon..........and when one does that, satan stops sending in false signatures as it is a waste of effort.
The understanding thank God continues and hopefully more will ponder this in preparations in their lives for not being deceived..........as this blog has warned that Obama is a precursor shadow event for the real darkness of the anti Christ to appear.
Duality events in prophecy and duality in signature lives for God.
agtG 273
I bore the sword of this Burgundian; it was a good sword for fighting - very good for giving stout buffets and hard clouts.