Monday, November 28, 2011

Winner take Obama

You know Uncle David has balls, King Kong sized balls really. It takes balls to be an Obama Rothschild, walk into a man's house and say, "You know Mr. Cuckold, I just came from a party where every perv in the city took a wank on your wife, and you know something bub, I took her first and I took her last, because I like it that way......but you just focus on the 49 other cunt busters as those are the bad folks".

Uncle David has a new book out by two clever pigeons named Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson. The moxy in it is summed up in this quote:

The wealthiest Americans, among them presumably the very titans of global finance whose misadventures brought about the financial meltdown, got richer. And not just a little bit richer; a lot richer. In 2009, the average income of the top five percent of earners went up, while on average everyone else's income went down. This was not an anomaly but rather a continuation of a 40-year trend of ballooning incomes at the very top and stagnant incomes in the middle and at the bottom.

The book Winner take all Politics, mirrors Obama's Alinsky campaign mode for 2012 really. It exposes the patrician nation rapists, hints at the weak unions and how all the middle Americans are stuck with the risk. All real, and just like satan tempting Christ with Bible verses, it is always more easy to manipulate people with the truth than with a lie.

Sure Uncle David, Father Rothschild and Brother Obama are all guilty in this, but they have to play this yet in the being allowed the illusion they are innocents, because the mob gets this figured out and that mob still can turn those fun space platforms onto the lords and the priests.

Certainly these is smugness in this, in this has be bragged over a bit, in putting this all out there to the sheep, to just let them know what Judas Goat got them........but Uncle David is just still a wee bit upset in, yes he leverages this like Obama in blaming Congress for causing this, but he still wants taxes hiked on the "rich" because they focus on the Reagan and Bush43 tax cuts.

I will tell you something now again. Obama could put into place 100% taxes on the rich in America, and when the day was done, GE, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Barack Obama, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates would not pay one cent..........just like they do not pay taxes now.

These are the carnivore capitalists and crony capitalists, the tycoon and baron above the law, who manage weasels like Bill Gates and have worms like George Soros toting their bags full of cash.

For all the children quoting Saul Alinksy or Karl Marx.........childish experts, do you not comprehend the reality that they wrote their books no more than Barack Obama wrote his. The CFR publishes 98% fact and 2% lie, all to make the illusion palatable to young Limbaug and Levin minds.

Frankly, I would be bored in the psyops in this, as just how much can one get off on Ed Schultz managing the masses. Sure you have to keep the mob from dragging Uncle David to the guillotine, but what fun is there in running the engine on idle all the time for the "big objective".

Bag America that Christ created, get His Temple for satan, off a few billion humans, get your mortal into immortal, and you peek at the end and lose as Christ wins.
Geez Gomer, plot your whole damn existence for an idiots booby prize God is giving away for free.

After all of this Obama faux messiah stuff, I just can not get excited about sacrificing the American Virgin or.........oh some anti Chirst

Actually I get more intrigued why Google spellcheck will not recognize "else's" as a word of personal possession.
What is up with that really in not comprehending English, but then it took some time for Google to figure out Obama was a word and he is a English national.

Oh and Uncle David has defined Barack Hussein Obama in a book by Jonathan Steinberg. Here is the quote:

Over the last two decades, a distinctive regime type has emerged across the developing world, one that scholars have come to call competitive authoritarianism. This sort of political system allows for the contestation of power among different social groups, but with so many violations of electoral fairness and so little regard for liberal norms that it cannot be called a true democracy. From Russia to Peru, Cambodia to Cameroon, such regimes are now located in almost every region of the world, and how they develop will determine the shape of the twenty-first century.

And who is the definition of Obama?

Carter? Nope.

Stalin? Nope

Marx? Nope

Bush43 on maniac pills? Nope.

The definition of the new age custodian is none other than that other Berliner boy, Otto von Bismarck of Germany.

Children you should listen to this blog as you heard it hear long ago, and all you parrot is Krauthammer, Limbaugh and ..........oh whoever is cute for the moment.

The elite inform you of things..........well for those who need to be informed, if one is Inspired, one just watches the apes pealing bananas to know the picture of the jungle.
