Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Atomic Ice

Yes science will tell you God does not exist as you can not see Him, but of course you can believe in Supersymmetry, as they believe it might exist.

The short of this is simple in Europe has it's big atom smasher, which you know has only been constructed for Rothschild end of time reasons, as this thing has absolutely no value, except to give Europeans a "God Light" edge and it is why the Rothschilds shut down the America version several years ago.

I will make this more plain in at the heart of every atom, there is an energy signature of reason, which I term the God Light, as it is reflective of the Light of God, and by it, it responds to God's Creative will........think of it as this is the physical hands of God, as whatever He will, it becomes whether gold or human.
It is in a constant state of degrade and upgrade, but the core of this is an energy which wills everything together, call it an energy glue which is God Light.

So the Europeans in Rothschild order, who are of the illuminated one, have been smashing atoms, and in this they have come up with these odd names of things like "boson" which are two like matters occupying the same space compared to femions which are like matters which can not occupy the same space........and as this is all little things no one can see, we have all these brilliant minds who deny God, believing in critters of a miniature kind.

The supersyms are things animals in the zoo which rotate the same, but one rotates half a unit behind and hence they are alike so symmetrical..........at least that is what they believe down on the trillion dollar lab.

Now to explain this, in imagine you had a plate made of ice, and you smashed it on the floor.........ok the plate is an atom, and you are looking at a smashed atom.

You get like sized pieces, right, which are symmetrical. You get little shards which melt quickly and appear just like ghost images the scientists claim are some new critter, but they are still your ice plate, but only reacting different like John Kennedy's brain in big globs was still electric firing on the Dallas pavement, but in small bits they shorted out quickly.

That is the essence of what is being looked at here, is science found something moving in right dimensional direction, which is simple energy at base as that is how it moves.
The bits are broken energy winking out, and the other bits are simply a functioning base plate of the God Light.

Now to tell you something that the egg heads have no idea of as they play with this thing. This study at the secret levels is not about energy, science or anything else, but it is about the false Tree of Life in satan's minions have the extended life thing down in the geezer elite are not croaking but getting better.
What they require though is a false signature for their Metatrons Cube, or the Tree of Life design which the demon Metatron gave to the base in order to build something contrary to God's Plan of eternal life.
What they are shooting for is immortals, and the only way the Tree of Life engages is through God Light as that is thee only eternal Source.

They can not put satan darkness into it as it is anti light, or death, as satan is a murderer. This group has been corrupting the Israelite, meaning Americans etc.... Spiritual DNA genetics to study this and join with it.........cancer and immuno plague are the same structure in extended life in cancer reproduces fast meaning it can regenerate life they believe, and auto immune enhances the immune system for longevity.

These illuminated ones though still need a light source, and what they are busting apart is that God Light in atoms to attempt a regeneration on the long time atomic clock. They are attempting to reproduce the God Signature in order to activate this false tree of life, so that it will change the human DNA into an immortal strand, just like God ushered Adam and Eve out of the Garden to keep them from it.

Think of this as a Photon Vampire, meaning instead of blood from the body, this satanic science is attempting to suck the life from atomic structure to mimic the God Light for Tree of Life activation.
They are shedding the matter structure and leaving the energy form which glues it all together for the mark of the beast.

For simple understanding, the Tree of Life is a machine that makes people well, but it requires fuel to make it run like your car engine, and that fuel is God's Light Energy.

This is what all those one dimensional symbols in pentagrams, triangles, circles, phallic symbols in Washington, DC are about. You are looking at a one dimensional blue print like crop circles of the Sacred Geometry which transforms physics into life, in this case immortal life.

For them to invest this kind of fortune with continual smashing of atoms, means that time for this signature is short on a stellar clock. It should be a simple matter of frequency and once they obtain the pure tone, and isolate that, then they will be able to engage this false tree.
It is not like refining uranium for a bomb in needing quantity, it is instead a matter of signature amplified to activate this life machine.

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
All the kings horses and all the kings men
Could not put him back together again.

Sure didn't know where that one was going did you baby sister.

agtG 281