I have a wonderful Auntie who I love dearly in being my Uncle's second wife. She is a true American who lived on the high country of North Dakota her entire life in her family homesteaded that region as ranchers.
She is a self made woman in being educated, has worked in educational fields, works at EMT and is the backbone of her community.
She is though a person like all in western North Dakota who are furious over the Buffett Oklahoma Obama oil boom raping that state.
Her Christmas letter just amused the hell out of me as her writing always does, as she is the most plain spoken and fun person in summing things up.
She mentioned in her little town that she suspects there are 8000 vehicles going through town daily. That would a town where you could throw a rock across it as it is that small.
She has spoken of mile and a half lines of crude oil trucks and water towers pumped dry so the oil riggers can fracture that shale.......and it really never seems to soak into the rest of America what kind of rapine the Bakken is doing to real Americans there.
How would you like to have 8000 vehicles driving by your front door every day in heavy loud, smelling trucks?
Auntie D wrote a most telling line in, "I went to Jack n Jill and bought a lottery ticket, and I hope I win so I can get the hell out of here!"
As I have stated, this is her home for her entire life. She is person of the prairie lands and knows that country as she knows herself. She is good as gold and tough as nails. She would help anyone and just as quickly tell you to get your head out of your ass when you needed it, and that is why I love her so.
I was looking at her when she was here a few years ago, as we were sitting in a cafe. There were 6 women around that table, and it amused me as I sat by Mom, as not any of them were blood related, but had all married into my family, and every single one of these women got along from second cousins to aunts, just like they had been raised in the same home.
That is what family is in you are family in bond, even when blood is not that bond.
That is what the Bakken country is. It is groups of people that have known each other for generations. It is a place where you trade on a name in people will always ask who you are, and then when you tell them, they are figuring what relative of yours they knew and sizing you up the way you are from them.
A good name in that region gets you a mile wide access to anything and a friendly smile in the worst of times.
My brother is in retail a long distance from the Bakken, and yet people come into his department and get to talking and names exchange as well as places, and recently he mentioned a guy from the area who told him, "Why hell yes I knew your Uncle! He was a friend of mine".
Uncle has been dead for over a decade, and yet that name traded in good will as family.
You do not comprehend this kind of thing in large cities, as people are all harming each other and moving on to harm someone else. In that country, you need others and it matters in your name what others think about you, as it is that vital to your survival as Auntie was telling me some doped up drunken woman ran a guy off the road into a lake, and some locals pulled him out, because God told the wife to roll up the fishing lines as they had to go.
This is America, and that entire area of the Bakken is being raped literally and the locals are screaming about it and no one cares as the roads are destroyed and tankers run cars off the road.
It used to be some dumb kid would die falling off a rig when he was drunk. Now the entire Bakken is being killed.......of it's best American people.
Remember that as you fill up your gas tank and hear about Indakota by Rush Limbaugh. An American genocide is taking place and when America exterminates the people of western North Dakota.......well you can have that pleasant cesspool of Chicago's South Side to replace it.