Hear the Word of the Lord.
I will not most likely be doing this much longer my children. If the plagiarists and intelligence structure wants for the information, they will have to pay for it as they do all things in filtering Mockingbird cash to this blog or a benefactor will be moved to step up, as it is approaching the time that I will knock the dust off my packs and cinch the saddle and then will come the time you will grope in the dark at noonday in your Limbaugh's and Obama's have not the Prophesies for you, that have been mocked here.
This message is reality in you have installed a bastard messiah to fix your racism and destroy the God given heritage you did not earn.
Some like Congressional patrician trolls have joined the establishment in the 'anyone but Obama' and it 'Romney is the only one who will win'.
You have allowed the gang rape of the Alaskan Virgin God raised up and did nothing when she was driven off in murderous threats. She was the conduit and now in a whore's beckoning you go forward with the thrills of your Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich in trying to void yourself of Romney, while the Rovian machine grinds the process into oblivion, whereby you will be given the choice of a satanic mormon Jesus hater for a satanic Obama Jesus hater.
Children you can not exchange one devil for another devil and expect any God in this to save this shattered nation this blog predicted would be here in 2013 after Obama only left pieces.
Hugo Chavez has finally reasoned it out that Obama does not drag latino's through the streets like Khadaffi as several hundred million latin's going on rampage overthrowing Marxists of not Obama's choice would turn America into a complete rape and murder cancer all through America.
Yes all sorts of things can be engineered from heart conditions to cancers by a scratch or a flip of the switch.
You are in the abyss America and the demonic choice being offered you is one of a non Jesus leader in the White House for the final cycle. God will not bless this people nor spare them in installing these anti Christ's into the White House. No I do not say Obama is thee anti Christ as that person is in Europe, but anyone who is of a cult like Romney is anti Christ as they deny Jesus His Office.
So you contemplate your foolish fixes from Hillary fused onto Obama which leaves you with a traveling whore from babylon with it's road show designer negro or you try to put in cultist Romney who is jacking his election on the sell out of Gov. Haley, who took the Tea Party support and put it into the brothel kitty.
For those who think they will win this war with Romney, you have Boehner who is a fraud as much as anything in the Senate. They will not repeal the god of Obama's policies as they feed off of it like a cancer stuffing their coffers with cash as America becomes the feudal state, and your Limbaugh nectars of FOX is a vomit you are drunk on as you can not sup of this filth again enough of to deaden your senses.
I informed you previously I will not be joined in this whoredom as one whore for another will not assemble Righteousness. This is a tattered fray of Santorum in people begging anyone but Romney as the patrician begs anyone but Obama.
You do not have time you house of lepers. I will not heal you even if you come with camel trains for the stench of you screams for Judgment and not a washing in the Jordan. I will though Mockingbird for a king's ransom tell the secrets you now ferret for. I will not be sold for 30 pieces, but you will be divested of an offering fitting.
For you Islamocommunists on Arabian Sea parade, think not your T can not be crossed in naval operations. Parading in a wake of power, those warships will be fodder as the Japanese found in the South China Sea as the Americans crossed the T with full broadside.
Penalty is phase is beginning as the messages have been delivered.

So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah.
And the king of Babylon smote them, and put them to death in Riblah in the land of Hamath.
agtG 314Y