Americans just do not seem to comprehend that their elections in majory drench points are as fraud as anything in Kenya or Russia.
In that, B. Hussein Obama stole the 2008 elections, as certainly as Al Franken stole the Minnesota Senate seat as did Harry Reid in Nevada.
There is no fair play in the elections, but only rigged outcomes to make Americans think they are getting to vote.
Consider 40 million illegals now. Consider motor voter fraud. Consider the dead voting. Consider the algorythm radar waves which can reprogram voting machines, as Harry Reid accomplished in people voted Republican and out popped Harry Reid's name.
I'm warning you children that you are going to see a smug ass, sh*t eating grin on B. Hussein Obama' face with a paper that reads ,GOP Wins like Truman did, and it will all be due to the reality of vote fraud in America again.
Ever ask yourself why US Soldiers constantly have their votes not counted, and the Republican establishment never says a word?
Why would Karl Rove not challenge Al Franken stealing an election? Why not make a big deal about oversea military votes? Yet this Rove could have cared less about free and fair elections.
It is because the patricians are all the same animal, fang and claw. They want this socialist Obama government in all feed off of it. It is the reality that Obama is the Bush choice so Sippy Cup Jeb will run in 2016.........or be stuck on the GOP ticket as a "conservative" in 2012.
Consider the facts in Obama will 'win' the east and left coast by hook and crook as usual.
All he really needs to do is flip Mexican votes in states like Colorado in illegals voting to the vote rigging in states like Ohio.
Put in a few close shaves as in the Carolinas, or dump Florida into Obama's camp early and the GOP will turn out the lights by 7 pm just like in 2008.
It is not that hard to steal elections. South Dakota is notorious for it as is Ilinois and Texas. You know there are entire areas of this nation rigged to vote fraud, and as long as the Democratic margins are within striking distance, they will steal an election every time.
This blog has exclusively stated Obama needs to be within 30 million votes to win, as he can flip no more votes than that. In 2008, he flipped 10 million.
Granted in the Plouffe Axelrod strategy, Obama could lose the election literally, but in stealing high electoral college states, he would be given the victory.
It is all about the choke point states, regions, and those incestuous Democratic hubs of population centers who always have more people voting than voters listed, and the FEC never bothers with any of this nor the media, as the elite all want this rigging in trading power and ruling the same way.
Stealing 2012 is more than doable, as 2008 was stolen. Do not be surprised in a Kremlin vote for Obama in the rigged GOP will gain the Congress and Obama will tag along for a ride signing everything as each pick on the corpse of America for 2016.
All it will require is the same ACORN work of 2008, in a few key states and districts, and with the Rovians in on it, Obama will once again be an illegal in the White House.
As this blog exclusively proved, Obama 2012 does not have the donor base for the money they claim is coming in.......and yet no one but here has made an issue of it.
Stealing elections is now the norm in America, and Obama will steal this one if the margin is not wide enough.
PS: Yes I'm zip files on the blogs as we will try concentrated thought as long blogs were lost in the minds of the children.