In woodcraft, the weakest point of union, as in metalcraft, is the union or the joint which creates boards into a dresser or table.
The edge joint or flat butt of two plain edges is a problem which is attempted to be overcome with glues, lap joints, dowel joints and screws, but the problem remains in wood has a living property like metal in it reacts to temperature and moisture.
Wood for example must be ripped to two inch boards and then the warp of the wood mirrored into each other in glued joints, to keep table tops or dresser tops stable.
That is the secret in this world in the best joinery is that of the small strips of wood joined in this manner.
The most brilliant mind I know was teaching me something of atomic structures in the octagon is the perfection of nature in molecular structures are always attempting to gain structure from other atoms in order to become the perfect 8.
The structure is unique in elements in there is the base 7 which is always forming from the lesser molecules. This is part of the natural creative process God commanded in this world of God's creation and satanic destruction of the creation, but the base form of life always remains in atomic structures.
I ponder numbers in God, in 6 being the state of fallen man, seven being the number of perfection in the 7 eyes of the Holy Ghost or Attributes, and how a redeemed person is a seven and when joined into the family of God is an 8, or should be in practical law.
This brings me back to the question which I pondered in, "Why eight?"
In woodworking, the edge to edge joint is really not strong. One can put a spleen, a tongue and groove or wafers into that joint to make it strong, but in atomic structure, there might be electric glue, but one can not just go cut out a neutron spleen to make things all perfect and strong.
That is the problem in this, in we see a stop sign as an octogon and never comprehend that in all Sacred Geometry, it is not one dimension or two, but geometry is three dimensional.
It is not just a structure of one side, but multiple sides cubed. This is what an atom is, who you are and Who God is.
This structure does not say in one place, but it moves and is quite fluid, as all things are a form of God's Liquidity.
So what we are dealing with is like watching a water drop in outerspace, keeping form and shape no matter the distortion in continuity of purpose of "like" keeping to like.
The astute will already be forming this in the three dimensional octagon. Nature reveals that the triangle is the strongest force. This octahedron, is not a solitary structure, but is a combining structure based on 8, meaning while the single union structure is weak, one can multiply this by factors of 8
One must examine this in why not a 5 or a 6 or for that matter a 12 or 16.
Dividing the 360 degree sphere of the whole we find 72 degrees to 60 degrees for the smaller numbers to 30 to 22.5 degrees for the larger numbers.
When one divides 8 though into 360, one receives 45 degrees, which is the Sacred Number of Euclid geometry in what is pleasing to the eye. This natural pleasure is more than looks, but is a reality in humans recognizing the natural strength of the 45 degree angle.
As this progresses on realizes that a base 2 or 4 is a weak union in they are single and double dimension only.
It is not until one continues to the octahedron structure does one form the base structure which is the strongest of building blocks in the 360 degree structure. 180 degrees is two halves and is weakness in structure and can not exist in three dimensions.
Three dimensional structure in 120 degrees and is weakness again in combined structure and fails in proportion to the sphere unity.
It is though this progression of the 8 equilateral triangles of the octahedron that one arrives at the strongest unity in God's Nature, and the structure upon which the strongest bond can be created and remain unbroken.
Think of it like a pin cushion, in you could have a million little points of glued contact, but that many points would shatter. The same with the incorrect angle in the union of a 22.5 or 72.
But when the octahedron appears in perfect angle, perfect multiplied strength, breaks down to triangular structure, then one achieves the Spiritual building block.
The most fascinating part of this is when in one dimension the stop sign has 8 corners, but when the octahedron appears in 8 sides in three dimensions, then it transforms into the cubed triangle structure God's Nature adores, again the Sacred Trinity.
Tetrahedron | Cube (or Regular hexahedron) | Octahedron | Dodecahedron | Icosahedron |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
These Platonic Solids all form the nucleus of life, and if one knows what one is looking at, one sees the base structures of the Tree of Life, in the same Sacred Trinity which melds with the six pointed star to the five pointed star in the patterns emerge forming the 360 degree God Sphere people are born into.
As my Teacher informed me, all of this touches us from the fuel in your cars in enhanced mileage to the foods we eat, as entire industries depend on this God Math working exactly as it does in this mystery.
This is the Physical Mystery joined to the Sacred Geometry. If you can understand this, this is the magic, literally the magik of the hidden knowledge of the rites. It is the reason the cartels have tampered with the Spiritual gene God created in Americans, because this is all about the transfiguration or worse the transmutation of humans into a dark matter form to serve the anti God or anti Christ disorder.
This is the DNA vibrational atomic structure hidden, and it is a pattern where the sperm of the hydrogen couples with the egg of the base 7 elements. This geometric pattern is the base structure of the demonic arts and the base structure of the reflection of God's creation.
God reveals the base 7 structure is perfection, but in base 8, it is necessary for the transformation of people to Spiritual children.
I'm grateful to my Teacher for opening my eyes in God's understanding to this, as I presume in this that there are natural energy abilities in this of free energy in attractions are a force, and harnessed in magnified quantities, they are a limitless the pull of magnets on each other or metals.
Yes you can create a magnet engine. It is was the drive I created for my starship many years ago in electromagnetic propulsion.
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PS: To my brilliant mind, this is now only pleasurable with you to enjoy the discovery with.