Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Tim in Tebow

Christian Science Monitor - 25 minutes ago
Tim Tebow is many things to many people, in part because he has sparked a national conversation about religion's place in American life. ...

For those who do not know Tim Tebow, he is an NFL quarterback who has bad mechanical skills and is reviled for them under the cover, that Tim Tebow made Pro Life commercial with his Mom for the 2010 Super Bowl.

Tebow has won for the Denver Broncos in unorthodox ways, because God is winning those games for him.
Tim Tebow though is an example of someone who is in this cartel generated American sports religion designed to keep the Romans at the games amused while the state rapes the nation and destroys the people by enslaving them.
It is a religion of jocks, no different than actors or any of the others musings Americans delve into in trying to empower themselves on a a platform which is always fleeting and robs them from the one connection in the world in God Who would really empower them.

I recently wrote about the 24 hours of God's Time in a week which people really have to decide and show to God whose they are. I never put in the time I invest in God as this is not a competition among Christians. I state here now though that in rough estimate, out of those 24 hours of time, left after sleeping and working, I still invest around 18 hours in prayer, Bible study and listening to God.

I was stunned years ago in watching the Charlie Rose show in the Monday Night Football cast was on in Dan Dierdorf, Al Michaels and Frank Gifford. What was shocking to me was these three actually were carrying on like some priests in being all somber in equating MNF as some sort of sacred thing of deep meaning.
It is a football game. It is a child's game which groups of childish males are paid huge sums of money to not grow up, in order to entertain people who attach themselves to that "power" in order to make their lives mean something.
Change it out and put Obama into it, and you have the same stage and people who need a fix investing all they are in something which is going to get them into hell and not Heaven.

You can see this jock culture on all the networks which carry football. That Howie Long carries on like he is someone worth listening to, but is dumb as a post. He was a big guy who played for the Raiders, failed at acting, and went into commenting on football and is so fricking stupid, he picks the wrong teams as he has no God in Him for inspiration.
All these jocks though sit around preening like they are more profound than others, but are so stuck in that scared little boys world, that is all they can inhabit.

The little jock structure is even worse. My nephews are little jocks who were good baseball players, but into age 30 they would invest huge amounts of time in sports, which absolutely astonished me as sports was worth most of their free hours while their Mom sat in the stands watching worthless games, which had absolutely no meaning, but all of them clung to their little world, as it gave them a stage to perform on to validate themselves.

As someone Inspired, I feel those people in sports, and they are loud because they are scared in having to make more noise in order to be noticed. They have no lives, because instead of growing in God, they put it all into sports which makes their empty souls even more harsh and disgusting.
I can come down on sports as this is currently a raw nerve with me as deep as those who abuse women, because the two are interrelated in satan, but you can point to the "Jesus quoters" to in I learned recently someone who was a Jesus quoter was sniping at me behind my back in pretending an association.
See when you are in this vocation, the people who claim Jesus still want to knock me down and supplant this spot.

If you want to know something, I don't give a care about this blog as it is not my God. If people want Lame Cherry, make an offer and buy the thing, as my place is in God in how I'm validated in Him. I deny myself as Christ commands and give all credit to God.
I'm not of this world and never have been in all it's hurtful murderous ways. I don't view this as some platform to perform on to make me something, as God knows me, and I don't have to reach for Nobel Prizes nor for ripping someone down just because I want that place. No, my place with God is my lone focus and that is why when I go through years of exhaustion, sickness, service, dangers, the regime threatening me, satan hindering and my life literally being discussed for murder.......it really infuriates me the little satan minions who come out and warn people of me, while they are off indulging in their own little sport's cathedrals as they lie to themselves they are such wonderful "christians" in knowing how to lecture to people on how to live their lives........while let us see about their lives.

Tim Tebow get's lectured by Joe Theisman. A really good example there in Joe had a beautiful doting wife and children, and he dumped her ass for some blonde Hollywood whore named Kathy Lee Crosby.

Frank Gifford, well he was divorced, married young Kathy Lee Gifford and Mr. Jock on a plane was trying to f*ck a big titted stewardess.

Really fine examples there of American sports is it not? Sure you can point to "christians" in sports, but they are exception and not the rule. You don't find jocks gathering at the local Church to praise God now do you. Nope you got the sports bars where satan hangs out and is grooming them for hell.

Amazing in this, is in 1776, all these jocks would be the same big bully, no brains, who had no money and were either hung for being asses in raping the local women or were foddered off to war to actually have a purpose in life. People just do not get the reality in American sports except for conditioning the masses, like the mainstream religion, has absolutely no value in real life.

That was driven home the hard way last year in my Mom was injured and her life would have been over without me. I made the decision to invest in her for over a year to help her recover. It was ground in when Obama ruined the Steelers chance at winning the Super Bowl as anything he picks is toxic.
I like the tactical structure of football as I do chess, but I honestly was weaned off of this as for me personally, I have been led to the point, that the reality is when the Great Tribulation engages, I will require a place in God secure, more than having the knowledge that I watched a perverted rapist like Kobe Bryant put a ball into a hoop which is twice as large as the ball.

Amazing isn't it in gophers do that hundreds of times a day too, and yet only jocks get paid millions for what a rodent does daily.

It is very obvious now in this sports arena which is not about sports, but about males starting out in grade school bullying others in a caste system, which degrades to a life long raping of women, who then are emotionally battered by this endless scoring, and turn that venom onto the world, that this like all educational, religious and political castes in this world are nothing but a false religion, enticing people to think that they are something when if you look in the Bible, you find no reference to Pope worship, not reference to the Gospel being about IQ and there is not Thou shalt worship the football and it only shall you serve.

You can take this down to fishing, to someone absorbed on computers, to some one on dope, to any other thing which takes priority for people over God in that demonic spike of "feel good" for a few moments, and the endorphins wear off and all of a sudden you need more than just a few hours of football......then it is the sports channel bankrupting you, then it is the sports bar, then it is football pools, as the investment demands more payment until the soul is worn out and nothing is left as God is supplanted and nothing is there inside.

All of this rubs off, and parents had better start figuring this out, in that same harshness, same using people, same law of the jungle is being imprinted on your children in wholesale, and ruining their lives.

.......and there is Tim Tebow attacked for being an "overbearing" evangelist, because God has no place in this world and that message is looked upon with scorn.......and if anyone dares in that sodom to bring up "God" or morality, it is the trigger for all these satanic minions to just see what they can to do make the Christian into sinner, like getting the pretty girl drunk and then raping her and making pictures for that trophy.

Nothing like millions of people ruining their lives and fortunes, following around people who God already has tagged for hell, as they are willingly satans.

Tim Tebow will eventually be ruined for being a Christian. Kurt Warner was culled too, as they just wait for these people to get hurt and then dump them, because you know now it is.......you are only worth anything when you are on the team, and when you get hurt, then you are an outsider and not one on the stage.
Of course, if you are a guy some woman will come along and try to put you together to work out her Nightingale syndrome and if you are a girl, some guy will come along and promise you all sorts of things and f*ck you and dump you on the sidelines again, in this soul grinder of eternal death.

None of which is quite glamorous when the light is shown on what this is all about and the cartels involved.
Sport used to involve a Teddy Roosevelt nature or horses, firearms, the hunt, because it honed one's military skills for the defense of one's family and nation.

America is the Roman Games, and it is complete with the orgy, before, during and after, as the chosen in the arena are there to be disposed of by the predators in that same arena, all for the profit of the elite selling things from tickets to that medical profession having more victims created for it in injuries.

My Grandpa who I never knew, as he died the year before I was born, said, "You will pay for the aches you create in your youth", and that is so very true as bodies worn out become crippled and the thing is no one is ever around to care.
They just pump you full of pain meds or hack off body parts.

Slavery, prostitution, rape, cannibalism, murder of souls...........a most interesting religion America practices every day of the week, and does it all with cheers, people killing themselves to stay on that stage and somehow it is all legal.
