Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Em & M

I have been conducting human behavior experiments in the subject of Anglo Nubian goats. Being specific, one can not transfer such data collected onto all genus of the species, but can only speak to the reality of this hybrid of England and Africa.

As I have been typing these articles on various subjects and creating artwork, my companions for the past 7 days have been two does who I have named after my Aunties, Em and M.
For the second year now, I have noted something interesting which I submit here as apparently goats in America are a faster growing hobby than importing illegal Obama's.

M is currently propped up on my chair checking out my keyboard and Em is assisting as these two animals have taken on human children traits. At one week, I would conclude they are the equivalent of an 8 year old dog and are as knowledgeable as a 1 year old human child.

They know already words and phrases from pee, bed, eat and come.

It was a surprise last year in my other two subjects became potty trained. Em and M, have readily become potty trained in they will follow me out to my entry, and when told to pee, will do just that into an area that while not exact as a kitty litter tray, they do indeed though will not soil their bed.
Their bed just happens to be an old bassinet which I was stuffed into as a baby. They do not jump out, which surprised me and I'm thankful for. They behave remarkably well.

Due to my empath abilities, they never have been vocal as I do pay attention to them. That troubles me, as how attention absorbing they are, I wonder how absolutely neglected they would be by a goat doe, as they literally are as loving as a handicapped child in drinking in attention.

On day 4, I started a conversation with Em who takes after her mother. Her mother, Marie, is a female who does a great deal of pleasant groaning as I milk her, and as Nubians are quite vocal in letting one know their ideas, Marie is even more so.
Em as she was laying on my lap started making little groans as I pet her, so I started talking to her in a cuddling voice, to which she responded.
She now will not lay on any one's lap without in every exhale making a cute moan.

I have found that goats for the first three months of their lives, are dog like, but after weaning, they will tend to revert to more of a goat behavior in being independent or act like they do not need attention, but still desire it.

They require 4 feedings a day as infants, which I do not mind as it is just 3 months, and I would rather enjoy this entertainment than something like baseball which is an odd entertainment in adults hitting a ball with a stick, who do not care about the fans in inviting them for supper, but yet people will attach to this event and pay a large sum to interact.

Kids in the first three days like crow hopping in movement to exercise. They will by day seven, depending upon maturity as groups born are like puppies in more mature kids and less mature kids.
M is mature while Em is less mature, but Em is catching up quickly.

They are independent and yet dependent. M decides all the world must come to her when calling and Em decides that she would rather cuddle most of the time than be independent.

These observations are by necessity as snow has our outdoor activities at a standstill. It is a much better situation than heat lamps outdoors as some local dabbler in livestock, burned their goats up in being kind to them in keeping them outside when a lamp started a fire.

I have always preferred animals inside, and my Mother was a great mentor in providing us with everything from piglets to colts to occupy our time.

I see now that M has bedded down by the furnace blower as it is her signal she would like to go to bed, Em is chewing on my computer keyboard cord.....one simply moves them away as striking goats is the last thing one should ever do as they are very intelligent and go off in time in becoming uncontrollable if one is a human out of control.

The above should assist people who decide to be owned by a goat, as they captivate the soul. There appears to be a unique quality in while cats suck emotions from people with nothing in return, dogs feed back emotion to humans which are given, goats for their young period appear to absorb human emotions in a narcotic effect.

They are most interesting creatures who have been maligned by shortsighted individuals who apparently were not more intelligent than the people doing the judging.
Perhaps like those who use terms denigrating, pigs in something about lipstick on a pig while attacking Sarah Palin.

Enough of this for now, as it is approaching feeding time and I soon enough have to go on patrol.


Obama Anomaly

Even if most people only understand a portion of what goes on here in the enigma presented, those who have this blog under surveillance for the order which does comprehend most of the fringe, have got to be in a myopia of dimensional illusion at times and either choose to go insane or choose to deny what they see.

There has been for some time evidence online that the photos of Barack Obama just do not seem to be what they appear. As others have been busy with it, I have not joined into their work, as it is their work.
I'm so moved at this point though to point a few things out which no one else has, as that is the purpose here to expose things which no one else notes.

In the above photo, which is of the 1960 era photo type, one can see a typical baby Obama photo. Yellowing with age, the striped romper and the nondescript background of black and white photography.

What though puzzles me is photos in this series I have been studying.

Here we have the same vintage photo common in the kodak moment, but the things obvious point to the continuing anomaly of Obama.
The obvious is Obama is about age 3, wearing big boy shorts so he is potty trained. The flora points to a tropical setting, the tub and cheap shower again point to the tropical climate as does the warped padlocked door.

What does not make sense though is the hammer in baby Obama's hand. The hammer is not typical little boy tools of that age sold in tool kits. This does not seem to be a tack hammer of carpenter speciality, but yet it is glossy like a more modern hammer.........as little boy toys were cheap and roughly made.......also light so little boys could carry them and not do damage.

I will not go into what kind of a parent gives a weapon like this to a child to whack men in the testicles, take eyes out of other children, bust television screens and windows..........you get the idea that hammers which little Obama has to choke up the stick on, are quite heavy, and this kid has one.
It is not so much the hammer does not seem to fit the era or situation, but the black and white photo does not fit the paper of that era.

The photo fits the era of this picture in Africa, as it is clear and non gloss. Not like the baby photo which is off colored, but a photograph of clarity in match to a mid 1980's film.

For those who have not studied photographic film. The film of the 1960's was primarily black and white. Color was rare and expensive enough that few of the working class indulged in such things.
The film of that era was slick and glossy. It literally was slippery to the touch, and yet, the hammer photo is of not this quality. Kodak was king and it was the norm. There was not a Japanese industry or anyone else then. Japan was still manufacturing things in 1960 which had Americans laughing at "Made in Japan" meant a joke.

So we come to a 1965 era photo of Obama in color. Again this was rare as color only became the norm from about 1970 onward as Kodak literally cheapened film price then and the quality was so well, that an American nation switching from black and white movies and televisions to color were being dazzled by the new era.
Once again though a problem ensues in this photo in it is grainy like 1950's era film. While it is not as horrid as the 1940's colors which were always tinted off color, it still does not match the glossy films of the 1960's.

This brings us to the tale of two Obama films.

The color is tinted correctly in this photo, but it is too clear in not having the correct gloss. The color photo does match in era color, but it is too grainy like a World War II photo.

I do not know if this is some joke by the cartel in manufacturing photos of Obama which do not match era or if Obama just has some strange time warp anomaly in his pictures during the 1960's which disappear after he reappears in Hawaii for school in the 1970's.

It is all like an April Fool's joke in begging people to spot things which do not make sense, if you knew 1960's photography and era persona.

The only thing which is certain is baby Obama had hands as big as big can be. The one with Gramps has the entire top of his head covered.......and yet with Muchelle, there is Obama with the same size hands as the Muchelle of his dreams.

It is just so odd as if some time warp happened around Obama and he phased in and out of dimension. Just one more thing with Obama which doesn't make any sense in normal terms.

There is of course no space time anomaly. There is Obama and the ectoplasm message being sent.

agtG 230

Limbaugh Acres

Limbaugh Acres is the place to be
No farmers is the life for me
Land spreadin' out so far and wide

Lock people in cities and own me that countryside

Well the same group of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro Lesibola which brought the world Obama microfinance, is at it again, and farmer hating Rush Limbaugh must be just in blondeberry heaven suckin' on that big ole smokepole of Elton John vintage, as the Dutch have figured out how to Al Gore feed the world...............and it is not to farm land, no it is to farm your living room.

Don't worry folks though, as you won't be in it, as the global greeners have not figured out that when you farm cities, that you displace people.........but that's quite alright pilgrim as the poison ivy of the field and the plague ridden rodents of the forest are not going to have their niche bothered any more.

This lunacy is the advanced step of Al Gore telling Future Farmers to find a new job back in the late 1990's as America was going to import all their food.

The Dutch have come up with a real winner though in highrise gardens, without sunlight and without soil, so all that yummy crude oil fertilizer will be what you are chewing on to your deaths.

How much do you think a tomatoe will cost grown on a hundred million dollar lot in London, New York or Paris?

The globalists have not figured this out.........but they throw around growing food in Siberia too, but they don't quite comprehend that Siberia is cold......that it would require heat pumps which cost electricity, which need lights which cost electricity, which need fans which cost electricity, which needs pesticides as these greenhouses always have bug problems, which which which.........when father Putin gets pissed he will cut off the food supply just like he does natural gas, so Americans can starve to death.

Rush Limbaugh though will just love this as it rids the world of agriculture subsidies. It will all be General Electric, Bayer, Microsoft etal doing the corporate farming and there will be no need for George Soros to set Obama Chicago commodity prices, as the monopoly like with diamonds and oil will just order up the prices they gouge folks with.
Ain't this foodlock exactly what we want folks from the blovenous Limbaugh who brought us this America destroying GRIDLOCK with Karl Rove.

The big lie as this blog has pointed out is not that the world does not have enough land nor that it has too many people. Earth can easily support 70 to 80 billion people. This will shock liberal globalists, but the fact is the problem with world hunger is Barack Hussein Obama community organized Marxist states.

Those states are run by the European cartels which in turn rape those nations of mineral wealth and buy up all the land, so the poor can not grow their own food, as there is always some war going on or some communist thug murdering the locals.

You can fit the entire world's population in one American sized county with feet on each side of the person. There is enough land if Jefferson land reforms took place instead of Obama stealing Libyan and Sudanese oil.

The globalists have no idea that the cereal grains which people eat require land, just like potatoes. The garden crops of vegetables can be grown in small plots or greenhouses, but when it comes to wheat, it takes acres, just like it takes space to grow fruits, vines and nuts.

This is lost on the buffalo commons Neanderthals, because like Limbaugh they got their heads shoved up Elton John's rectal hole.

This blog alone has laid out a Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles protocol for transforming America as was the original American mandate in taking arid lands and making them bloom into gardens. In accomplishing this, it will empower masses of people by producing a product which gives them a very good living.
The fact is though if America would transform as she could, she could feed the entire world and have so much food left over it would break the price system.

So while Limbaugh and the Obamites can envision sexy little famers in rollerblades and shades, out pushing buttons to feed and water their cabbages, the reality is nature as the goofy Prince Charles manages his farms is the correct method.
Charles while wacko does have farms which works with wildlife. I myself maintain my vistas in the same manner and method of birdhouses to ponds, proving that one can manage acreage for both production and necessary wildlife, compared to Monsanto scorched earth.

As stated, start land reform in all these third world Obama Marxist death traps, give the people guns to maintain their own security, and the world will operate just fine in feeding itself without these massive cost producing greenhouse methods which belong on Mars and the Moon literally, but not on earth.

God made the planet to be husbanded by humans. That means tended in all forms, including "wilderness" which is meant to be tamed and worked with for the benefit of nature and people.

The idiots who were advocating for the globalists "buffalo commons" in ridding people of the land and raising buffalo on these arid lands, have been proven wrong. America can be and must be a mix of irrigated gardens and open fields of livestock with cereal grains in order to save humanity.
America must have a President who champions the people of the third and second world in land reform, so they can farm their own independence.

It is that simple as God intended and as the Founders put into place, based upon the old Israelite landholder system.

Only a half brain would come up with something otherwise, unless they were intent on the feudal state which is what Obama is all about.



Future farm: a sunless, rainless room indoors

(AP) Gertjan Meeuws of PlantLab, a private research company, smiles during an interview with The...
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DEN BOSCH, Netherlands (AP) - Farming is moving indoors, where the sun never shines, where rainfall is irrelevant and where the climate is always right.

The perfect crop field could be inside a windowless building with meticulously controlled light, temperature, humidity, air quality and nutrition. It could be in a New York high-rise, a Siberian bunker, or a sprawling complex in the Saudi desert.

Advocates say this, or something like it, may be an answer to the world's food problems.

"In order to keep a planet that's worth living on, we have to change our methods," says Gertjan Meeuws, of PlantLab, a private research company.

The world already is having trouble feeding itself. Half the people on Earth live in cities, and nearly half of those - about 3 billion - are hungry or malnourished. Food prices, currently soaring, are buffeted by droughts, floods and the cost of energy required to plant, fertilize, harvest and transport it.

And prices will only get more unstable. Climate change makes long-term crop planning uncertain. Farmers in many parts of the world already are draining available water resources to the last drop. And the world is getting more crowded: by mid-century, the global population will grow from 6.8 billion to 9 billion, the U.N. predicts.

To feed so many people may require expanding farmland at the expense of forests and wilderness, or finding ways to radically increase crop yields.

Meeuws and three other Dutch bioengineers have taken the concept of a greenhouse a step further, growing vegetables, herbs and house plants in enclosed and regulated environments where even natural light is excluded.

In their research station, strawberries, yellow peppers, basil and banana plants take on an eerie pink glow under red and blue bulbs of Light-Emitting Diodes, or LEDs. Water trickles into the pans when needed and all excess is recycled, and the temperature is kept constant. Lights go on and off, simulating day and night, but according to the rhythm of the plant - which may be better at shorter cycles than 24 hours - rather than the rotation of the Earth.

In a larger "climate chamber" a few miles away, a nursery is nurturing cuttings of fittonia, a colorful house plant, in two layers of 70 square meters (750 sq. feet) each. Blasts of mist keep the room humid, and the temperature is similar to the plants' native South America. After the cuttings take root - the most sensitive stage in the growing process - they are wheeled into a greenhouse and the chamber is again used for rooting. The process cuts the required time to grow a mature plant to six weeks from 12 or more.

The Dutch researchers say they plan to build a commercial-sized building in the Netherlands of 1,300 square meters (14,000 sq. feet), with four separate levels of vegetation by the end of this year. After that, they envision growing vegetables next to shopping malls, supermarkets or other food retailers.

Meeuws says a building of 100 sq meters (1,075 sq. feet) and 14 layers of plants could provide a daily diet of 200 grams (7 ounces) of fresh fruit and vegetables to the entire population of Den Bosch, about 140,000 people. Their idea is not to grow foods that require much space, like corn or potatoes. "We are looking at the top of the pyramid where we have high value and low volume," he said.

Sunlight is not only unnecessary but can be harmful, says Meeuws. Plants need only specific wavelengths of light to grow, but in nature they must adapt to the full range of light as a matter of survival. When light and other natural elements are manipulated, the plants become more efficient, using less energy to grow.

"Nature is good, but too much nature is killing," said Meeuws, standing in a steaming cubicle amid racks of what he called "happy plants."

For more than a decade the four researchers have been tinkering with combinations of light, soil and temperature on a variety of plants, and now say their growth rate is three times faster than under greenhouse conditions. They use no pesticides, and about 90 percent less water than outdoors agriculture. While LED bulbs are expensive, the cost is steadily dropping.

Olaf van Kooten, a professor of horticulture at Wageningen University who has observed the project but has no stake in it, says a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of tomatoes grown in Israeli fields needs 60 liters (16 gallons) of water, while those grown in a Dutch greenhouse require one-quarter of that. "With this system it is possible in principle to produce a kilo of tomatoes with a little over one liter of water," he said.

The notion of multistory greenhouses has been around for a while. Dickson Despommier, a retired Columbia University professor of environmental health and author of the 2010 book "The Vertical Farm," began working on indoor farming as a classroom project in 1999, and the idea has spread to several startup projects across the U.S.

"Over the last five year urban farming has really gained traction," Despommier said in a telephone interview.

Despommier argues that city farming means producing food near the consumer, eliminating the need to transport it long distances at great costs of fuel and spoilage and with little dependency on the immediate climate.

The science behind LED lighting in agriculture "is quite rigorous and well known," he said, and the costs are dropping dramatically. The next development, organic light-emitting diodes or OLEDs, which can be packed onto thin film and wrapped around a plant, will be even more efficiently tuned to its needs.

One of the more dramatic applications of plant-growing chambers under LED lights was by NASA, which installed them in the space Shuttle and the space station Mir in the 1990s as part of its experiment with microgravity.

"This system is a first clear step that has to grow," Van Kooten says, but more research is needed and people need to get used to the idea of sunless, landless agriculture.

"But it's clear to me a system like this is necessary."