"Neither shall you give any of your offspring to cause to pass over to Molech nor shall you profane the Name of your God; I Am the Lord."
If you want to see the future of this country look to the past. History repeats in Santayana cycles in weather patterns, divisional tribal wars, and Israel cycle of rebellion, iniquity, judgement, repentance, salvation.
America, descendant of Manasseh, you turned from the blessing of your Inheritance and in your godless pride and wickedness you elected a high priest who serves his demonic master in payment of human sacrifice. You have sold your soul and your innocents for a profit and payment will be required of you beyond what you can fathom.
Are murdered children "medical waste" or is that the ovens of Auschwitz reStericycled? Speaking of closing the loop, Tyler Durden never mentioned in commentary of women's fat asses that cosmetic companies make a profit off murdered children's parts in Covergirl coverups. Shhh it will just be our dirty little secret as all American rejects of humanity are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Research for the human condition, and it is all by the children, for the children. My oh my, aren't we all civilized.
Harsh realities no one likes to talk about in our pie-in-the-sky world. How is the social security theft to be repaid if you are killing off future wage slaves? Think of the elderly! Wait your turn now, Obamacare panels will be pushing you off the ice floes soon enough. World resources are scarce, can't be wasting them on societal drains. Better kill off the welfare leeches too, well thank Molech and Margaret we have a built-in population cull! It is all about a woman's right to off herself with Planned Parenthood breast cancer and stroke pills if she damn well chooses. Pfizer recall you say? Surely they would not be giving us pills to pop if they do not work, or is it too soon to mention a 340% increase in breast cancer risk to the Nubian welfare abortion queens? Got their herr did, got the taxpayers to help them further and faster down the road to perdition.
If you stay silent, your hands are bloodguilty red too. That is not a cosmetic shade which washes off.
