"Den de war come. I 'member how massa come home on de furlough and when word come he on de way, us all git ready for de big cel'bration. Dey kill the yearlin' or hawg and all us niggers cook for de big feast. Sometimes iffen he stay a week, we jes' do nothin' but eat and cook.
"Dem de good old days, but dey didn't last, for de war am over to sot de slaves free and old massa ask if we'll stay or go. My folks jes' stays till I's a growed gal and gits married and has a home of my own. Den my old man tell me how de Yankees stoled him from de fields. Dey some cavalry sojers and dey make him take care of de hosses. He's 'bout twict as old as me, and he say he was in de Bull Run Battle. He's capture in one battle and run 'way and 'scape by de holp of a Southern regiment and fin'ly come back to Mississip'.The shocking reality is the American Negroid has in their veins a childlike need to be wards of an overseer and gravitate toward it. That is the reality of the Trayvon Martin scenario in Barack Obama and Eric Holder, knowing the Negroid mentality to be a herd or pack creature, simply sent in a Judas Goat like Al Sharpton, and the entire primate group came out of the jungle and started making noises about things they had no idea of.
Yes these are the folks who have the vote, own property and have jobs in arenas where it is now obvious, they do not belong anywhere near sharp objects or decision making.
Did you ever contemplate why it is the Mongoloid in America compared to the Negroid, never went through the upheaval the Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, Indian or Indochinese ever has?
Study the evidence in the Kung Fu Coolie came to America, built the railroad, built cities and built prosperous lives all without any government welfare or wars. Compare that to the Negroid of Obama who has done nothing, even fused with Caucasoid blood to progress beyond Dr. Martin King's dream, but instead have regressed into the Obama nightmare.
Henry Lewis, another slave, who was freed, but loved being a slave, gave a prophetic quote from his Master:
"Old massa he a big, stocky Irishman with sandy hair and he ain't had no beard or mustache. When he grow old he have de gout and he put de long mattress out on de gallery and lay down on it. He say, 'Come here, my li'l niggers,' and den he make us rub he foots so he kin git to sleep.
Yes the Master knew that the Hamites were his, and they readily enjoyed being property like a dog does expectantly for their owner.
The problem in this, is the white overseer has been replaced with black overseers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. The white owner has been replaced by Barry Soetoro, who is more interested in his own childish playtime than in looking out for his wards.
The entire black culture has become DEM LIL NIGGERS, with the emphasis on DEMocrat.
Where is Condi Rice or Walt Williams, excoriating this Obama hoodie Trayon Martin? They have joined the ranks of dem lil niggers, in having Al Sharpton and Eric Holder do the thinkin' for them.
Ask yourself why you never see Michelle Malkin running down the street in a hoodie, after being kicked out of her job, and with a bag of skittles attacking a gun holding Ann Coulter?
Does anyone not see this or does this blog have to daily build this reality on evidence that Trayvon Martin, Obama voter, attacked another human to murder him, armed with a bag of skittles?
Should not an American Negroid at least comprehend it is the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment and not the America Skittle Association?
I realize that they will not read the Bill of Rights and I realize that these Negroids are being taught by Muchelle Obama, that fat children are more dangerous than atomic bombs as Mr. Obama disarms America on nuclear defense, but should not even a Negroid who gears themselves to playing games of sport in continuous childhood definition, that running into bullets hurts like having some helmet shoved into their groin?
Granted I realize there is a mentality of the jock which likes this pain infliction as they get off on it, but should not at least reason prevail in being shot as Trayvon Martin was, trigger a reality that this will be the last painful rush he has, and no more will come?
Or has this Age of Obama so insanitized the American Negroid and fat ugly white chics to Obama's Pied Piper, that the addictive thrill is more than the reason to survive?
Or is it a new psychotic reality in America, that the American Negroid is so mad mentally, that they like Trayvon Martin are committing coward suicide in rushing armed Americans in hoping these firearms will Emancipate them from the chains of Obama?
Does Amos Lincoln sum up the entire American Negroid yearning?
"My grandpa come from Africy. I never see my other people 'cause dey 'longs to other masters. My grandpa die when he 115 year old.
"Elisha Guidry he my master in slavery. He had lots of slaves. He whip my pa lots of times. He was unwillin' to work. He whip my ma, too. One time he cut her with the whip and cut one her big toes right off. Ma come up on the gallery and wrap it up in a piece of rag.
"Us have a dirt house. The chimney made with mud. It's a good house. It hot in summer. The beds made with moss and shucks and the big old ticks made at the big house. Us didn't have no chairs. Jes' benches. In the room's a big trough. Us sit 'round the trough and eat clabber and bread with big, wood spoon. I eat many a meal that way myself.
"Dem's moral times. A gal's 21 'fore she marry. They didn't go wanderin' 'round all hours. They mammies knowed where they was. Folks nowadays is wild and weak. The gals dress up come Sunday. All week they wear they hair all roll up with cotton they unfold from the cotton boll. Sunday come they comb the hair out fine. No grease on it. They want it natural curly.
Is it that Trayvon Martin, the Negroid Hoodie terrorist, just wants a Master to whip him, and eat his bread in trough, and have moral women without their breasts hanging out as DEM WAS MORAL TIMES.
Yes is not the pleas of Al Sharpton to suicidal Trayvon Martin to be freed from the insanity of this psychotic Barack Hussein Obama, just as Obama's Muslim brotherhood all seeks to commit suicide in association with community organized death.
The world really was dem good olde nigger days, when it was Master Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans deciding for slaves their freedom and their working lives. It has ruined blacks and turned them into American Negroids in being enslaved by democrats.
There are no Frederick Douglas agitators nor Martin King rioters to speak for blacks, and regrettably like the hog is in one breeding of being set free from civilization, becomes the razorback feral, this is the condition of the American Negroid without a Dr. King to think for them, and with Mr. Obama offering up butchery, they are now all wild boars wallowing in the mud and self destructing in their own offal.
Thee American Negroid can be saved from this, but they must be taken into custody again in a colonial tutoring, mentored as children, their assets put into trusts, and yes a repatriation back to Africa in a division of American, European, Russian, Chinese colonial rule, as Mr. Obama in Libya, Kenya and South Africa has made it a greater savagery than Africa ever was.
America can not in the 2012 Obama vote fraud featuring brain shot Gabby Giffords and brain dead Trayvon Martin..........
Shhhh the nigger hoodie was just fixing door locks and protecting those jewels from robbers who were stealing in that neighborhood. That is why he had a bag of jewelry and a screwdriver.
Wonder if he paid for those Skittles with a 10 carat blue white diamond ring and ruby accents, as Skittles are quite expensive.
Leave it to Obama to tie his campaign to a thief.
Nobody knows the trouble I seen
Nobody knows the sorrow
Nobody knows the trouble I seen
Glory hallelujah......
Yessum, replace Jesus with Obama and replace Abe Lincoln with Obama.
Did this blog not warn you children not to be lead around by this Obama scam days before this story broke in the national media, while Mark Levin didn't know what to think of this and the rest of you were cowering after being bitch slapped by Obama's hoodie posse posting in comments all over the internet smearing Jorge Zimmerman?
Yes I'm reminding you on how much you need me.
Dem good olde days

'You ain't tell me you swung on a bus driver'...
New details emerge on Trayvon...
Multiple suspensions from school: marijuana, grafitti, 'possession of burglary tool,' jewelry...
NO_LIMIT_N****: Trayvon's TWITTER handle...
House Dems to bring parents to Capitol Hill...

COPS: Zimmerman says Trayvon decked him with one blow, hammered head on sidewalk...
'Suffered broken nose and had injury to back of head'...
Former NAACP leader accuses Sharpton, Jackson of 'exploiting' death...
Mother seeks to trademark dead son's name...
'Cracker' T-shirt hits Florida streets...