You know the problem with the Nordyke.........oh that is right you do not as Baby never told you.......
Nordyke: feminine male of pseudo aryan claimed heritage of bastardized Ashkenaz inbreeding with Assryian aristocracy who install Kenyan bastards at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as shadow precursors to the anti Christ.
Where was I?
Oh yes, the Berliner boys aka Nordykes, is that they just are not as good as the Fraulien or her Baby plasma mind.
Nordykes just feel queer, because like Hitler they have one nut sucked up in their groin. Is why they like Obama.....hell it is why all the American Negroid's voted for Obama as he matches their one dick sucked up his groin they are all trying to compensate with fairytales of big dicks and trying to f*ck anything other than a black woman in movin' on up to that deluxe apartment in the sky.
That is what one gets when Heir Stiffy likes watching the roadshow here and actually is quite German bright, but then along comes brojangles and he is jacking off to the screen and making Hilda use up bottles of gunk cleaner to keep the keyboard from freezing up.
Sure it was große Schwester, who thought it all up, and now in that caste she is subhuman in treatment while the "boys" take all the credit for their Greco anti Christ they are birthing on the American Treasury in Obama bailouts in Europe, but there comes a time when even Hitler would in his one nut told Himmler and Goering to take a powder for trying to surrender der Fatherland to the Americans.
No Dolf didn't go scorched earth in the bunker. Would you go cyanide if you had Eva to pull on your one nutter?
That is why Dolf put the German sub Admiral in command, as der Feurer too a U boat with a load of cash to South America to rule the world when the Americans infused all that Nazi loot and Nazi Paperclip expertise into the winning side.
America was just an incubation chamber for the 4th Reich.......and Obama is the mostly white dirty dick f*cking the American Virgin over to rape this all into Roman Empire existence.
You should really pay attention to this children, as even brojangles mentors got that part as they wrote it by satanic illumination, but the rest of this is just guache on the brojangles side.
So the Eve in this is the Fraulein in some big Wolf's Lair, with room for rose garden and pony, and a big laboratory to create Baby things.
Oh so you thought this was all American expertise, computers and money? Suppose you believe that super colider is for that reason to in Europe.
Pay attention kid as you might learn something kid........sure I'm only a girl and not Ulsterman or Deep Tutu, but while everyone things that Obama is top and play him from down, this girl plays Obama from the top down, and she knows the abyss he is in, and the real Masters have that darkie in the White House as a stage act joke.
Why do you think after brojangles usurped Big Sister and Baby, that the kid brother took down LAME CHERRY KNOWS ALL, and put up the YouTube link? KB was needing to tell me that I'm just entertainment and he is in control........
Some control in can't handle Fraulein and Baby, and making a clumsy in frying breakers and servers just to show der kinder made a poo poo in the pampers.
Pay attention!!!!!!!
Where was I?
Oh yeah, you know how there Europeans are all fag like the English, you know like that metroqueer folks like Obama is in swinging it both ways, and having too much girl gene? Same way with how they stand, are soft spoken, prattle on about wine and some dumb ass writer no one read in 3000 years.......you know Charles Krauthammer or George Will......would mention some liberals like Bill Ayers, but Ayers is a mano in he murders and rapes people.
That is what is wrong in Dolf would put the knife in and do it with a yell, but you got brojangles........you know Obama's Berliner boy bro.......
Oh that's right you never saw the picture did you from up periscope in the meeting........well it was like Queen Liz letting in the livestock for a pet when Bearick and Muchelle were rubbing on them and the furniture......so when the Berliners checked out the nits, the aristocracy got a little color like Obama, and they just started acting all fag.
Is it no wonder the Valkyrie are drawn to von Schiller and Lame von Cherry as people with taste are always drawn to the pretty girls and boys.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, using that razorback pissed me off. My Avenging Angel will repay with torment and destruction.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, so all the children are sitting around thinking about Romney and Obama, and 2012, but this blog is of course trying to save Obama from his own counsel, as this blog desires Mr. Obama alive, safe and prosecuted for his crimes.
Just keep getting the spider clues from Baby.......French, British Commonwealth and now Green as a shadow source where the original Muslim was parked.

What was it this blog said about me, about what Baby said about me, what the cartel was saying about me?
Yeah this girl has the stage, the action, the lights and the camera, but really dropping LAME CHERRY KNOWS ALL in just mentioning it here.......
14, 13, 15, 21, 23, 24
Odd measurements for a girl, but maybe are a bit queer in size.
11. 14, 12.13, 12.15, 12.21, 12.23, 12.24
The Pur does have a way with the ancients.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, so the joke was the central Europeans installing Obama to rape the American Virgin, and Sarah Palin being a public witness against the Obamites and Rovians.......but now the face paint is queerly on the cartel as brojangles has his fingers in the pie, trying to be one of the popular girls and looking all Obama hostess Negroid.
One thing to put on the monkey suit for Halloween, but really mein heir it is another to be thinking primate and wanting the banana out of the end it should defecate.......or is this a new word moment like EFFICATE in did not your efficacy defecate this upon the world?
This boy business is all boring without the girls. Girls are the interesting ones......and boys just trying to be girls is queer.......or Obama or brojangles.
What was it Hitler said about a monkey's uncle?
Sie werden der Onkel eines Affen, Sie werden das monkey' s-Onkel?
(You become the Uncle of a monkey, you become the monkey's uncle?)
Wonder bojangles what the translation is for crawling into bed with one........
agtG 276Y (heritage - heri.......)
The Little Nazi who would
The Little Nazi who could