Genesis 49:10, The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be.
The above is a blessing from Jacob renamed Israel, One Who Contends With God, upon the Judahite tribe concerning the reality that the Davidic Kingship which Christ started in Melchizedek, would one day be removed from the Jews as it was when Babylon exiled Jerusalem, took her king captive and slaughtered all the royal sons.
Jeremiah the Prophet had in his charge though the King's Daughters, one of whom would be taken to Ireland where the exiled Danites were then residing and be married into the Lost 10 Tribes to replant the Davidic Throne which the Queen of England sits upon, which Christ will return to claim as the Bible predicted in David would never want for any on his Throne and Christ would return to an existing Throne to claim as King of Kings.
I choose not to deal with the reality of British Covenant here, but instead to examine Shiloh, as Shiloh is here concerning Christ. Shiloh is also a literal place of importance, for it was there that the Ark of the Covenant resided for years, before King David brought it up to Jerusalem.
Shiloh is several miles north of Jerusalem and in between Shiloh and Jerusalem, there is the place named Beth-el.
These three places are significant. Shiloh is a metaphor of Christ where the Covenant held in the Ark resided. Jerusalem is the City of Peace where the Temples stood, where the Angel of the Lord stood, where Abraham in Mt. Moriah was to offer up his son, Isaac.
Bethel being the place where Jacob slept on a stone pillow and the stairway to heaven. That stone is the lai fial or Stone of Destiny or Jacob's Pillar Stone which all the Royals of Ireland, Scotland and England who ruled the Isles and Commonwealth have been seated upon when they were crowned.
Shiloh, Salem and Bethel though are of interest as there are historic power sources which God chose to reveal Himself or House Himself at.
No one really bothers in this city block and lot measuring to ever contemplate the "feel" of the land in the currents and ley lines which emanate from the ground, which is one reason the above spots were the places people could actually see God as the frequency was attuned there so people could actually be more than lumps of clay.
While no one should dabble in eastern religions, the peoples of the east invest a great deal of time in power zones of the earth and other dedications when it comes to construction of homes and business, so there is harmony and goodness assisting the people there.
There is a feeling in places which people can feel if they bother to feel. Once was a time that people always built homes and businesses where they "felt" they should be. The ones which lasted are the ones which were located on the grid lines of power.
It is why one can go through any community in America and note how some homes will be occupied uninterrupted for a generation, and how some homes seem to always be vacant or as many tenants as there are years.
It is why some locations seem to have buyers in constant supply. It has to do with the allure of the power grid in bringing people to that location.
As has been revealed here in Euclid's 47th, the pleasure of the eye in Sacred Geometry is more in the Temple at Jerusalem was built to be an enhanced body of the worshipers. The Heart was the Holy of Holies where God dwelt.
The Temple was a communication enhancing resonant chamber for people to come to God before His Spirit was sent. The Ephod was a divination device of gemstone resonance the Priest utilized in the throw to Inquire of the Lord.
People can see more apparitions and manifestations in lightning storms due to increased ionization which empowers spirits. This same increase is available in ley line locations as this line of three locations points out.
Some people now enjoy sight, hearing or discernment in seeing things which are there in the Spirit and the spirit.
I often enough see lights which are Angelic. I have stated that I previously had an Angel bumping my bed, and when the Angel figured out my abilities were increasing, this stopped, as my walk in the Lord is one of Faith and not Signs.
I do enjoy signs even if they are troubling at times. The reality is though even Christian peoples should be paying attention to these stairways to Heaven as they are set apart by God and when people used to honor such things, gathering places, constructions and homes were always located on these spots......which in most cases became the largest cities in the world.
Christians have a sure ability in Jesus and the Holy Ghost, but if inquire of 100 Christians, most will look dumbly or caught in the headlights if asked about their relationship and utilization of the Spiritual Powers and Gifts of Jesus and the Holy Ghost. There is a stubborn ignorance and an absolute fear of having God's Spirit moving about in most people. I enjoy it as it makes life so much easier, but many in satan's bonds instead grope about blind in this war and never will reach their potential and instead be roadkill on the road to hell as the devil runs over them.
I for one have set up my rock of offering in chosen location, after satan worked to hinder this. I offered upon it for 7 days, and on the 8th satan sent a windstorm, and I would not be detered in building the offering fire which melted the quartz.
I offer upon the Sabbath and High Days. I offer in thanks of pour offerings.
It certainly would help in homes and properties if they had their own Holy Place, as it would at least be one less satan would be inhabiting.....but then Gideon's Ephod became a stumbling block to the Israelites as people get caught up in the objects and self righteousness, instead of the Reality of worshiping God.
It would do well the Judahites and Israelites to rededicate the Holy Places of Shiloh, Bethel and Jerusalem on Temple Mount. It would do America well to rededicate their Churches and Institutions, to be rid of all apostatism, and that does include every practice which denies Jesus as Lord.
Each Christian though has their own Shiloh, Bethel and Jerusalem. It is called the Bible, Prayer and their Temple in them.
Ley lines and Pray lines. The one is for those without Spirit and one is for those in Spirit.
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