If one notices something about the Obama jihad in America, it is one of politically raping women for sport or blasting a rubber bullet into Gabby Giffords head, all so the Islamic male can feel superior as they really do not have a clue in what to do with women.
The 9 11 terrorists interacted with strippers, so did Nidal Hasan before going militant.
Obama slaps around Hillary Clinton and once she knows her place, she gets to serve the Muslim male on offshore dirty business as Obama plays golf looking cool.
In the Osseiran progressive Islam, which Obama's roots are a part of, it seems the women folk do a great deal of getting away from the lords and masters, while the concubines of business and politics have a sort of.........well useful bare foot pregnant pause when a chair can be found for them to be seated in.
When Obama decided to murder Col. Khadaffi, he trotted out at the UN the few women folk there to push the knife in, led by Hilary Clinton and Ambassador Osseiran of Lebanon.
If one examines the current feature of the 'turban invasion of the west" by the Osseiran mafia, which instigated the Gulf War invasion by America in false intel for the removal of the Hussein faction, so the Osseiran brotherhood would take control of Iraq, as they have lusted after for generations, there is the financial reality of the Osseiran money flowing into the west from outlaw Lebanon.
In this though, one can see a most interesting violation of western laws in promoting females, in Salah Osseiran in his shell holding companies does not employ ANY WOMEN.
Name | Executive Position |
Bengt A. Dahl | Director at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
Harold D. Garrison | Director at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
John Birbeck | Chairman of the Board/Director/President/CEO at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
Manfred Hanuschek | CFO/Secretary/Chief Accounting Officer at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
Michael Reinarts | Director at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
Rupert D. Armitage | Director at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
Salah N. Osseiran | Director at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
Thomas W. Grein | Director at CTI Group Holdings, Inc. |
In fact, in the Salah Osseiran Muslim Brohood, there are no women in his touchy feely core.
Sure in established companies he took over, one can find some token chicas in Nordic, Panlink, Axel Sweden and Axel America, but there is not one in a president position when new positions open up.
This sexism is rampant under this Islamic Sharia and has become worse with Osseiran weeding out white men for firing in having relationships with female employees in Axel Americas Kansas City lubrication plant, but when it come to the black men doing the firing there, it is a white male promoted who has this Muslim sexism going on in thinking what women are good for.....just like the black Obama voters employed by Osseiran.
Now do not get me wrong in Osseiran promoting minorities either, as he does not employ any in head positions, but when he has a token West Indian prowling about in hiring little Obama boys to nap and lay their schlongs on women's desks, the internet server and cameras do pick up all of this and management enjoys the entertainment too of those Negroids.....but the face of Osseiran's profile is all white, male......and is exactly how secular Islamist Obama runs his cabinet in blacks have their entertaining riotous place and women have their place, but when it comes to the decisions it is the Osseiran Obama listening to the big white boss man directions.
If one examines this, even Hillary had Huma Wiener to service her while carrying her love child. Women just sort of cling together in the Muslim Brohood of what Obama and Eric Holder have unleashed in America, around the world and have nurtured in Salah Osseiran.
Why is it, that Affirmative Action laws apply to Jewish business, Anglo business, Asian business.........even to white folks in Bush and Clinton Administrations to tallies on who has a vulva and who has dark skin, but when it comes to the Obama and Osseiran ruling class, the caste never demands a showing as one Osseiran at the head of the pack of white folks doing the liberal plundering is all the color tone needed.
You know exactly why, as it is the same reason why the 9 11 terrorists were all brown skins, serving out the interests of those light skinned Ashkenaz elite in Europe. You know the same folks selling short on the stock market and not being prosecuted for it as they are the law.
The same cartel arming Philistines to murder Jews who are arming Jews to murder Philistines.
When is the reality and the law of the west going to be enforced? Is one woman as Madam President too much to ask from Salah Osseiran?
It is not like his boy who will not touch ishy western women while on tour, will have to touch a female President at Fairford, CTI or hell even Axel or Nordic. It is just the case of English Law in one LAW FOR THE COMMONER AND ONE FOR THE KING, must be enforced.
Why is no one examining the tip of the Sharia iceberg in Obama Osseiran?
not nuff said
agtG 265
For the sake of Libyan society as a whole, women must play a more equal and visible role in shaping it.
*Personal Note: The posts which do not auto post are the Osseiran articles and have to be accomplished manually.
Just another strange coincidence and Obama miracle. What is it in the Osseiran tribe that wields this kind of internet control and power, that the sheep do not ever comprehend this nor speak about it, because it does not show up in FOX , Drudge or Jones talking points.