Sometimes in slave camps, the slaves do speak as they huddle about their fires and they tell tales which reveal all is not as it seems behind the oriental Islamic curtains.
Salah Osseiran conducts a great deal of business out of Sweden, as a base, while his finances appear in money laundering areas of Beriut and the British Virgin Islands.
Osseiran's holding companies hold holding companies in shells which he controls all, and which he earns a paupers' wage as a billionaire, in companies which do not make money.
There are vast problems in this, and Muslim Osseiran rooted Obama in his Luo African slave trader roots, has an Eric Holder justice department which just can not see things that do not add up when it comes to black terrorism or Muslim rapine.
Take for example the small Swedish lubrication company, Axel Americas LLC, which is of course in America in another double front, but in Sweden is Axel Christiansen owned by Fairford under Osseiran.
The Swedes in grease, one day woke up to a directive, which stated they had a new holding they were to deal with in America, called Jesco Resources Inc. of Obama's Kansas, and with a main manufacturing plant in Rosedale, Mississippi, as all good poison things go into states without oversight. It is why the oil tycoons went to Louisiana and made that a cancer capital of the world.
I digress.......
So the Swedes who make grease, were puzzled what they were doing with this Jesco operation Osseiran purchased and runs through CTI Group in Indiana, which is held by Fairford, which bought Jesco through Fairford Scandinavia, which is held by BPC Beirut. Yes it gets complicated, but when one is hiding things so much that it looks like it is hiding things, Eric Holder and Arab Obama just can not see any Muslim problems in any of this invasion.
Jesco which became Axel Americas though was quite the prize for some greasy treasure, as soon CTI was prowling about looking over the goodies, along with Fairford, and along with Axel Christian folks.
Axel learned a great deal in their people was stunned by the amount of grease that Jesco was turning out.
In case you missed it, Axel HAD NO IDEA OF THE COMPANY which Osseiran dumped on them in capability. That is the first in a long line of most interesting things happening in Axel Americas.
For 10 million dollars Osseiran bought Jesco, but Osseiran did not buy the plant, but only the name and the people in Kansas.
The Jesco owners kept the plant under a rental agreement which will expire in a few years, as the Rosedale plant is being divided to produce the toxic urea greases which the Europeans in their green clean will not produce and other metallic salt greases.
Do you get the point in this, in America is being polluted by these Muslims just like China is being polluted by the same globalists?
Jesco's Kansas plant is on grounds which chemicals were dumped. Whether this is why Osseiran did not buy the plant as the clean up would be expensive or if Osseiran is like he does around the world in shutting down operations, and moving to easier areas to exploit, it remains to be seen.
The net result in this is the Jesco sellers got 10 million dollars, and their production would actually produce profits like that in a year. It makes one question if in a few years, these sellers will just stop paying taxes when Axel Osseiran moves on, let this Kansas plant go back to the state, and then Kansas like Louisiana is going to have a toxic dump to clean up, as the barons and Muslims run away with the treasure.
Axel found in Rosedale an operation which is run by shiftless management and folks more interested in drinking than in production. The Rosedale management was at odds with the Kansas management in a soap opera which one side accuses the other of incompetence, and the other incompetently does not know how to make grease.
A wonderful thing for Axel slave masters to try and manage.
It does get better though as besides beer as a food group in Mississippi, the entire operation has sex on the brain in exploiting women.
For example, in Kansas, a couple employed there were cornered and forced to sign papers that there was not any forced sex between them. This was guided by an Obama immigrant from the West Indies who thoroughly enjoys the use of sugary females to entertain clients and his own pets he keeps around who display dreams of their Obama books, as they nap their way to a welfare paycheck.
If one recalls, after Obama's Gulf Oil Gusher sabotage, there was the matter of Obama down in Brazil with a 2 billion dollar offer for Brazil to drill oil and sell it to Americans, as of course Obama does not want wealth created in America by American oil companies.......well neither to the oil barons as they like their plantation workers kept poor too.
Into this Parabus deal once again appeared Salah Osseiran, looking to make contracts with the Brazilians in lubrication deals.
Everywhere Obama starts showing up in politics, suddenly Osseiran starts showing up in America or on Obama's heals.
Axel employees watch all of this from Sweden and ponder it as Swedes do. They jet off to America and have their females leered at by the designer negro employees, try to upgrade the former Jesco operations, while wondering what this is all about, but there is no questioning Shiek Osseiran, and with Rabshakeh Obama at 1600 Penn Ave. providing cover in America, and slaughtering other tribal Muslism in the Middle East, it is all a perfect legal world where no one bothers to ask, why is it that a company from the Middle East, in the terror capital of the world in Beirut, has so many shell companies he controls, and is busy buying things in Europe and America with smiling white faces doing the deeds.......while the finances all are moving through money laundering meccas, as America becomes the China slave trade in the west as the Slavs once gain become the slave trade in eastern Europe.
One could name a number of alphabet agencies as DHS, FBI, OSHA, EPA, IRS to entities like Treasury, Trade and Justice looking into the exploitation of women, but under the Obama regime, Salah Osseiran runs a corporate shell game jihad as the tip of the Islamic financial Caliph enslaving the west.
Why is it that no one bothered asking in Europe or America, how some Muslim from Beirut, could buy into companies which have access to some of the biggest toxins on the planet by the ton?
We explore the female thing next.
not nuff said
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The Slaves
Christian Slaves Muslim Masters
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There is no denying the suffering of Africans in bondage. Robert C. Davis, author of Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters,however, presents us with another picture of ...