Friday, April 20, 2012

The Couscous Boy

While everyone has been allowing B. Husein Obama to take credit of George W. Bush's Mission Accomplished in Iraq, and bit too hard on the Haliburton bullet as was designed, to blaming the Saudi's or the Jews for the Iraq liberation, there was a family involved in this from Islam antiquity named the Osseiran's who are part of the southern Iraqi tribe of Banu or Bani Assad family which stretches from Terhan to Baghdad to Damascus to Beirut, and is showing up in Sweden, England, America and China.

I have named them the Couscous Mafia, for this is what they are. when ABC journalist Glass was kidnapped in Lebanon long ago, his driver was a Suleiman which is the Bekaa power family of a region known for narcotics and counterfeiting.
Glass' companion was the son of the Defense Minister in Osseiran.
ABC spent months trying to get Glass released, but in a few hours the Syrians had gain release of the children named of the power families of Lebanon.

This should be all common posts from Jeff Rense. Alex Jones, Joseph Farah to Jake tapper at ABC in mentioning the Osserian or Banu Assad links in ruling the Mideast like the powerful Hussein families which ruled Jordan and Iraq. None of this comes out though for exclusive reasons in this blog, as the two figures who instigated the Iraq War in intelligence fed are family members of the powerful Osserian family.

The names are simple in Chalibi and Alawi in these two Osserian son in law relatives were the ones who fed the British MI6 and American CIA the data which brought about the Iraq War, which caused all of the troubles to the Bush, Blair and Brown administrations.

Ah let us review here in these Islamocommunist wars in there is Saddam Hussein of the Hussein ruling tribe, and he is the target of the Americans and British to remove him, by the southern Shia Osserian tribe.

Chalabi is a controversial figure for many reasons. In the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the INC, with the assistance of lobbying powerhouse BKSH & Associates,[6] provided a major portion of the information on which U.S. Intelligence based its condemnation of Saddam Hussein, including reports of weapons of mass destruction and alleged ties to al-Qaeda. Most, if not all, of this information has turned out to be false.

A former Ba'athist, Allawi helped found the Iraqi National Accord, which today is an active political party. In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the INA provided intelligence about alleged weapons of mass destruction to MI6.

Who gets blamed?

Why one can find endless Necon, Jewish and Saudi stories in being responsible for that war and plunder, but when Chalibi and Alwai are exposed for their fraudulent intelligence feeds, are exposed in having contacts with the Persian communists, are outed in feeding American intelligence secrets to Iranian Marxists, why everyone just ignores it with a slap, as there could not be a conspiracy here now could there.

Not even when these Shia related Osserians literally take over Iraq in being appointed by the west, does anyone bother to post a note on this family in asking the question if this is a tribal war taking place, and it was not Jews or Arabs behind this, but instead another group who seems by all of their non publicity in making certain no stories ever are printed about them.........or is it someone in the European Rothschild group is making certain these Osserians are not being outed, as these Osserians are showing up with cash to invest, and no one is asking where that cash is originating.

Odd is it not in Buffett, Soros, Rockefeller and Rothschild just hate competitors like Bill Gates showing up and hammer him in court and government, but Salah Osseiran shows up taking over things, kicking major companies and yet for some reason the Rothschilds could care less in Europe and Buffett could care less in America, and Eric Holder can not see any strange things taking place in a holding company 1 million dollars in the red, has massive debt, suddenly is buying things in direct competition to Warren Buffett's rapine in 2006.

This blog has alone kept reminding everyone when even Robert Morton of World Tribune decided to ban my posts, that the 300 million dollars Obama took in, in his 2008 campaign in terror funds, came after British warnings of credit card fraud, was stuck on the American taxpayer in TARP bailout funds illegally, and is all connected to why Obama was handing out Boeing contracts and ambassadorships to the Syrian Assad who is Osseiran related by tribe, and someone had better start asking the question in why does smiling Salah Osseiran show up in Sweden and America with loads of cash from money laundering Lebanon, and Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama have no red flags going off.

I can inform you that one of the most interesting things has been taking place in making my first contact with this group in intelligence when associating with a Polish operative nuance, that the surveillance has been astounding in those interested in what my associations were in stepping into this.
The powers were most keen as to what the association link was here in American intelligence and my scribbling on the wall as I drooled the fool in hiding what was being exposed here.

You know now the family which fed the intelligence which started the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in the Osseiran clan. You know now the agents behind this in the money flow which eventually installed secular Islamist Obama at 1600 Penn Ave.
If you had read previously, you would know of the Rothschild's Roman Empire being funded by Obama to re establish only are learning now though that there is a Shia Islamic element named Osseiran who are part of the catalyst in this in funding Obama's rise, and why Obama has been picking off rivals for them, and installing community organized Muslims in this Caliph.

Yes this is about the Osseiran Caliph in it's infiltration into the west by investment structures and how this is all being "ignored" by Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder.

Why is that?

not nuff said

agtG 240

Osseiran's Ahmed Chalibi

Osseiran's Ayad Allawi