Did you know that the European educational system is far superior to the American system in a mere diploma from a Euro high school is what only a genius in America can barely understand?
Yes, yes, these Europeans in their education at University is quite remarkable a Bachelor degree in Europe is a Masters in America, and a Masters in Europe is an American Doctorate and well......well Americans just can not comprehend in their Obama voting primate brains what a Doctorate is in Europe as an American mind can not fathom such godlike things.
Europeans are so much more than Americans as even Andrew Brievik will point out in the need for Catholic domination and empire, while silly Obama while worshiping European empire is destroying the Jesuits in America for communist Jesuits.
The Europeans are so much more than Americans, as Americans could only have a Kenyan Obama rule over them, as what would Americans do with a Hitler leading them. Such things must be worked up to.
No, Americans could not ever have a Napoleon, a Kaiser, a Caesar. Americans are not even ready for a Sarkozy, as he even has soured on his negro petting of Obama.
Yes all of this is a warning now in like Born Free, one should not be about petting the wildlife one sees on Nature in Africa as lions eat one, and in America the wildlife likes pulling your pants down, mocking one and then shooting select European tourists.
Yes the European of superior master race intellect, speaking numbers of European Black Forest dialects, coming to America to study like Mengele all the Americans here in practicing upon them, before returning to do medical treatments on real humans.
These European brilliant tourists though do seem to have a problem in getting scuffed up by the American Negroid after their Kenyan Obama has led them to believe that like Othello, they are quite passive, docile, and one can rub their genitals or their wives and the Niggazzi enjoy all of this.
The master race probably thought all those negroes were safe to pet as the Queen did and everyone desires an Obama designer negro of their very own.
One realizes that even liberal Americans think that petting the Negroids is like swimming with the dolphins, until the dolphins try to rape you, but just because one sees the Europeans petting Mr. Obama, one should remember the snarl in Muchelle's face with Mrs. Sarkozy and how Mrs. Sarkozy had to keep eye rapist Barack at arm's length as he tried to give the First Lady of France a cheek hicky.
It is a matter of knowing what to do with the wildlife in any European vacation retreat from the Amazon jungles, the Thailand swamps, the African reserves or the American wilderness.....just because the mountains are concrete, the paths asphalt and the hum of insects are replaced by street lamps, and Obama is the leader of this Niggazi, does not mean they will not give you a good pounding like a lion, leopard, elephant, dingo, whale or buffalo.
For the American tourist or European brighter than American tourist, wearing Obama ghetto green camouflage in a Mountain Dew t shirt will not fool the native Afroid. It is not scent related nor their ability to read, but the native of the urban Afroid is capable of seeing colors.
Yes, while you desire to run with the apes like Jane Goodall, on safari, the primate Obama voters do not want you swinging from their vine nor pealing their banana, even if Mr. Obama has a penchant for such activities.
Bringing pretty toys like magic fire phones and shiny coins will not appease the Obama voter. They will know you by stripping you to check your genital hair and then retaliate on you like Donald Young was culled from the herd.
So please do not pet the Negroes just because you and them have a commonality of casting votes for Obama. It did nothing for Khadaffi nor for George Zimmerman, as both were homicidally attacked as soon as their backs were turned.
Please white Obama Niggazi, when the native females are rubbing on your genitals, the black Nigazzi seek to put their hands in your pants, and feel your penis, and then in jealousy of white man power penis, things get ugly as they beat, rob and try to murder you.
The Obama voter is best viewed and experienced from the comfort of your television in your home a most do not have the Queen of England or Nic Sarkozy's machine gun armed security protecting them.
One must remember little did a weapon help George Zimmerman as the terror hoodie Trayvon Martin thought Skittles with dangerous sugar content could overcome a lead bullet.
So please if you are of the superior intellect of the European mind or if you are of the American mind who could never fathom the genius of peoples who disarm themselves, create Hitler, anti Christs and know that the American under his NCAA television sports is no different than the Pygmy under his African bush or the original Indian nigger under his palm frond in Dehli.
Yes American Nigazzi whites you can not pet the Black Nigazzi and European Nazi's you can not pet the American Niggazi black color in any form, as they will savage you.
If you must experience the natives, please do as Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter has done in a black blow up doll.
Please though do not suffocate as those Obama dolls do have a hoodie side to them too.
Do not pet the hoodies
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