Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Is knucklehead a sex act Mr. Obama Osseiran?
Is "knucklehead" some homosexual code for "suck coke off my naked thigh", as this blog would like a clarification from Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, as Mr. Obama Osseiran was denouncing Secret Service agents for running whores, employed by Mr. Obama Osseiran, answering to the Executive which Mr. Obama Osseiran is in control, and his Timothy Geithner is the head of.............
So is knucklehead a fag sex code from Mr. Obama Osseiran, or is he the head of the knuckleheads he is condemning?
This blog has a short question for Mr. Obama Osseiran, knowing that the 9 11 hijackers had an Islamic thing for prostitutes and strippers, and as Mr. Obama is of the Osseiran banu Assad family tree........and has not prosecuted Muslim terrorist Nidal Hassan who liked running whores and tipping strippers before he shot up Fort Hood............
So the question is what about, Bobby Titcomb ?
I suppose your are asking who the devil is this pervert name sounding fellow?
Why this is B. Hussein's best golfing buddy, Bobby Titcomb, lifelong Hawaiian whore runner, arrested by police after exposing Mr. Obama Osseiran to all that whoredom, not a knucklehead?
Now why is it the Secret Service is "knuckleheads" as defined by Barack Obama Osseiran, when the best friend of Mr. Obama Osseiran is..........well embraced, partied with, cuddled, balls stroked and loved in Mr. Titcomb as was exposed in this blog.
What is the difference in a David Chaney running whores and condemned by B. Hussein and a Titcomb running whores and enabled by B. Hussein?
Are not both acts using women in the worst way?
Are not both acts immoral?
Are not both acts putting Mr. Obama Osseiran in jeopardy?
Why is one perverted according to B. Hussein Obama and the other is accepted by B. Hussein Osseiran?
Yes poor little, Dania Londoño Suárez, only paid 30 dollars not 49 dollars and not the 800 dollars she expected to earn from Obama's SS skinheads with Mad Max beards.
Could it be that cheap dick Chaney, seeing the acceptance for johns hiring women for sex acts by Mr. Obama Osseiran in his friends, simply was honoring B. Hussein, and poor little Dania Londoño Suárez, was victimized, because of Barack Obama Osserian backslapping a whoremonger best friend in Robert Titcomb?
As Jake Tapper will not ask these questions, no more than anyone in media will make the Titcomb Obama Chaney connection and poor little Dania Londoño Suárez, perhaps this is another Lame Cherry exclusive.
Yes poor littleDania Londoño Suárez involved in legal prostitution and Bobby Titcomb involved in illegal prostitution is embraced by Obama, but SS Chaney buying legal whores is fired.......
Hard to tell the difference in good and evil here is it not eh?
Why is not Tim Geithner, head of the SS whore runners not being fired? Why is not Sec. of Panetta, olde Leon fired in running military johns?
With Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, there just always seems to be an excuse for his criminals compared to the criminals BOO is throwing under the bus.
Yes Lawrence Sinclair once knew a Chicago Arabian whore named Barry Hussein Obama.......
Knuckleheads? Just asking as Obama was Tea Bagging awhile back and while Andersen Cooper got it as he is queer in having his nuts sucked, was Obama Osserian just using another disparaging gay term for, a fag grabbing a male penis with one hand, stroking it to the top, and using the other hand's knuckles to twist rapidly back and forth to stimulate the glans?
Just asking doncha know.
The political rape of Sarah Palin by Mr. Obama certainly has come home to chicken ranch roost.