I will bet that you did not know Barack Hussein Obama, the messiah, had a little brother did you?
Well, you damn betcha he does in the son of Salah Osseiran, named Rayan Osseiran.
As this blog has traced the shadowy finances from Lebanon of daddy Osseiran and how he started appearing about the time sonny Obama started his epic supplanting in America, the Osseiran family which Obama is a part of in his southern Iraqi slave trading Luo roots in Africa, must show due respect to this fine young lad in Obama's baby bro, Rayan.
Let us call these Muslim boys, the Bro Boys, but let us not confuse the heir to the billion dollar fortune which owns chunks of America, with the secularist B. Hussein Osseiran, because there is a vast difference.
As one can note from the photo, Bro Rayan, likes wearing white clothing while Obama likes wearing white face paint.
Obama being not hairy, leaves hair on his head while Rayan shaves his head, and leaves that nice terror beard about his cheeks.......you know like Obama wore that bitchin' stache into Egypt before he blew up that nation.
This blog will not make any diagnosis on psychopathy in why males shave their heads and wear white clothes, but clean shaved heads and colors do mean things, as being bearded, with shirt open with hairy chest exposed, and that nice little "I'm superior to you little Dutch boy Europeans" royal crest.

Nothing says, "I OWN YOU" like a crest on your manboobie chest covering up your manboobies.
You damn betcha, though this is Obama's Bro, in Rayan is a graduate of Lebanese American University.........ah some might think that is code word for American CIA school, but I could not possibly say it, no more than I this blog would ever note that Rayan's relatives were tossed into prison by the French under their mandate, and the American and British Intelligence force the Frogs to release this band of Osseirans, who would found Lebanon for the fine dope, counterfeit and terror profit center it is today.
Odd is it not, what not eh, that while folks could see Sheik bin Laden was a CIA asset, that no one bothers to notice really how Kosovo was a Muslim CIA nation taking land from Christian Serbians and how a Salah Osseiran happens to have a sonny who is being groomed to be financial mahdi to the west.
......or is it, you are looking at the face of Kenyan Obama's replacement?
Why not America, as you were fine with a foreign Obama secular Islamist, so why not have a real Osseiran Islamist in 1600 Penn Ave.
What is that?
The evidence?
Oh children, ye of little faith.
Rayan Osseiran is quite the playboy with his beefy manboobs, shaved skull, and terror beard, but his employers at Axel have noted some really fun interesting facts, as you do know the little mahdi has the lofty title of ASSISTANT SUPPLY CHAIN there.
What is an Assistant to the Supply Chain?
I guess, that would be like you are the owners son, who is supposed to be learning how to plunder Christian peoples, but wear your little white shirt crest shirts all hanging out ghetto, while the Supply Chain head does all the work........at least that is what you might think, but I could not possibly say.
I could state that it is really fun being around these Osseirans, as Barack Obama can attest, as when Rayan Osseiran goes on tour, HE REFUSES TO TOUCH WOMEN.
I will repeat that little tidbit as one can find how absolutely MODERATE ISLAM that Salah Osseiran is, but yet when the little mahdi shows up in America, he will not politely shake American women's hands...........you know like Ahmadinejad of Iranian Islamocommunism or any of the other Muslim Brotherhood militants.
Sort of comforting is it not, that you got old Muchelle Obama in her bondage belt and her gay husband, Barack Osseiran with Eric Holder, has the blindest of eyes in a Muslim tycoons son, tours Europe and America, and refuses to touch those disgusting infidel Christian women.
Well that is the case in the illusion but from the Berbers to Saddam Hussein's barbarian Muslims, they could not jam their erections fast enough into captured European women or American Soldiers in raping them.
So why is it that no one is bothering to ask this Muslim asset about his money sources or his degradation of women? Is it because Barack Obama gets away with political rape of Sarah Palin?
It is now the fact, there is one law for slave Christians in the west, and another for the Muslim Masters.
You Christians behave now and wear your sackcloth. The Muslim Masters in fine attire are visiting to inspect the goods.
Oh let us look at the little mahdi's brain power as from a personal post of his online:
by Rayan osseiran - FlightSim Pilot Shop - Flight Simulation....
by Rayan osseiran, Date Added: Friday 15 July, 2011. This does NOT Work. Even the learjet thats already armed didnt work. Dont get this. Rating: 1 of 5 Starswww.fspilotshop.com/product_reviews_info.php?products_id...
Such a brilliant child, in judging what does and does not work, by grammar and punctuation that does not exist. One can see why daddy Salah has chosen this boy to take over the billion dollar plunder of the west as assistant in shipping thingsters......
Why does it sound familiar in angry Muslims associated with flight simulators, learning to fly jets in the west, treating American women like whores while whoring it up?
More to come in phobia for women in the Osserian mafia lines.
not nuff said
agtG 337 YY
Lebanon - Student at Lebanese American University
View rayan osseiran's (Lebanon) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like rayan osseiran ...
nl.linkedin.com/pub/rayan-osseiran/22/181/607 - Translate this page
Rotterdam Area, Netherlands - Assistant Supply Chain Axel Christiernsson
Bekijk het (Nederland) professionele profiel van Rayan Osseiran op LinkedIn. LinkedIn is het grootste zakelijke netwerk ter wereld. Professionals als Rayan ...PS: This post of all today's posts was to publish at 12:10 AM. It did not as these Osseiran articles all refuse to publish. That points to someone in power does not want this information public and is interfering with Google and Blogspot protocols.
As interest, this was suppose to publish by manual hand at 7:09 AM. It instead lists as 7:01.
Even the times are changed on these posts. If you children can not figure this out in the immense menaing, this Osseiran Berlin Beirut connection is what rules the world.