One can find the recorded facts on this blog of the reality of the Muslim Brotherhood, the same once fascists and now communist which B. Hussein Obama is installing across the Middle East, in their protocols of taking all they can 'peacefully' and then resorting to using the laws of the host nation against the natives, and then graduating to violence to achieve their end, to see the Obama jihad in America and around the world.
Obama has his hand out to Libya and Syria taking illegal money, but in the next instant goes psycho and starts mass murdering people in Arab Springs.
The same case can be found in the history of CAIR in America in playing nice at times, and then going court filings terrorist in trying to intimidate Americans.
This is the reality of Obama's Muslim kindred in the Banu Assad family which is Obama's roots and Salah Osseirian's roots, in Osseiran who is a billionaire Muslim has placed himself as a smiling Muslim, but has started revealing that he does not play well with others........all since Barack Obama came to power and Eric Holder has turned a blind eye in how a Beirut billionaire with debt ridden companies as CTI in losing a million dollars, suddenly is spending 10 million dollars for a lubrication plant in the south in Jesco Inc.
Salah Osseiran is on record in two bizarre court cases of jihad intimidation which for some reason again, the media has not bothered to focus upon.
In one case, Osseiran came to America, and sued International Finance Corporation over a few email exchanges when Osseiran wanted to purchase some company shares, the deal lagged, and the IFC sold to a higher bidder.
That is called capitalism and free markets, but instead Osseiran filed a lawsuit in 3rd world Islamic bullying in attempting to leverage a reality that what a Muslim wants, you western white folks better turn over the goods in!
The second bizarre case was Osseiran actually sued AT&T in American courts. The case was about AT&T having software which it's users install on their computers and can use or not. They are not forced to use it, but Osseiran filed a lawsuit trying to bully the Americans into doing things his way.
The case made no sense to a freedom loving person, as in America one has a choice to install programs or not from companies they are getting services from.
What does cause one to ponder is, Osseiran has a great deal of computer traffic, as in money being moved around and the shell companies he hides things in, so it is something to consider as all US companies and programs are CIA friendly in spying, if Osseiran was trying to hide things which would get him under Patriot Act things.
As this blog though has noted, there are so many things odd about this Obama Osseiran family connection that has the Mideast exploding and Muslims buying up America through front companies, and while Eric Holder can not spy on Americans enough, this Salah Osseiran not only takes over things in the west, but no one bothers to look at his finances when his finances are controlled in areas known for money laundering.
Once again, where is the FBI or even Elton Blonde in this 2012 Obama election theft year? How is this Salah Osseiran featured on Forbes and popping up all over the place, connected to the largest and influential Shia Islam group who dragged the US into the Gulf War for starters, not being looked at or examined by media sources paid to do this work?
not nuff said
agtG 318 YY
Centillion Lawsuit against AT&T
International Finance Lawsuit
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewWhen the deal soured, Osseiran sued International Finance. The question on ... Osseiran wanted to buy International Finance's 11 percent stake in the Middle