Sunday, May 6, 2012
Air Force None
Like America's Squandered Generation who selected a pervert like Bill Clinton and used the cork of George Bush to try and deal with this syphillis infection, to converting to a human deity of messiahObama, this is exactly the warped mind of B. Hussein Obama in trying to become all things and becoming nothing of the native Americans he tried to replace in his Osseiranness.
Where Ronald Reagan worked with Saudi Royals to bring down fuel prices and Suni funding to topple the Soviet Union with Lutheran and Catholic foot Soldiers, Obama instead as an Osseiran merchant class in Islam bows to the Saudi Royals, takes Muslim terror bribes, installs Islamocommunits, jacks fuel prices as a way to make war on the right wing in America and then tries to destroy the Jesuits in America.
That is Obama par for his golfing buddy course of community organized destruction of the world.
Where Jimmy Carter had his human rights to make war on the right and stable lands, which the world is still dying over in Islamocommunists in Iran, there is Obama apologizing for America and installing more communists in throwing atomic fuel on the burning pyre of Islam.
Where Bill Clinton afforded purchased nuclear weapons to Muslim state, Obama allows the full scale production of nuclear weaponry in the terror world.
Where George W. Bush made wars to fight terrorism. Obama makes wholesale war to install Muslim Brohoodie terrorists all for Osseiran commerce in the Islamic slave trade of doing business.
Where George H. W. Bush oversaw the Reagan Doctrine in collapsing the Soviet Union, Obama has rebuilt it in abandoning eastern Europeans to Russian domination.
Barack Obama Osseiran is the exact replicant of a foreigner who has no idea what Americans are, but sees their fires burning and starts infernos of his own, for he knows not that fire consumes things, is hot and is destructive. Obama just sees American fires and wants bigger ones of his own to make up for his 3rd world low self esteem......if he can be president somewhere, then the Osseiran Muslim merchants clang of bribes in his pocket will not be so loud of a din proclaiming he is a numerous times bastard adopted from Indonesia to Africa with all being told he is one of them, and he is the son of Osseiran merchants who lived on the slave trade and now live by enslaving the west in high oil prices which Obama is spiking deliberately for his communist green rapine.
Barack Obama Osseiran is the worst evil of Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter's perverted holy wickedness, the worst of the Bush family in their global management and the worst of only understanding that Ronald Reagan's liberty had to be moral and complete, and not immoral Obama rationing mandates to only his tribe.
If one notices the American Ghosts who were quite vocal in Angelic choir have gone silent on the signs and wonders exposing Obama is a fraud.
Why would that be?
Baby is proclaiming the answer as the cartel is initiating a counsel of Obama's own making.
The safest place for the world is Mr. Obama in prison. The safest place for Mr. Obama is in a jail. For his irresponsible bastardized liberty has the cartel concerned he will start giving evidence against them to save hisself.
Let us hope this Banu Assad Obama has no harm come to him from the powers that be, as he has ruined the world and made it a grave all for their rule, and he does deserve his Joplin Court to Judge him for his crimes against humanity.
agtG 223