Monday, May 14, 2012

Barack FAG Obama


 from halo head messiah to gaylo head pervert

With Newsweek now outing B. Hussein Obama Osseiran as the first sodomite usurper in the White House, it follows on the hints Mark Levin has been chirping about for some time in BI SEXUAL orientation of B. Hussein.

All of this means that Lawrence Sinclair, the first political prisoner of the Obama regime in outing Barry Soebarhka as a gay male are completely true and all of the Obama terrorists who hounded Mr. Sinclair are covered with shame.

This becomes an issue of Fogbow, the pro Obama website which is of African American origin in the murder of Donald Young of Chicago, the Obama sex partner, who was blasted with bullets during Christmas to shut up this entire Obama sodomite sex ring run out of Jeremiah's Wright's Black Liberation church.

It has been pure accomplice crimes against humanity in the Obamaniacs assault upon these gay males who have been victimized by the Obama Osseiran regime. The entire left is supposed to be the home of tolerance, and yet there is dead Donald Young and gayphobe attacked Lawrence Sinclair coming directly from Barack and Michelle Obama, with full criminality by Joe Biden.

Those are the facts. Barack Obama in FAGGATE has been outed for a criminal conspiracy in gaydom privilege. These are absolute crimes for if Dick Cheney and Haliburton and oil energy were viewed as crimes and if George W. Bush had profited beef prices connected to his Texas ranch, that graft and self promotion would have been viewed as crimes.
So when Mr. Obama Osseiran, the gay guy, is out pushing for gay advancement in the military and marriage rights worth trillions, when Obama is indulging in the very sexual perversion.

How much of that illegal 300 million dollars Obama took in, in 2008 which American got stuck bailing out in credit fraud in TARP, is a Mideast Gay Agenda in the Osseiran Shia?
Obama outed his family as gay married people, so who are the gays involved in this?

We know the largest donors to Obama are gays, so in Obama being gay and promoting the entire pedophile agenda stepping stone, the reality is, if Sarah Palin received 300 million from oil companies, and started drilling in Yosemite, she would be impeached on conflict of interest.
What are the depth of the crimes in this?

Are the Obama global bows, more of strange bedfellows in why that gay looking President Medvedev of Russia is being promised "more flexibility" after Obama is installed again?

This is FAGGATE and has been broken exclusively by this blog alone, and has been confirmed by Newsweek in outing Obama as a fag.

Lawrence Sinclair has been justified today in telling the facts of Obama making Mr. Sinclair pay for coke, which Mr. Sinclair snorted off of Obama's thigh, and Obama as a Chicago hostess, came back for a second round to Mr. Sinclair's hotel room without being invited, and laid naked upon Mr. Sinclair's bed.

The very foundation of the Tea Party, the movement which stopped B. Hussein Obama, and saved America, has been Lawrence Sinclair, and today the entire Obama voting crowd is covered with shame as Newsweek has outed Obama out of the closet.

Barack Obama Osseiran is a damned coward and pink fag. He makes gay males get on their knees to service him, because he is not man enough to make Muchelle suck the cigar. Obama then leaves his best friend in Donald Young with his family languish 4 years without an FBI investigation into that murder, hounded Lawrence Sinclair to political prisoner status, and then dishes out to his "good gays" all the goodies, like he does to the "good terrorists" in the Middle East.

FAGGATE is real. It is criminal. It was broken here, and it was first exposed by that brave American, Lawrence Sinclair, who has done  more for journalism than all the media combined.

Where to hell were you Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage and Levin?  Where was FOX covering up this story in your compliance with murder and assaults?

Barack Obama is a fag, the worst kind of fag, as he is thee worst kind of Shia Muslim. The criminality of the questions though now only asked by this blog rightly are what returns on this sodomite Shia agenda engulfing American politics are being used to overthrow the government in hope and change?

The reality is, Obama will steal the 2012 elections, and then what comes of this "MANDATE" in Obama going wholesale in promoting the next steps from 2013 on in sexual rape of children legally by executive order.
This is the Obama Emancipation of Child Rape.

2009 saw the First Date. 2012 saw the first Obama Mandate. 2013 will begin the Child Rape Date, as this is what B. Hussein Obama Osseiran has been promoting since Day One.

Leave it to Barack Obama to even give gays a bad name.

Time's cover is pedophile incestuous tit sucking and Newsweek has.....well a form of sucking and bucking below the belt.

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