The saving grace in this of these Barack Obama Muslim Merchants of Death which he has reared his ugly head from is that the are a cancer which feeds upon itself.
Pass a law for Jews to be banned from dealing in cloth and the Ashkenaz Jew will develop the rag trade and become millionaires.
Do not enforce laws so Muslim commerce can invade the west and a Salah Osseiran class will consume a Swedish smorgasbord of commercial nourishment into a pile of excrement as sure as every Islamic empire and state has gone the way of ashes and ashes and dust to dust.
That is the reality in this, and why Gen. George Patton noted this in the Islamic Empire in hundreds of years had not progressed past the swords which they stole off of other empires. The only reason the Ottoman empire and other states survived is they were feeding off of white slavery and in the past years off of American technology.
9 11 only took place because of Americans building things. Otherwise it would have been Muslims trying to crash camels into the Twin Towers, but drowning in the Indian Ocean trying to ride them to America.
The Negroid is no different in whom Obama hales from in they could not conquer the Nile or a bush, and like Muslims, will simply fade away when they have destroyed the western technological base when a new Asian breed eats them literally alive.
You did not comprehend that the cartels started feeding the Chinese meat to make them more aggresive to deal with the Muslim menace which was created to wipe the Chosen People from the earth, and that the Chosen People were fed soy and vegan fodder to make them docile and easily mind controlled.
The Bush family did the greatest disservice to the world in not dealing with the Asian hordes as their patrician kindred had done before. China was subdued by making it addicted to opium. Americans were subdued by deliberate drug addiction, and this is what the patricians if they had any New World Order loyalty would have dumped in planeloads of opium and and rhino to the billion Muslims and subdued them that way.
It certainly would have cost trillions less, and the reality is the Americans would have made trillions off of the drug trade.
That though was not the purpose in any of this cartel genocide as this has been aimed directly at the too trusting and gullable American public. They have gone the way of the Viking, the way of the Norman, the way of the Anglo and regrettably the way of the Assyrian German.
Their warrior classes are thinned and what remains is this Obama voter who is castrated and he full eunich for the Salah Osseiran commerical Islamist caste and the camel milk boy of Barack Osseiran used to rape American Virgins while the merchants of Islam provide the lubrication.
It is this paragraph completely in the Mengele and SS of the modern age of Holocaust:
The business address for Mr. Osseiran is Bechara Al Khoury Tower, Bechara Al Khoury Boulevard, 10th Floor, Beirut, Lebanon. The business address of Mr. Dahl is c/o Fairford Holdings Scandinavia A.B., Box 40, 831 21 Ostersund, Sweden. The business address for Marc Philippe Angst and Diana Brush and the address of the principal office the Trust and the Trustee is c/o Gestrust SA, 2 Rue Thalberg, Geneva, Switzerland. The address of the principal office of FHL is Ground Floor, Sir Walter Raleigh House, 48/50 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands JE1 4HH.
Fine names in Angst and Brush, busily in Switzerland doing the bidding of the Muslim merchant as Eric Holder invested great interest in tracking down Americans with wealth hiding assets there to destroy the American middle class last bastions of liberty through cash.
Yes Obama's communists always stated that the west would sell the Marxist their own rope to hang themselves, but even communists never figured that the west would sell the rope, tie up the American Virgin, hold her down and help the sexophiles rape her in mass, before carving her up and eating her.
I have no doubts the Muslim menace will die out, as I have seen the Rayan Osseiran class of inheritors of the west's corpse.
Islam will make a fine meal for hungry Chinamen. Bon appetite.
agtG 322Y