Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dead sister's don't Lie

Barack Hussein Obama Osserian does have a sister, a real sister, and it is not his cousin Maya Soetoro, who is the product of his uncle Lolo and his adoptive mum, Stan Ann Dunham.

What follows is the continued exclusives of only this blog, in how a strange little abandoned Indonesian girl with a rich benefactor, became the adopted daughter of Lolo and Stan Ann, seemingly out of the blue, but in reality, Lia Soetoro Sobah is the only real relative of Barack Soebarkah, in they both shared the same fancy woman mother, an Indonesian prostitute of the Soetoro clan.

This is the exclusive story of Lia Soetoro, the real sister of Barry Soetoro, who was never appeared in Dreams of my Obama, and was silenced to keep a lid on the real identity of  B. Hussein Obama Osseiran.

Lia Soetoro was murdered just as Barack Obama sr. was murdered for the secrets which they kept into the sordid past of the son of a whore Obama.
Obama sr. was murdered for the disasterous blackmail he would have engaged in to rule Kenya for his silence, and the reality of the imported dock worker boy who impregnated his whore mother, would have been proof that this son of illegal non Americans, was then hauled off to Kenya for birth certification, then hauled off to Indonesia to be President there, and finally hauled off to America in illegal entry to be a plague on that nation.

The reality is, Lia Soetoro was the missing Asian link for Chinoid Obama which would have exposed his entire fraud.

Lia was thee most important person in Barry Soebarkah's life. He slept in the same room with her and in reality of a creepiness of Obama, he actually put her into bondage, so she would not leave the room if she woke up early.

 When Lia got up earlier and leave Barry, he would be furious. ” “After that, he then tied my hands and arms with a long rope. If one woke up, only allowed to leave the room when he woke the others,” says Lia.
 There is something beyond clingy and as diagnosed sociopathic in B. Hussein resorting to ropes, abuse and fury to control another person for daring to wake up and leave their bed without his permission.
Then again, it seems Obama and Lia did wear the same shoes in exchanging them.

Barry very happy listening to Suharto’s speeches on television. “When President Suharto’s speech, Barry wrote it down neatly. After that, he practiced the speech of President Suharto in front of the house, “says Lia.

One time, Barry was President Suharto‘s speech mimicked in an event several times declared Indonesia as a country that Gemah Ripah jinawi loh. ” “He’s very difficult to spell those words, but to impose that sounds funny,” says Lia

 This is the beginning reality of the Chinoid boy who was being groomed to be President of Indonesia, in the son of a whore.

In the secrets of Obama, this girl actually returned with Obama Osseiran to Hawaii for three months in 1971, which is another bizarre cover up of using people for political gain and then simply tossing them aside when Indonesia was no longer on the forefront of political ascenion.

In 1971, Barry returned to Hawaii. Lia joined him and got three months in Hawaii before returning to Indonesia. In Hawaii, Lia often invited Barry to go to the beach or to go shopping. Lia sad when parting with Barry.

 All of this information on Obama's Islamic sister was silenced deliberately as these realities could not come to light, as they expose the reality that B. Hussein Obama is not a natural born citizen of America, but a bastard of a whore in foreign conception.

This was Barack Hussein Soebarkah's family, now as dead as Donald Young and Barack sr. All taking with them the secrets of B. Hussein Osseiran.

 SUKABUMI, (PRLM) .- The desire Mrs. Holiyah (53) residents of Kampung Babakan Bantam, Village Sukasirna, Cibadak District, Sukabumi Regency wanted to meet the President of the United States (U.S.), Barrack Hussein Obama is disappeared. Holiyah Soetoro often called Lia, Thursday (25 / 2) died shortly before sunset.

 Yes the dead sister, the dead whore, the dead black migrant dock worker and the very alive son of a whore Barry Soebarkah.

This is Ho Chi Obama and his birth links which have all been missing. Welcome to Mockingbird in the Ugly American.

Have you figured out why in Inspiration I was writing about the Vietnam Coup and you missed it all?

Once again the Lame Cherry exclusives, more information in one post than you get in 5 years from all the other media combined.

agtG 234

Pay attention children, Sugarland matters.

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Jun 30, 2011 – What is important to understand in this, is Hawaii was a trade and it all comes from William Lederer in The Ugly American, which followed ...

Dead Sister's Don't Lie

Remember children, Lame Cherry knows all whether you care to believe or not.

Infidels United - Article Profile - Lame Cherry Knows All
Mar 23, 2012 – Supporting Free Speech and Freedom in General. This site is dedicated to open discussions about the sociopolitical motivations behind Islamic ...