Draws Highest Ever Retail Demand...
Zuckerberg Now Richer Than GOOGLE Founders...
Years of Private Trades Revealed...

As an investment for investors, there is the reality of 3 questions concerning Facebook.
Can you hold it?
Does it create anything solid?
Without outside assistance does it exist?
For the reality, Facebook is an extension of Big Brother in the spy apparatus keeping surveillance on everyone in a the commonality of associations which Baby and the baboon boys track by the spiders.
After the initial offering of frenzy, Facebook is dead in the water, and just like the dotcom bust by Greenspan and Clinton inflating prices, Facebook has nothing to hold and therefore is an ignorant investment.
Yes all stocks are nothing to hold, but when one buys a company that produces shoes, soda, medical equipment or sells a service like insurance which people buy, there is a cash generating revenue flow, and something tangible which one can speculate in and receive a return.
What does Facebook have? Games? A group of several hundred million people plucked off of MySpace. Yes there is the disaster in waiting for Facebook will be the next MySpace as it is already reached boredom status.
Facebook is a sucker investment. It will not save the markets, but it will rob investors of their money. The power goes out, people get pissed off at Obamaberg who owns it, people figure out they are being spied on, there just is nothing left for anyone to look at and sell in some auction, as Facebook is a not a product, a service or something people have to have.
I can take you through the internet from Windows 95, in there once was a Jewish program called ICQ which was the craze. There have been all sorts of things from IRC to Yahoo, and all are degrading.
There were live cam sites and they crashed and burned after a short duration.
Geocities became Yahoo and now is gone.
The wonderful Netscape became Firefox, and is now the lesser in losing people as it lurches toward being that overzealous Internet Explorer.
There were loads of gaming sites and they are all phasing out. That is the business of the internet in people get new applications and start blackberry, and the next thing you know, someone comes up with an interactive fast running site and no matter the billions which Mockingbird is pouring into Facebook, it will tank.
Obama is pouring money into Zuckerberg. Obama loses in 2013 and Romney will not forget the connection and build his own money flow in Mockingbird to some other source.
Do not buy Facebook stock. Buy something local like your utilities if the dividends are good, or invest in something you will enjoy holding that will appreciate like firearms or china dolls.
You can not hold Facebook. Facebook does not create anything solid. Without fickle people and electricity, Facebook does not exist.
You own television stations and gain great profits and sucker people to invest in them. The same is with Facebook. Unless you own Facebook, put your money somewhere else as Facebook does not exist without you.......a cast iron pan does exist without you just like a bar of gold.
Do not be suckered as the people were in the 1990's in the dotcom bust. The markets are already in dire shape, and except for the illegal dumping of money by Obama into the markets to keep them afloat, they would have tanked to 2500 by now.
Zuckerberg will take the money with Obama and run to some Swiss villa as you are eating asphalt sandwiches with sh*t for the spread in America.
Facebook is a Zuckerberg Bet.
Lame Cherry
You can quote me on that.