Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The German Kings


The Germans have never had kings. The Germans have had Emperors.

The Bible is filled with the great German Emperors of antiquity from the very first in Nimrod, to Sennecharib, Assurbanipal and Esarhaddon.

These leaders for 600 years raped, pillaged, banished, murdered and skinned alive peoples all across the Middle East. It was these German Emperors who defeated the Kingdom of Samaria which is where Americans are born from, and in so doing ripped pregnant up the gut and bashed babies to mush, all before exiling the 10 Tribes to Iran.

Most though think of Germans inb Charlamagne, Frederick the Great, Bismark or Hitler as their most lofty leaders and that is a mistake like thinking German Americans are Germans, when in fact they are the Germani who gave name to the German lands they settled, before moving on and being settled by God in America.

Francis Parkman noted the oddity in this in entire villages in Germany simply vanished and moved to America. That was God's master plan in sowing His Josephite peoples into the greatest single nation on earth as Jacob's Inspired blessing promised.

These American Germans were the ones who the Romans met in battle and these Americans wiped out the Roman legions taking their Eagles from them.

Bloodlines matter in this immensely as the Germans are from the line of Shem, meaning Semites, just as Americans are. Americans though are of that 13 Tribe race bred by God for Spiritual fidelity to Him to bring redemption to humans from sin.
The modern German though is of a different lineage, and as this blog has often pointed out, Adolf Hitler was incorrect in his assumptions of Germans were Aryans. The Aryan is the Israelitish race which in exile broke out and conquered India, China, Russia and western Europe.
These peoples would have conquered Persia, Greece and Rome, if God did not ahve other purposes in sowing them into the west.

It is one of thee most beautiful and hidden stories in human history in an American people chosen, who turned into a bunch of baby butchering, sex crazed, self worshipping Godless ilk, in God divorcing them with murderous outcome, and for almost 2 years migrated from east to west, to become established as the greatest blessing again in human history, before repeating the modern American horrid sinful blasphemy.
Americans worship a Middle East God, because the American peoples are Middle Eastern Semites, They were supposed to use the fortune God provided them to bring the Gospel to the world and save it.

They have now become a nation of murderous whores led by a foreign despot named Obama.

The Germans also were blessed in Lutheranism to transform into a prosperous moral nation, but have now had genocide and religicide initiated upon them as darker forces than what Nimrod unleashed meant to destroy Christianity from those peoples too.

I have great affection for the German Assyrians and Germani Israelites. At one time America actually voted upon German being the official language as America literally was built by the German Israelites as much as the Irish, English, Dutch and Scottish Israelites.
The best of Bach to Wagner is German. The best of American traditions in Christmas in all it's Irving Berlin chords is founded in Germanic quiet resolve for peaceful pursuit.

It is these Israelite Germans who fought the American wars and won them by God's Grace. They are of lines like Abraham in people of peace, but absolute terrors when unleashed at the heart of their bosom.

Fittingly, General George Patton wanted in defeating Germany to incorporate the Wehrmacht into the American Army and march to Moscow and wipe out the communist menace forever. For that he was murdered, but what a glorious military that would have been in German and American Armies united again.

Yes it is again, because the Americans in exile were the elite units of the Assyrian Empire, especially the Cavalry. There is great kinship in the Americans and Germans in warfare, and it has always been the worst of times when these peoples have been inclined to battle each other.

The Assyiran Empire was destroyed and burned to the ground by the Babylonians. Their capital of Nineveh is just outside modern Mosul of the Kurds in Iraq. It was a magnificent cultural center of libraries to palaces to treasuries.
Solomon's own palace was re created by the Assyrians on a larger scale as there was such an appreciation in them of the finest things in life.

Regrettably the Germans are a bastardized people and being set up again in the old tribal warlines to bear the brunt of thee worst of the End Times. The whispers are all in the stories from Greece in the Suits on the Ground taking over lesser European nations by the Rothschilds and the Germans getting the focus as much as the Jews get blamed for what the Ashkenaz elite are always plotting for satan.

The Assyrian German is a quiet regal creature, like ivory burnished with gold, a spear both beautiful and deadly when unleashed.

The Hessians were the mercenaries like the Reubenite French who birthed America. It is not God's plan, but what Patton force this would be, if united under a Joan of Arc Christian banner and not an anti Christ in Europe.

Sarah Palin, you were an example of the rape of America, but what you never arose to was the mastery of Jehanne's battle cry for Crusade. You could have led the British, French and German peoples in the greatest war which would have stopped Armageddon.

Now all there is, is Armageddon to come, and slaughter of these races who in God's Grace built the world.

Jehanne du Arc du Lis, where are you with the Fierbois and the Spear of Destiny. Could not a little while be they loaned to Sarah Palin and grant her a heart, that these races would be led to die in battle, and not cropped like cabbages in a row.

 Lame Cherry

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