I do not really understand why World Net Daily backed off of the entire story of Barack Hussein Obama. Why being dragged out at 3 am in your underwear by Obama Gestapo and appearing on CNN to be mocked as criminals, would be something aging males would appreciate one would think, as who does not want their Obama masturbating to them in his second floor apartment now that Reggie Love is no longer there to stroke the jungle fever.
Before you has been the proof of Barack Hussein Obama, and no major or minor news outlet has exposed this or posted it in comments. That too is bizarre in it has been obvious, but always it is the focus on Barack Hussein Obama sr. and Stanley Armour Dunham, when all those girls are around in the Hawaiian communist dock welcoming committee.
I will give you the hint in this, as you have neglected as has the world in this Lame Cherry exclusive in the photo of Barack Hussein Osseiran's real mum.
Hidden behind the first oriental fancy woman, and the other communist whores on that dock is a photo all have seen, in the identity of B. Hussein Obama's birth mother.

What you are looking at is the Lederer's Bar communist honeypot crew and the asset cocks who prowled around that whore bar for information and sex.
This is why Obama's lips look Indonesian, as he is Indonesian.
The telling point is B. Hussein is the adopted son of the Dunham Rockefeller Rothschilds, but he is a product of 50% Indonesian, 38% Osserian Muslim and 12% Luo Negro.
Frankly, no one who knows will say what happened to this Asian fancy woman. If she was the one who was put on a Pan Am flight and taken to Kenya and murdered there and fed to the crocs after the birth, if she was after a hotel delivery given a needle full of opium and left DOA or if she was shipped back to Indonesia with a thousand bucks for her troubles and left to die in some VD diseased bed, the reality is this woman though is dead, as birthing the greatest fraud in world history who usurped 1600 Penn Avenue, would be a story worth millions to the press, and yet she has not come forward.
The reason is, she is dead, and was murdered long ago in either the autumn of 1961 or when the Obama cleaning crew was tidying up all his information in purging the FBI files.
Do you really think, that the same FBI under J. Edgar Hoover, who had Jack Kennedy f*cking Marilyn Monroe in bed squeak audio, that in those same complete archives, there was not the audio of all the bed f*cking going on by communists in Lederer's Bar?
You really think that there is not audio of Stanley Armour, actually pounding the prick into the mother of his own grandson, after B. Hussein Obama sr. got finished with her?
Yes, B. Hussein Obama nailed this Asian dish, but as this blog has noted, he pumps dust with no bullets in the barrel, as he could knock up no one else in America for a green card.
That fact, means that it was some Davis, Robeson or Dock Cock communist who helped out.
Barry Osseiran, the sperm of many communist colors in the pink.
Stanley Ann was helping out too in being a hostess at that bar for "the cause" as was spoken of here. She was there as was her old man selling her for "influence" to the real tuna's on the platter of communist overthrow of America.

There were 5 negroids in the dock photo. 1 of the sperm donors was firing blanks. That leaves 4 dicks in either the sailor who looks like a primate, the one who looks like a rapist, the two boys in one looks punch drunk giggling stupid and the last who looks like he just heard he would be having sex with Muchelle.
The punch drunk idiot in white shirt certainly has the turtle head neck of Obama and same stupid expression.
See while all looked to the elite, who were fingered for fingering this Asian woman as there is big retail in pedaling daddyship to multiple ethnics in cash and potential dictatorships, the reality is one just dopes up an Asian whore during her cycle and sends in one of dem lil niggers of the Niggazi Obama is now the fater of that movement, and tell the Osserians he is one of them, tell white folks he is one of them, tell black folks he is one of them, tell Asians he is one of them and tell Muslims he is one of them......that way all the cocks think the whore they f*cked has their little bastard and they pay up to keep the story from coming out.
Yes the great B. Hussein Obama lineage, the mum whore who was dumped in some unmarked soil and the pop whoremonger who probably went natural causes in a heroin needled shoved up his arm as a cock was shoved up his gay ass shrouded in his Nauru shirt........
Oh you thought Lederer's was just for straight communists?
Do not look for Barack XXX's lineage among kings and queens. Look for it among the refuse, the gutter, the throw away garbage used by the cartel as you know from just looking at Obama, he knows damn sick he is a whore's bastard and some sodom boy whore is his old man, and the Obama changeling in prancing around putting on the extra show hoping no one sees the naked dregs he is.
Was it more than the corpse of bin Laden information Andrew Breitbart was sitting on that got him assassinated?
Did it have to do with the communist cult whores of Lederer's Bar who donated sperm and egg for this Mother's Day delight on this Marxist May Day?
Fresh off the boat Asians and African whores the parentage of Barack XXX.
Once again a galactic sexclusive.
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Obama was always intended to be dictator of Kenya first and then in Soetoro was being groomed as dictator of Indonesia, until the money bag fingered Islam and the Ashkenaz Berliner boys decided they could f*ck America over and use Obama to birth their Roman Empire in Muslim blood, Christian dead and right wing Jewish diaspora from the Israeli state.
The Islamic Rabeshaka of Obama, in all thinking they were the father, and he never was his mother's son.
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PS: Just lovely in Google posts automatic on all but there Osseiran or bastard Barry posts. No coincidence there I suppose.