Thursday, May 31, 2012

The New Asian Order

Alright children, it is time to make your brains hurt as you are not going to be allowed to be sloven in the fecal decay of the sorts who use the planted term fecal decay and think it is tea baggin' funny for obvious reason.

Going to jump about here, but you should get the drift if you read this blog for a bit.

Why is it that the United States was booted out of the Philippines when they controlled that land, had Marcos in charge, and that goofy Corey Aquino got put into power?

I suppose you never realized that the Philippines were the major US operational center from the Spanish American War on? There was no Okinawa and Guam was an island. Thee entire US presence in Asia was the Philippines and that meant intelligence operations against the communist hordes.

After the Japanese were driven out, Edward Lansdale basically ran intelligence operations there. Yes thee infamous Edward Lansdale in being one of thee best psyops and nation builders ever. If McNamara kept his communist hands off of Vietnam, that nation would still be free due to Lansdale's work.

Lansdale quote to the Kennedy Administration of 1961

CAT has demonstrated its capability on numerous occasions to meet all types of contingency or long-term covert air requirements in support of U.S. objectives. During the past ten years, it has had some notable achievements, including support of the Chinese Nationalist withdrawal from the mainland, air drop support to the French at Dien Bien Phu, complete logistical and tactical air support for the Indonesian operation, air lifts of refugees from North Vietnam, more than 200 overflights of Mainland China and Tibet, and extensive air support in Laos during the current crisis.

That is the Philippines we are speaking of, and they were flying into communist China, bailing the French out in Vietnam and doing the evacuation when Truman abandoned the Chinese Patriots to Taiwan.

The Philippines were running east Asia, so the question is with the MacArthurs to Lansdale, just how was it that liberty and freedom minded people, all of a sudden were booting out Marcos and turning into some pacifists?

Lansdale mentions the lean times the Filipinos had in being patriot movements working hard to keep Asia free, and the US was cutting funding from them.

They were central in the Vietnam operations from the start in having tactical, logistical and paramilitary leadership on the ground for the Americans.

Yet once again, who was it in the US Government who was deliberately isolating this very Libertarian front for America against the communist hordes of Asia?

 Operation Brotherhood (OB) was started in 1954 by the International Jaycees, under the inspiration and guidance of Oscar Arellano, a Filipino architect who was Vice President for Asia of the International Jaycees. The concept was to provide medical service to refugees and provincial farmers in South Vietnam, as part of the 1955 pacification and refugee program. Initially Filipino teams, later other Asian and European teams, served in OB in Vietnam. Their work was closely coordinated with Vietnamese Army operations which cleaned up Vietminh stay-behinds and started stabilizing rural areas.

Yes the Jaycees were cover for anti communist forces. Once again coordinated out of the Philippines.

This blog was exclusive in alerting the world to the massive US military footprint stomping around inside that nation again, especially under B. Hussein Obama in transferring US Soldiers out of Okinawa and back into the Philippine bases.

This is not some Huk communist fighting the US is involved with in the Philippines, but a literal occupation under Obama, once again linking to his prostitute mother from Lederer's Bar who gave him the name Barry Chin.

*As a side note, in writing this, I was informed that I had logged out from another location. That was not me, so someone was inside this blog and did not hack it to wipe it out. Instead they were looking for something, as in searching the archives as they were concerned about the Barry Chin and Barack Osseiran stories which were coming out here.

Meanwhile, there is a significant Obama pattern in this, in Brzezinski and his communists who literally keep lessening US presence in the Asian theater, Mideast theater and South American theaters.

Examine it what Obama's family was up to, in Hawaii was flipped to be leftist union by Frank Marshall Davis and the creepy Stan Armour Dunham.
In Indonesia, Obama was practicing Muslim dictator speeches to mimick them, all to be leader there.

His Filipino mother brought about three nations in the Philippines, Indonesia and America. If one adds, Japan in the Obama heritage, one finds a literal withdrawal of US security in bases under Obama.

Okinawa is finished as a US base under Obama. Guam is one nuke away from being ocean. Hawaii is just a playground compared to 1940 Pearl Harbor. South Korea is precarious. The Philippines is the reality of the US presence there is illegal under their laws.

In other words literally, Obama has implemented the last phase where the US no longer has any forward bases in the Pacific in which to wage war from. This has been systematic for years, and the reality is the question from the days of Anna Chin Soebarkah, just who in the US Government since the Japanese attack in 1941, has been systematically putting US security in jeopardy and doing all they can to undermine US friends like the Nationalist Filipinos?

It all goes back to the same group who axed Edward Lansdale. It all goes back to the group who got rid of Ferdinand Marcos. It all goes back to the Obama benefactors who put him into power to not just empire build Rome in the Middle East, but to set about a New Asian Order led by China with the destruction of Japanese, Filipino and South Korean allies.

The New Asian Order is this blog's exclusive expose'. Now ask yourself who is behind it all, and why does everything about this Chinoid Obama point to Osseiran Middle East Shia, Ashkenaz Shabattai Zvi in Europe and this Asian Chin bowing to Marxism.

Was that David Axelrod hacking into this blog to snoop in the archives.......just to see what more information was coming on Barry Chin?


Edward Lansdale talking points