Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Obama Second Hand Sperm


This blog is always setting the surveyors line blazing the trail in the wilderness of thought and things which will be of tomorrow.

In that, this blog's good friend, John Edwards, the second political prisoner of Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, must arise past his legal high tech lynching of a Southern white man, by a Chinoid Obama to keep him from the White House, and take up his legal writs again and protect all Americans from the toxicity of second hand or lip medicated semen.

Yes, Second Lip Semen is the great danger, since unleashed by Monica Lewinsky and her Chicago hostess, Barack Hussein Obama.

We know that Barack Hussein Obama enjoys having gay men on their knees snorting coke off his thighs and sucking profusely on Barry Chin's chinny chin chin.
In this, is what John Edwards resurrection is concerning, as due to Mr. Obama having an immense cadre of narcotics and sodomite exposures, and as has  been evidenced in Mr. Obama's emaciated condition, he either was treated for cancer and coupled with psychiatric drugs and who knows what was in his second hand all adds up to a lawsuit bonanza for John Edwards and his client, Mr. Lawrence Sinclair, exposed to the toxicity of Obama's Second Hand Sperm.

This blog notes a great deal of precident in this, as Henry Pig Nose Waxman had a great deal of exposure in the evil's of tobacco smoke. What really is the difference if one is smelling smoke or ingesting smokey sperm from Mr. Obama?

Yes this is the fact of this matter in Lawrence Sinclair was a young, handsome and healthy American male, and then he met Mr. Obama and his health started going into the tank.

Just what was it in Barack Obama's sperm in the Soebarkah years which harmed Mr. Sinclair?

Would it be a case of Donald Young, if not having been murdered, would he now too be in a health debilitated state in needing assistance all to being exposed to B. Hussein's sperm?

This is the reality of Second Lip Sperm, as Charlie Gibson of ABC was just anchoring it in the power seat, but one sexy shower scene with B. Hussein Obama in being exposed open shirt here, and all of a sudden Mr. Gibson is DOA and no longer looking down his spectacles at Sarah Palin.

Think of it in mothers must avoid drugs and harmful chemicals when pregnant. The same toxicity is there in sperm in oral sex. The reality is John Edwards must take up this medical issue and in having Mr. Lawrence Sinclair as a client, subpoena along with the Donald Young family, the medical records of Barry Chin and yes, gain access to a sample of Mr. Obama's sperm for disease and drug testing, to provide evidence of the toxicity of Mr. Obama's Second Lip Sperm.

All of this of course then opens the doors for Mr. Sinclair to recoup his life in all the medical harms he has suffered from the Obama sperm toxicity. One must assume that millions of homosexuals will file suit against Rachel Maddow, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O'Donnell and other gay celebrities for the Second Lip Sperm and Second Lip Lube which passed onto unsuspecting gays all the toxicity of these elite's body fluids.

One can not drink polluted water nor ingest drugs without strict FDA standards. The same ingestion is true for sperm and lube in all this oral sex. It is not just a matter of human pussy cancer virus moving onto throat cancers, but is the reality of all those toxins being unregulated and must be, as when parts per million become parts per thousand as in Mr. Obama's toxin laced sperm, there is the reality of Mr. Obama is endangering thee entire gay community and every time he flushes, how many fishes go psycho in absorbing his toilet water psychiatric drugs.

For the sake of Democrats, trail lawyers as political prisoners in John Edwards, political prisoners as Mr. Lawrence Sinclair is, and yes thee entire sodomite community being endangered by these elite's toxic fluids, not to mention little snail darter fishes and cute little polar bear cubs who are having their brains fried and genitals raped every time Mr. Obama flushes his crapper, civil suits must be filed to stop this toxic exposure of the environment and the inhabitants there in.

This is the surveryors mark in the wilderness, the lawsuit to examine the toxicity of Mr. Obama's sperm and the contimination of the global environment and the hazards it has posed in ruining innocent people's lives alike Lawrence Sinclair.

When cigarettes and other dangerous materials must be labeled with warnings, sure Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran must have a sign mandated to be worn on his crotch, "WARNING HAZARDOUS MATERIAL"!

Too many males have ended up ill, their careers ruined and yes dead, all from exposure to Mr. Obama's salty protein.

Now we know who Muchelle Obama refused the fellatio overture in she had two Stevie Wonder daugthers to raise and knew widower Barack would not bring home a suitable mistress as that Reggie Love liked playing with Obama's balls too much.
