Sunday, May 13, 2012
The Quasi Jew
Yes this is another Lame Cherry Exclusive with a capital E.
This is to help Mark Levin really, as Tom Marr was filling in for Levin and was lamenting that 61% of Jews were still going to vote for B. Hussein Obama Osserian after all Obama had done to Jews, but Marr was befuddled as to how that could be.
The answer is simple in realities of life that it was the Ashkenaz elite of the Rockefellers who funded Adolf Hitler's master race theology.
The Rothschilds are an Ashkenaz elite who sold poor Jews in Europe the German work camps for a profit, who just happened to use this to murder real Judahites in mass and the poorer Ashkenaz classes.
These same Ashkenaz were running banks in the Soviet era when the Soviets were arming Muslim terrorists and their militant states making wars against Jews.
These same Ashkenaz who build the Jewish Supreme Court temple in the Israeli state in apostasy of paganism, are the same Ashkenaz who are putting Jews behind a wall to exterminate them and make the survivors refugees in other lands.
Ask yourself a reallity in if the Jewish state was such a gem, then why isn't Mark Levin living there with all his children to promote that nation?
What about all the Jews you witness from Rob Reiner, Billy Crystal, Steven Spielberg etc... why is it none of these Ashkenaz are living in the Jewish state, but one finds more of these Ashkenaz living outside Judah, and supporting the very political structures which are endangering all Jewry as Tom Marr was lamenting.
The reality is these elite are Quasi Jews, meaning they have some resemblance like Obama resembling an America, when he is a foreigner.
These Quasi Jews are all have that Jew syndicate where they all get employment or are into spying for the cause, but the cause is one which it is a the tumor of the Ashkenaz is eating the body politic of Jews while portraying a form of Jewishness.
Sure the Russian Jew, Michael Savage can misquote Scripture or speak of religion, but he is apostate as most Jews, who are in denial of the Messiah Yeshua, and follow a blasphemy in the Talmud who calls Jesus the son of a whore.
(For an Ashkenaz joke, their messiah Obama is the son of an Indonesian whore.)
Being a Jews is a religious sect, it is not by birth or else these Ashkenaz would not outnumber Judahites. This is vital to comprehend, as these Ashkenaz have a definite genocide plan against Jews. They were implementing it as selectively as Obama did against his anti Osseiran nationalistic Muslims and putting into place Obama Osseiran's Islamocommunists.
It is as plain as the nose on Mark Levin's face, that Barack Obama just like Bill Clinton is promoting for the world elite, the Commujew, over Conservative, Christian and Orthodox Jews. This is Ashkenaz natural selection in thee extermination of Jewry.
None of these Robert Morton types though want to face the reality of the Ashkenaz, as being Ashkenaz themselves, it means their very own people are the Judas Isacriot not to Christ, but to an entire Jewish nation about to be wiped out by Rome.
The money flows deep and wide to the hired help, especially to the Michael Savage types, which the elite employ as the Russian Jews are the favorite enforcers for a "Jewish presence" to both intimidate and cause hatred, so all the other Jews will be huddled together believing the world is out to get them.
Who is out to get them are the Ashkenaz elite.
This is why the Quasi Jew votes for Obama, because just like 1940 Nazi Germany, the Quasi Jew profits from the extermination of the real Jew. Every last thing Obama is doing to create a nuclear holocaust against the Jews in New York and the Israeli state, is exactly what the Quasi Jew wants.
This ilk hates Netanyahu the way Obama hates Netanyahu.
Just recall the reality of Ashkenaz Jew, Nic Sarkozy of France and Osseiran Shia Barack Obama, telling the world how much they hate Benjamin Netanyahu and Jews.
Not one Southern Poverty paper on that. Not one Rob Reiner tyraid. Not one protest in a movie from Steven Spielberg about "Saying Private Lyin' ", because all these Quasi Jews hate Jews, and want them dead, dead, dead, and more dead.
That is why they vote for Obama, in the same way they arm Islamic militants and fund them with billions of dollars.
That is the Quasi Jew, and until the Jews like Morton, Savage and Levin start addressing this, they are the silent enablers of 1940 Europe, as their own kind has signed a pact with the devil, and hell is what follows as Jesus is not saving those who deny Him.