Friday, May 4, 2012

The Robe of Nessus

Children, you do realize as the White House Pharaoh attempts to chisel his name upon the monuments of history, that there are counselors who are Obama's powers that be, who in twilight serve a greater demon than some monkey in his pants.

They have discussed these things which Baby is pointing to in blaming things on Puffy Lips Karl Rove again, for Obama's Osseiran hatred of the Bush folks for abandoning Obama's Osserian Shia brothers in Iraq to Saddam.

They have discussed if a "black man's heart attack" would be their resort as Obama is groomed to scuff hisself in ways to point to political rivals for his July 1944 purge of his enemies of the state.

Then though, one does not have enough tragedy they would conclude in just a black man's disease on the Drudge Report's Frail Obama.

The conspirators who feed Obama his own will, will not leave tracks as in JFK as they have learned their lesson in the sloppy seconds that replays in history for a generation to come. No, the conspirators inside Obama's own group have reasoned and dead 911 terrorists with clever passport trails are the basis of this, as the marks must be raised in domestic and foreign terror to keep the agenda progressing.

It is better to have Lyndon Baines Biden as President they devise in an ego who knows he should have been at 1600 Penn all along, and for Vice President Hillary to come to her throne she was destined to in 2008 if Bill had just not stolen those nuclear mines from the Rothshchilds.

Yes there is the script, the weeping Jesse cut his balls off Jackson and Bill that bright boy Clinton in embrace, on a Harlem stage in the glow of niggerness burning their own in protest, as salt and pepper impersonate Bobby Kennedy for political gain, as those Afroids always suck hard on insincerity making them the issue and not the crime.

Shall there be a body or not?

Shall there be more than one body or not?

Shall it be spectacular like 911 or a distant nightmare the public can drool over in fondness?

Yes there are many "shalls" and it will be something like Hutatree II will be blamed for those naughty things BATF moles said on recordings of events they never wished, as it all ties into Aaron Burr smirking over a nuclear scenario to show he is a man......more of a man than Hillary in retaliating for the conspiracy which beloved leader only thought was something to scuff him for political gain.

Will there be concern some Americans will actually sniff this out with their own counter Operation Valkyire?
How does one sniff when the fish stinks from the head down.

No do not think that 21st century America is Germany 1944 as there are no Patriots who would even arrest Obama. No the conspirators are Obama's own whisperers who work for a greater order out of their greater chaos.

There will be no shadow government. No calls for investigations. Just more of the same silent smugness in what they got away with again.

In order to vilify, there would need to be honorable people to vilify, and America has none in power, unlike Nazi Germany.
The whole world will vilify us now, but I am still totally convinced that we did the right thing. Hitler is the archenemy not only of Germany but of the world. When, in few hours' time, I go before God to account for what I have done and left undone, I know I will be able to justify what I did in the struggle against Hitler. God promised Abraham that He would not destroy Sodom if just ten righteous men could be found in the city, and so I hope that for our sake God will not destroy Germany. None of us can bewail his own death; those who consented to join our circle put on the robe of Nessus. A human being's moral integrity begins when he is prepared to sacrifice his life for his convictions Colonel Henning von Tresckow

No this will all be scripted with the only one stunned by outcome of the plot being B. Hussein Obama, as it was not what he planned at all to have his 2013 purge.

This is all great theater, and it is said that Hitler recorded all the trials and enjoyed viewing the circus. Yes once again like in all events, FDR will drag on his cig while waiting for the Japs to murder Americans at Pearl Harbor.

It is all in the process children. It has been verbalized and the dice has been cast and recast as the internet spiders of Baby's web are spinning threads over.

Yes as always this blog alone trying to keep B. Hussein Osseiran safe from his own. This blog knows Mr. Obama must be hauled into court to face his crimes or as the cartel has plotted, he will become a martyr and cover up their crimes.

Erwin Rommel, the famed "Desert Fox," into their ranks. Rommel was by far the most popular officer in Germany, and was also the first active-duty field marshal to lend support to the plot (Witzleben had been inactive since 1942). Although Rommel felt he had to, as he put it, "come to the rescue of Germany," he thought killing Hitler would make him a martyr. Instead, he wanted Hitler arrested and hauled before a court-martial for his many crimes.

Yes to arrest the criminal leader installed by the democratic mob..........

But then it is always those inside who are the real plotters now isn't it.

Himmler had at least one conversation with a known oppositionist when, in August 1943, the Prussian Finance Minister Johannes Popitz, who was involved in Goerdeler's network, came to see him and offered him the support of the opposition if he would make a move to displace Hitler and secure a negotiated end to the war.[11] Nothing came of this meeting, but Popitz was not arrested and Himmler apparently did nothing to track down the resistance network which he knew was operating within the state bureaucracy. It is possible that Himmler, who by late 1943 knew that the war was unwinnable, allowed the plot to go ahead in the knowledge that if it succeeded he would be Hitler's successor, and could then bring about a peace settlement. Popitz was not alone in seeing in Himmler a potential ally. General von Bock advised Tresckow to seek his support, but there is no evidence that he did so. Goerdeler was apparently also in indirect contact with Himmler via a mutual acquaintance Carl Langbehn. Wilhelm Canaris biographer Heinz Höhne suggests that Canaris and Himmler were working together to bring about a change of regime, but all of this remains speculation.

...and more plotters at the top just waiting for natural causes events to explode on the scene.

Hermann Göring taking Hitler's place, and in turn ordering Major Remer to switch sides and arrest the plotters. A Nazi State under Göring would have been more receptive to peace with the allies and may also have "cleaned house" of several fanatical Nazis, including many senior SS and Nazi Party leaders.

Perhaps is why der Fuehrer in his last act stripped Himmler and Göring of Nazi party rank in 1945 for treachery.

Will Mr. Obama strip his coup plotters in his National Socialist party or will he listen to the voices in his head?

You are getting this all children in exclusive raw data in things you never dreamed and things Obama never had whispered to him.

agtG 257 YYy

Baby Key Word: Lame Cherry breaks the story. Rovian gays, Stan Ann beyond the grave. In tribute to the Obama regime. Dates.
Lame Cherry knows all. Baby knows all as today is April 11th, and she is speaking of drafts in May 1st not yet published and the coming series of "if these shadows do not change".