America I have been among you.
Yes your popular girl left the brier patch and hastened out to your major metropoliana and gained current knowledge of you as a people.
I traveled light as one packs light in pillow with case turned inside out, turned right side in upon destination. 1 bag containing extra jeans, shorts, undies, tops, spare tissue and Bible.
Small camera bag containing toothbrush, salt for brushing teeth, comb, brush, bandades, headache remedy, your choice of a stomach medicine, salve, lotion, vitamins and minerals, mirror, tweezers, magnifier, knife, needle and thread, q tips, toothpicks, pliers, compass, shampoo, moist towelettes, soap, sunglasses, hats, sleeping bag and towel.
You may prefer gun, but I possibly could not comment.
I bake bars, take water of 3 gallons, and yes if one has opportunity to cook, a cooler, nice grill, cooking pot with pre packaged dried foods are a nice home away from home adventure.
Manditory cash and credit card, and yes an extra set of car keys for each of your pockets, so you do not lose them.
I learned a great deal in how much the devil wants this blog stopped in my travels, from storms to you Americans, who are a most interesting group of rats in the maze.
Your interestate highway system is in a shambles. I should be 6 lanes, with the left being at least 100 miles per hour and the national standard should be 80 mph for the center with minimum of 70 for the right lane exit and merge.
If Mano Romney wanted to get America up and running, he should drop gas and car prices, build the Autobahn in America, and let American drive like the wind.
I found that Americans are like the internet in information packets. It is interesting in there is always some semi truck, geezer or idiot who bottles up traffic, so there are these open spaces and these traffic jams.
There are always those who blow the doors off of everyone and frankly I became one of them, as the safest thing in the world is to get away from idiot drivers as quickly as possible and roam America between the open spaces.
On my return trip to the brier patch, I proudly stated that no one passed me the entire way, after I got out of metro traffic. I did though almost become airborne over a bad merge lane which was rough as the ocean in a storm, but then Holy Angels protected me on the venture into flight.
Your cities though are too much a part of the interstate system and I felt compassion on one old geezer and his wife about 80 years old driving 40 and causing traffic problems as he tempted to merge onto a metro artery.
I was not displeased as in being new to this, I hid behind him and let the rest of America blow past us as I was trying to read road signs.
It was all quite exciting, like being shot at, in cars and pick ups going at me 70 plus miles an hour and weaving through the traffic like a pinball maze.
I honestly was vibrational in my skin was tingling after I somehow arrived through that, at of course in the wrong place, in my destination and thought about what had just taken place.
I also got lost twice. Of course was not my fault, as for some reason the highway engineers decided to make a right ramp the interstate instead of going on straight ahead.
The other occasion was my MapQuest directions did not list an exit I had to take, so I did not take it and ended up going west instead of north.
It all worked out as I scared some poor girl at a stop light in her car, as she was perfectly safe where she was, as I came flying up still angered at the signs of the directions not matching the signs.
Would it be so impossibly hard America to have 2 exits and actually SIGNS at places one turns off, or perhaps when one turns off, to have a sign stating one is on the interstate yet?
I believe I drove a kilometer at one on ramp before I found a little sign showing I actually was on an interstate and not some other metro artery.
I did enjoy my venture though, as I had a Chauffeur on my stay who was the best automotive driver in the land. I learned a great deal from her abilities and gifts. Some people are born to drive and she is Mistress of the automobile.
The following of course is not my fault nor racist, but is a fact of life. The black people I saw were pure comedy Obama voters. They are children with attitude who think that the entire world is supposed to bow to them. Horrid choices in clothing and attire too in this juvenile show of Obamaness.
The beaners were all clean, but had that same vacuous look of having eaten one too many hot peppers.
Prejudice I also experienced at a gun shop. If they did not desire my money, then that was an acceptable venture. I always have folks mistaking me, so that is not the problem in this, but again white people who are Walmart shoppers who have license plates announcing they are gun owners are a little low on the etiquette scale to be judging anyone.
I know I was cussed at on the road, and other things in shopping which were not nice, but is it not nice that I was among you Americans, and I have recorded just as God did all the Obama garbage you are?
The Bible speaks of entertaining Angels unaware. Well, America, I was with you and bumped into you, and you were not aware Lame Cherry was among you. You really do all walk around with a 1000 yard attitude and eye each other like you are all coyotes looking to chew on each other's carion.
Now though that I know the way, and am learning how to drive in a strange land, I will be venturing out to the stars and the oasis found there. In that, it is the most amazing thing to be around several million people, and the person you are with makes it all vanish so you are only with them.
I have never had that vanishing point experience.
Oh I suppose you want to know what I did in yoru being nosy...........
I had the best time I have ever had in my life. I washed dishes, cooked, did errands, fixed things with the Tiger Lily among other things you will not hear of, and it was the most Blessed days I have ever experienced, as when one is in LOVE with that perfect Spiritual Mate, all things become adventure and exactly the things you desire to do.
The Tiger Lily is Thee only One Who could have ever drawn me out into this world, and that is the reality of taking out garbage to save them a step or moving books, is where I desired to be.
Watching them sleep to feeling their presence enter the room.
I could not pack that in a travel kit nor can directions be given for that. That was all from God in prayers answered.
I will be out among you again America. If you can not help but vote for Obama, at least inform Romney to fix the economy in one aspect by fixing the interstate highways to actually be a place to not be imprisoned on in debt or traffic pockets.
Just put in one more lane of traffic on the inside for high speed, as there is room there, and that makes jobs across America, you drop car and gas prices and that booms travel and the economy on that level builds the rest of the economy.