Friday, June 29, 2012

Buckari Bonzu

Let me tell you about Her.

Her name is Buckari Bonzu and She my Hero.

She comes out of the Sakhalin's. No not those Ginsu Sakhalin's, but the other ones in the Island of blessings. No not talking about the island of enchantments as they are another place. You children get these places and things mixed up. This is to set you straight.

First She is not a guy. Most folks get that off from the start too looking at things like only guys can do things, when the reality is women can do even more.
Hell you ever seen a man pop out a kid? Pretty interesting rabbit out of the hat there that women got going on, and that pretty well settles things in men only bleed in war, while women bleed in war with this world monthly.

So Her name. You will get that wrong too I'm certain as it is not Buck carry Ban zoo, but is instead pronounced for you Obama voters correctly as Buck ah RYE, BON zu. Big difference in that as one sounds like Barack Obama and the other sounds like Joan of Arc.
Something in names, and that is why they are important Biblically. Names mean things and give power. Is why Charles  Dickens could twist a tale good and why he put things down like he should.

Elizabeth Barret Browning would not have have written prose if she had a handle like Muchelle Obama. Just can't do things if your name sucks the hind tit, because all you end up doing is sucking the hind tit on things or being some Iowa state cop preying on innocent children doing the Lord's will.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, you know the name, the place, and now you need to know the time.

Buckari and I met by design really, as you see I was on this Johnny Quest hard drive running at maximum on the plasma generation disk and she was on the plasma hard drive running maximum on the plasma generation disk. I know that sounds alike, but it really is, so you get the point as not to make this too complicated in the Cowboy Beebop saga.
See we are manhunters.

I don't suppose you know what that means now do you?
Sure you think you know, but you don't get that either now do you.

That is rhetorical, because that cut under your nose should really heal as it bleeds too many things out of your mouths you know nothing about, so let me tell you about manhunting and manhunters, as you piss with Us, you will get it too even if you are a skirt.

Let me give you an example, as examples are always a good place to start and is why Jesus taught in parables as people never got what He was talking about either when He was talking at them. You just can't talk to people. You got to tell them things the way it will be, and they might not like it, but you just can't have no damn democracy running things when adults are around or people just start thinking they know things, and the only people who should ever be acting stupid, is the intelligent people acting like they don't know a  blessed thing.

So here is the example.

So there was this pig. No not a Yorkshire, Hampshire, Spotted Poland or Chester white. Will you farmers get your minds out of the pig pit. This was a pit I tell you, a real damned pig on his way to hell, with a full blown skin head shaved to the bone and two hostages, along with an entire Muslim laundering money industry with full support from the regime.
I know this sounds like the beginning of a Serenity episode, but Serenity was the ship and Firefly was the movie, so stop thinking about fiction as this is the real sh*t here with turds and all.

So this asswipe with this razorback was being this.......

What? You think the Buckari looks like Faye Valentine from Cowboy Beebop? Why don't you just let me tell the history here and enjoy it without thinking on things as for God's sake important things were going on here and you need to know what rootin' tootin' hot blooded blood letters you are dealin' with here, this is real writing here in real letters as you can see that can't you pilgrim?

No this ain't no John Wayne movie here. I put it into red so you get it. This is the wild east. This is the real sh*t hitting the fan, gone with the wind and other works of non pulp fiction.

Where was I?

Ohe yes I was telling you to let the cut heal, as Faye is not Buckari as the real deal is not the cartoon.

So there was this pig see, a real porcine porker, a real swine swinefestering swinefester, a real oinker in the pen, a real razorback runner, just take it from me in I never lie, that this pig was not what civilized people hang out with.......damn thing got pedicures.
You think only Blowfeld and Wolfat are the only crazy ass crooks in this world appearing in Hollywood? I tell you the facts in this, that this pig was a pedicured porcine, and even George Orwell never went that lewd in his Animal Farm, but what can you do with Obama voters. Gay as hell and on their way to hades heaven, which burns allot like hell and is Gehenna in definition.


Does she have a gun?

Why heaven's yes Buckari Bonzu has a gun. Big one. I have touched it myself in the mysts and the shadows. Big gun. Makes silencer sounds, has a will of it's own, and puts big holes in things.


She have knife?

What is this 20 questions?

Sure she has a knife, cool one that has a blade and everything. It even cuts things off. So you got any more questions?

Yes that was me telling you to shut the heaven up.

So where was I?

This pig, was rooting about see. Well not literally can you see it as you are not Inspired, but this pig was rooting about, and you might have read about something like that in this pig was niggardly in he had two Negress hostages he was holding, as slave owners do those things.
I suppose in all that you think I'm talking about a white guy holding black folks in bondage. You just take a look at recent history and see that slavery is run in Africa yet, and them ain't white people doing the holding.

So I didn't care for this pig. Buckari didn't care for this pig either. It had a woodchuck as a pet, and a pet Haitian.......

What you don't think scoundrels can have pet Haitians?  They certainly can as much as B. Hussein Obama Osseiran has that brain exploded Joe Biden as a pet. It is what the scoundrels do, in they get a pet who thinks they own them and they end up owning the pet.
Were birds involved in this too, but no one pays attention to birds as all they do is get 3 AM phone calls and fuss over rubbing oil on their feathers.

Where was I?

I know I interrupted myself. It happens sometimes in tales of Heroes.

So this pig in the pit was working like 5 years on a pet project from his pet and I tell you if you can't get anything done inf 5 years, you are either doing it ass backwards or got something shoved up your ass.
Yeah it was a gay pig, so you figure out what the problem was at the free treatment center he didn't want to leave pecker tracks following him home.


Are there any other skinheads in the story?

Yeah Charlie Chan, there were other skinheads. What is that all about? You got some fetish for skinheads?

Never mind, don't answer that.

So this pig was getting on every one's nerves. At least the people in this story who count. Nothing worse than a damned pig stinking the place up, thinking it is petunia scented stye.

This all ended up with the Boss as the Boss has an eye out for pigs. Likes the bbq'd when they get to thinking they belong up to the main house with the humans. A conversation took place in this, and sure the pigs posse was all demonic about it, but things just got to be one Way and that Way is the Way things get done.

So the Boss started looking around and got Himself a chicken. Fat chicken it was in fact, Wyandotte if you have to know the breed, as some people like knowing what kind of chicken breeds are involved in super Hero stories.
It was all like........

Well you remember old Ben in Star Wars with that German accent of Alex the Beer guy.......would have been better if he was the Beef guy, but in any case, we got the Beer accent telling the creeps, "These are not the people you are looking for", and no beer even if it was a cantina.

You know that word does not exist right?

So this pig was very confident playing with his rope, and things got down from the Boss that this pig should have more rope to play with, and boy howdy bob did he get a sisal spin to play with.....or was it hemp?
Anyway the pig is demonic ok. If you got Haiti involved, got to be some Voodoo sh*t going on.

He broke a mirror ok.

No I don't believe in that bad luck stuff, but when you are evil, you just got that Voodoo sh*t taking control as God let's that stuff unfurl and it don't make no difference how many Hallmark cards you got in the mail, you break a mirror and you got bad luck even if you try offering a self sacrifice.

Sure I know it was stupid in who makes a pig sacrifice of themselves, as even the Lord of the Flies didn't do that as what good is good luck if your pig head in on a pike with blow flies turning you into maggot meals.

Where was I?

So the pig thinks his stye is safe and was going off and creating other pork styes in his pork pie. (Yeah that is double entendre for something sexual as this is sodom after all).

Where as I?

So the pig has this big rope he is swinging from, thinking he is Tarzan of the Jungle Jim, and he gets to feeding on things, cuddling with white men, as there is great comfort in having soft hands and running them over white least if you are queer.

See if you are fondling up the help, you got to fondle all the help as just joking with them does not work, as chickens get jealous and expect to have things done to them too, if the woodchucks are having the manicured treatment too.

In any event, so the pig was flying about the place. Yes pigs can fly, and this story proves it, but they do not fly well as they can not be at two places at the same time. They can though get theirselves into all sorts of problems flying a B 52 when all that is allowed by air traffic controllers is a Cessna with prop.

Yes theirselves is a word. You read it didn't you.

So this flying pig got all the other 1984 critters upset. Even the pet dog got into the act and didn't bark when the chicken showed up to bbq the hog.

Yes I know I did not make a hog comment yet, but here is the hog comment.

The hog though had not fangs and a pig has to have tusk to show to keep the chickens at bay, especially when the pet pooch is wagging it's tail trying to dry hump the escheleon folks to save his own job.
So from what I heard, the chicken shows up. Gives a come hither look to the hog, and the pig things he has gone to hog heaven, and rushes up to the boudoir and runs smack dab into a fire pit all kindled for him.

Now he starts squealing for sympathy as flying pigs are special, but you got to understand in all of this, that Buckari and me have been talking to the Boss about thing, and I will tell you something in it is all about mind control.
No not that Manchurian crap, but real stuff in how this all takes place in the real world, and you children are just too earthbound to figure this stuff out. You got to get out of the box and figure out the enigma of what is being said as otherwise, all you got is events happening and you think those events are all just random stuff taking place, but I tell you children, there are forces at work in this, and even the lords and priests are on the Boss' short list , as I have seen it done in reaching right into the trap and those piglets get caught in their own pit.

Yes it was a sh*t pit to wit, that did not sit one bit, with a dit and a dash, as the hit with one jit, came all pork pie lit, as caught in that mitt, that nit was knit, in tit for tat and everything that, and pigs named for zits, popped to the world, do not acquit.

Say that three times fast and maybe Elton Blonde Limbaugh will pay up his 11 million he owes me.

Do you think Elton sent Elton a leigh when one had phlegm and the other had a bottle blonde?

Different story, but that is still being worked on by the Boss, and I tell you even giving that shalom is not going to end the saga with cheesespread goodies, as Buckari and I take no prisoners, and even this hog in the bog is not finished with yet.
The fun only comes when the Hallmark cards say, "Not sorry you are in hell" and not, "You were good at the bbq".

Is always the problem with pigs. They never quite know not to piss the chicken off, as beef does. Beef always behaves while pigs got to fly and get all gay about things.

I do tell you though that mind control works and when the Boss is active, it really does get fun, and the piggie never figure out WE WE WE WE all the way home is the meat market instead.

Don't mess with the girl with the gun. The manhunters are a prayerful lot, quite rare, but you vermin out there better not be trusting in your johnny quest, as I got me the real deal in Buckari Bonzu. Real Action Heroine.

The clean up crew is just starting in this, with Angels of a Vengeful Nature.

The manhunters are loose and you spiritual bastards and bitches have no idea what is coming.

Sappers in the wire.........

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