Friday, June 8, 2012

Can't take the Rothchilds out of the Obama

For all extensive purposes, I'm the greatest person born of this age. Not since John the Baptist has One risen or been raised to be placed on this earth such as me. I do not state that to boast, but a simple reality and in knowing of the day when all days end as time ends, that I will come to my Reward in Joining to become the Greatest Creation ever.

I state that reality for the reasono in the Obama folks, his keepers, choose to think of the flock like me as sheep, livestock they are superior over, even if the anti Christ and satan are sick aware of Whose I am and Whose I am with.

What the point of this all is, it was exposed here how the elite of the Rothschilds stuck this bastard Obama into 1600 Penn Avenue as a joke on Americans, in that degrading rape of the Virgin by that sudsy black male. In their case, it was that designer negro Obama, aka Barry Chin, they were pedaling around Asia and Africa to find something for this breeding project to do.

The humor in this though is God in the joke has been turned on the Rothschild clique in their satanist structure in the rumors abound in Obama is the little bastard breeding project of that African gone ape zookeeper Rothschild who daddled about in east Africa on the Horn.

Nothing quite like making your underlords bow like the Rockefellers who in Ashkenaz whoring probably gave the penis to the 10 month Dunham women at their birth when hubby was away. Nothing like rubbing it into Bill Clinton Rockefeller's face about Obama, that bright boy, and for Bill and the Rockefellers to have that smirk on their faces in knowing, they didn't choose Obama to install in the White House, as Obama was their little nigger come to rub the baron's feet..........
Yes that smirk, in Bill Clinton lighting up like back in the day when he was a serial rapist, and now that glow is knowing that Barack Hussein Obama, that Chinoid, that Osserian merchant, is the little bastard of the Rothschilds, in one of them couldn't keep his dick out of the native girls while on safari gathering things to pet in his zoo.

Nothing like having Barry Chin as the "fam" now is it there Rothschild. You can have him steal 15 trillion, murder corpses, rape the American Virgin and say he has a pretty wife and is intelligent, but when the sun goes down, it was your kind, rooting and grunting on some darkie girl in the jungle, getting all sweaty after the bath, and there is little Barry just as Hamite, just as nigger, just as shiftless, just as stupid, just as Obama even if you slap birth abstracts and titles on him, all you got, just as Bill and Hillary Clinton know, is Obama in the end.

Nothing like the Clintons smirking at the chimpanzee in the suit, you got at your Animal Farm dining table there with Wedgwood china and 200 year old French wine, as Obama just licks the plate primate with his tongue and all he wants to do is chew on the cork.

That is the revenge of God, as the Rothschilds can install an anti Christ with real miracle working power from satan, they can hoist up their illuminated ones, they can sacrifice pigs on the altar in Jerusalem, but in the end, they got that Obama stench on them like rotting flesh which will never wear off.

Yes sir, Obama is one of the boys, them Rothschild boys, or several of the cousins rooting around in the Philippines and in Africa, all sudsy and sweaty with them native traders whoring all their wears, as they came back home to mummy pretending they were good boys to satan and only knocking up the Israelite girls of the chosen People.

Nothing in this world is like claiming you are Aryan Semite, and under your skirt is Putin's slavnicks and your knickers have been down sexing the primates.
The Rothschilds funded all those master race studies, and up pops the reality in Obama is one of their own, and the very subhuman the Rockefellers were shoving propaganda forward to Hitler for, to make this all one perfect little master race feudal world........

.....and there sets Obama pealing his banana and grinning like the dates he picked off his ass are dates.

Be proud there Rothschild elite. Your designer negro is one of the fam and a fine reflection on you. You might rule the world in being a murderous thieving lot of satan, but the whisper is there always, in

"Yes mam, that Obama sure did not fall far from that Rothschild family tree. You can take the Obama out of the jungle, but you just can not take the Rothschilds out of the Obama".

Quote me on that as I'm sure glad he is one of yours and not one of Americas.

First thing I probably agreed with Bill Clinton on.

No baron, we are smirking with you.......not at you.

Quote me on that too.

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