Friday, June 1, 2012


Congratulations to Obama's Political Prisoner John Edwards being exonerated by the People's Jury in remaining hung, so foreigner Obama could not succeed in lynching an American Southern white male.

All of this court trouble for John Edwards came from the reality he was the only one who could challenge Obama in 2012.
For this Edwards had his cancer ridden wife tortured by Obama in her last days, and now John Edwards has been hounded like Lawrence Sinclair.

This blog demands an apology to John Edwards from the Obama regime. Demands that John Edwards immediately runs for the Presidential nomination of the Democratic Party for 2012 at open convention, and demands the World Court investigate B. Hussein Obama aka Barry Chin for his heinous crimes against the John Edwards family, the Mommar Khadaffi family, the Hosni Mubarak family, the Sheik bin Laden family and the families of the over 1500 Americans slaughtered for Obama in his feudal wars of Muslim cleansing for the Osseirans as he sets up his New Asian Order with his Neo European Empire on the ashes of America.

Run John Edwards Run and save America from this foreign despot in Barry Chin!

John Edwards knows where the Obama skeletal crimes are hung and Edwards has the victim appeal of the rapine what Obama did to him to boot that foreigner out of 1600 Penn Avenue.
Mitt Romney should join with Edwards in this combined effort in allowing Edwards to be any cabinet post, if he assists in removing Barry Chin from the American White House.

George Bush are you going to wait around to be put in a cage like Hosni Mubarak or dragged through the streets like Khadaffi? Do not think Karl Rove's plan is going to protect you.

nuff said
