Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fag Fight


Fag fight, fag fight
It can happen to anyone
Fag fight, fag fight
It is an Obama dream come true
Oh, but what are you gonna do.........

You can sing that to a Fat Albert song by Bill Cosby, as the closeted Bill has this Obama thing going on in Stage Fright, and it is fitting that all the ignorant saps who propped up this liar Obama receive full credit for being a part in destroying America.

Yes, this blog must touch on what has to be the gayest or soddenest fag fights which go on in the Obama White House.

First the White House Insider talked of............

That Daley guy going tits to tits with that shrieking Val-erie Jarrett in the hall, and that sexy Reggie Love came out and rubbed Bill Daley's breast with his hands in trying to seperate them.

Now word has come that two more Obama fags went at in the White House, and this  time it was Val-erie Jarrett rubbing her tits on both of these gay males.
Apparently, Valdasherie has some fetish of turning black gay males to straightdom.

In any sodom, the story is that sexy David Hitler Axelrod went tit to tit with that sexy Eric Holder. While they were rubbing tits and talking about putting something into Justice as Axelrod wanted to keep tabs on Holder, the fag boys were brushing up against each other and acting macho.

Valdasherie becoming aroused, jumped up, and thrust her breast in between the fag boys, as Obama apparently was either masturbating or eating Cheetos under his desk, as it was not quite clear where Obama was in this meeting...........unless he was snorting coke off Axelrod and Holder's thighs in a Lawrence Sinclair deja vu, as Obama does seem to be sucked back to that in all he does, in trying to be a man in thumping his chest in trying to impress Lawrence Sinclair yet in winning him back.

Klaidman discloses the struggles within Mr Obama's White House at it mounted its controversial campaign against al-Qaeda. He writes that Mr Holder and Mr Axelrod were separated by Valerie Jarrett, a White House adviser and confidante to Mr Obama. Ms Jarrett "pushed her way between the two men, her sense of decorum disturbed, ordering them to 'take it out of the hallway',"
As a popular girl, I can understand how ugly lighter than brown paper bag chics who like to say they are black to get Affirmative Action posts, like attention in thrusting their saggy old boobs to rub on gay men, because one has to take contact where one gets it, but it is a bit much for Valdasherie to ask for a peep show in the White House in telling Axelrod and Holder to "take IT out in the hallway".
I realize that most straight people would have thought Val was talking about the fight, but with fag fights there never is a fight, so Val was telling these two gay boys to go out in the hall so she could peek through the keyhole and pretend she was with Obama down in the redlight district shoving quarters into the slot and seeing some undersized male penis in a thrill show.

Granted with all the sticky things on Obama's floors, and the scent of latex, there is the reality of deja vu, but to ask two gay men to expose themselves after throwing yourself at them to see if.......well you know what Val was hoping she still had that old black magic, and not have given the boys Stage Fright.

This blog must stand up for little Barry Chin, as all this fag fighting scares him. He was traumatized in rough sex basketball play with that Latino male, and upon bleeding he never went back to the hoops.
Little Barry Chin, should not be exposed to these fag fights, as he has that big Muchelle lurking about with a vulva bigger than a porn penis, and it just is more than he can handle as without Reggie Love, there just is no one Obama can get a hug from and hide under his armpit to make him feel all safe.

So please to the Obama regime. This popular girl pleads no more fag fights as they are ghetto green vomit unsexy and they just plain make little Barry remember his childhood in his stepmother Stan Ann and the shemale maid going at it, as he  tied up his little sister Lia in some bondage thing he had seen.

Enough of this sex please, as it was much more pleasant when the CIA was just snapping photos of politicians to blackmail, as the women were pretty whores and unlike Valdasheire they made the gay men hard.

Oh how Obama misses that queer David Cameron, or as Obama likes chirping, Davie Cumonme.

nuff said.

