I will not predict a market crash to the date, but compose this on June 3rd,. 2012 to simply state there will be a global stock market crash, as frankly, there can be no other outcome eventually.
Obama and Geithner have pumped trillions into the markets worldwide, all illegally and literally all propping up levels which the markets can not sustain or have value in.
If one contemplates that W. Bush invested a trillion dollars, and into housing, and the toxicity that generated, Obama has done this 10 times over literally, and in giving the illusion things are stable, the reality is, the glut is not sustainable as no cuts have been made and NO ONE IS BUYING ANYTHING TO SUSTAIN THE STOCK PRICE LEVELS.
The stock market globally will simply have to crash as fraud currency will not uphold it.
One sees a major warning sign in that skirt French gal at IMF or whatever begging for "electronic money" to be printed, which is a signal that the entire world is so full of cotton Dollars it will probably self combust and cause real global warming.
There simply are not enough things to buy with paper money literally. When one has the hundred trillion US dollars out there, there is not room in the planet for that kind of planet of cash.
This blog reminds readers that as of 9 11, the Rothschilds literally had around 70 trillion they had looted from the United States to their accounts. That number approached 100 trillion so the reality is, there is no more room in any bank or any nation for that kind of lunar sized object to be hidden.
The net result is stocks will implode as this was all designed to implode, so the feudal lords of Europe with the weapons and the cash will rule, over all the serfs and slaves who are being created in this global feudal state which Obama is implementing in this Super Depression.
Stocks will be worth something of course, but not what they are propped up as. You could not threaten me to buy some internet company like Facebook, and I warned you children to stay away from that and was proven correct, past all the lying even FOX news was spewing out about how everyone wanted Facebook.
The reality is companies which produce things, people will buy will still produce some kind of return. The reality also is God states the day that people will throw their gold and silver out the window as it is worthless.
As one survivalist once said, "You want 100 pounds of gold to cart around which no one can use or eat, or do you want a box of razorblades someone would trade for shaving or cutting?"
Duh, yes that is the reality in I guarantee you that the day will come that a roll of toilet paper is going to be more in demand than 10,000 pounds of gold or a billion dollars worth of Facebook stock.
The main point has always been common sense in investments of things solid, things pretty, things useful and things made.
In all this reality, as this blog has exclusively noted, there are trillions of Obama bad debt and criminal debt. The cartel is not going to get stuck holding that debt nor hung for those crimes. In recent history, the cartel brought down the records in the World Trade Centers to hide what was stolen.
That must repeat and just as FDR got the US out of his Super Depression with a staged war, the like scenario must generate for the elite to save themselves and grab more power.
That would mean a stock crash and a way of incinerating the evidence in some type of nuclear blast in financial centers, as logic would project this out. The power elite of course will have what they will say is valuable and you will not have that commodity, as that is the way feudal worlds work in.
I personally have invested in God and my Family first, and trust in Them completely and know with the investment in my knowing that Tupperware melts on the fire and a cast iron pan does not with my boxes of matches, that I'm light years ahead of those with bags of gold or thinking the stock markets with all that phony Obama cash will remain always at those levels.
The patterns will repeat, and they are patterns in Revelation in the Four Horsemen. Food problems, money problems, weakness in diseases and one gets war problems. That is the world as Obama has more dope growing than food, more debt than sense, more rationed death than in world history, and all his little wars stoking to a big nuclear bonfire.
No it will not be the end of the world, but it will be coming events when people will be rare and great problems as God does avenge Himself in proving His Spiritual and financial system is the only Way to Live.
I actually am the wealthiest person on this planet as I have Love in the One I Love. That is a Life Force which has absolutely no end. Thank God for that.
It will not be a market crash. It will be a market rapine as all of these staged events have been rapine of stealing your investments and the money ending up in the select few's coffers.
I have told you those trillions stolen from you did not disappear. They are all there and if the mob would just take it all back from the elite, the financial problems would end immediately.
agtG 384 YY