Friday, June 22, 2012

Saving Obama's Privates Ryan

This blog heartily agrees with the Obama SS in protecting Barry Chin from savage attacks by Mexicans invited to the White House for lunch and disarming them in not allowing any knives near them, and disarming them of their forks so to protect B. Hussein.

Granted as democrats it would have been better to just serve the Latino's tacos, and then no silverware would have had to have been collected, but the reality is Mr. Obama must be safeguarded from these folks who vote for him.

It is an easy G. Gordon Liddy thing to take a fork, wrap the tine end in a napkin, put it in the palm of one's hand, put the handle end between the ring and gay flip Reagan off finger, and salsa one's way up to B. Hussein and jam the thing into his eye socket and then into the brain, before the Secret Service could even shoot the Mexican.
Worse yet like Bobby Kennedy it might be the SS shooting Obama which would really be bad, as it would be hard to explain how a fork went off.

Barack Hussein Obama though must be protected as this blog always advocates.

This  blog demands that all shoes be removed from Obama voters at the White House as some steel toed boot from a union thug might break Obama's skull in being thrown at him.

Furthermore, all belts should be removed, as we do not want some fat White House Insiders waddling up and strangling Obama.

........and let us not forget those sexy Wall Street Insider chicas who should be disarmed of their tampons as who knows some Obama voter might soak a tampon in tea, sneak up to Obama and suffocate him with it, as she shoves it down his throat, it swells up and chokes the poor Chinoid.

There are many dangers, and this includes BObama the dog.

What happens if the Muslim militants decide to do a John Kennedy like on Castro and breed some plague fleas, and as BO is out romping they toss them over the fence and BO gets bugged, and comes running over to B. Hussein who catches the Black Death or something.
You do remember the rodetns were all over Obama in 2009 don't you?
Don't want no bubonic plague swelling up Barry Chin.

The Obama SS should be commended on this in their foresight, but there are so many dangers which Mr. Obama should be protected from in his voters. I suggest Obama get hisself a Pope Mobile thing so he can be behind glass and people can just look and not fork him.

What happens though if wine is served and some clever McGiver shows up with a load of tums for his tummy, and puts them into that acid, corks the bottle up and gives it a good masturbation shake and turns that cork into a lethal weapon?

We must ban acidic drinks, including orange juice and stomach medicines too in protecting B. Hussein Obama for trial in Joplin Missouri, and to sentence him to Iowa, as that butt hole state is a pure prison of icky ishy.
No please!!!!!! Let Obama call an airstrike on Iowa for it's septic nature and save hisself from toxic shock Obama syndrome in his future Iowa exile.

No farting either as what happens if some Vegitarian shows up, with a load of bean gas in her butt, and she sneaks up, bends over and as Obama admires the view, she lets loose and lights up that methane fart and incinerates B. Hussein on the podium?

Mr. Obama Osseiran must be protected as he had that Salahi woman having hand sex with him, and who knows what sexual disease he might have caught from that bottle blonde adventure.

We can not worry about racial profiling in not trusting Mexicans with forks, as what is this Arizona after all. We can only have concern for beloved leader Obama in taking these safety precautions in assuring that it is only piles of Muslim leaders ending up dead, while America protects at all costs her secular Islamic leader from the Philippines in Barry Chin.

Who knew that all America needed was Mexicans with forks and instead wasted trillions on terror wars. Just load up the Latinos to Asia, with a box of soap in free silverware included, and America would make money on laundry being done and silverware assassins taking out all the bad terrorists.

I do wonder though if the salad fork is of more concern than the dining fork in danger...........

So much to ponder in this Age of Obama. Thank the messiah he is safe and no Mexicans ate him.
