Friday, June 29, 2012

Unless worse comes


I will reveal a few things in this blog which I have not spoken of before except to intimates.

When this blog exclusively predicted in December of 2011, after I witnessed an orange harvest moon then, that 2012 would be a drought year, I went out on a limb which I hate to do, as my life is required of me by God if I ever get things wrong in His Name.

So for the people who think what goes on here is a joke or think that this is something anyone can do, or  think if they piss on me, it makes them something. There are forces at work here, and when I'm drooling on the wall looking like a mad woman, it is by design as forces do desire me dead and one of those Forces is God in He will require me my life if I ever get things wrong.



Drought Grows, Worsens...

Nothing I do here in witnessing and warning is not without a way out Sodom. I posted here also by Inspiration, MAKE PEACE WITH GOD, for all of your direction.

Make Peace with God and God will move someone to intervene for you and your nation, and it starts with the reality of the 10 Commandments and not putting into Jesus Office at 1600 Penn Avenue an anti messiah foreigner nor a Jesus denier border buster.
I told you Sarah Palin was the one, and she in prophecy became the abused American whore America now is.

For some reason, I have a special Gift in weather. The things I speak about weather come to be. Years ago in my locality I often prayed for God to bring rain without any damage. The Holy Ghost finally informed me that rain drops damage little things, and I was really putting some burden on God to rain on the plain and not break things.

In 2011, I was moved to inform God that, He often brings on droughts to begin punishment, but that I dislike droughts, I informed God that He could do as much punishment with rain as drought.
Yes, I'm the one who caused all that flooding in America. You children have no idea who you are dealing with.

I have refrained from dealing with weather in this cycle, as this is God's doing and He is Righteous in bringing this well predicted firestorm upon America. Once again, I will remind you children as all of you had your heads stuck up some Mockingbird's rectum, it was only here that you heard this was coming. You did not pay attention nor think it mattered, but it does matter.

I have meddled in this for my own reasons, as I have a destiny to fulfill and I started asking about not boiling my brains out in doing it. I have not moved on this fully, but will accept God's Will to be done and not mine. I also know if I break this heat for my purpose in the area I propose that there are going to be some wicked storms blasting certain areas.

See I warned you in the letter to the Wall Street Insider in what she had to undertake in people used to have sense in being terrified when the Prophet showed up, but none of you have figured out what is in the midst of you as you are ants and do not comprehend my mission.

I would have you make peace with God. I do not know if my intercession would heal you or save America, as that is not my purpose in this witness. I do know that, here am I, not in any mood any longer to deal with this as my focus is upon Another.
The point is those who should have come, have not, and think their shalom or their blondeberry's are going to protect them, when in reality God can reach in and drag any of them to hell, as has been my experience in God checking out the scoffers who did not comprehend who they were dealing with.

I tell you these things not to frighten you, even if the fear of God would do you well, and the terror of a Prophet would be healthy thing for America. I inform you these things for the reason that the beginning of the end has been engaged.

I love building things. I love creation with all of me. My talent though is not in this time for those things Spiritually as I was designed for pulling down and destruction. Here am I not a destroyer, but when so moved by God, things are rent in pieces.

I do not care what you believe. I simply in witness inform you to put away your national sins of Obama and Romney. To stop being whores. To stop murdering your children and elderly. To stop stealing from God and others. To stop being vulgar and perverted. To stop denying God His Place as First.
Keep the 10 Commandments and stop being drunk with sin.

Last autumn it was predicted that America would have a cold and dry winter. I did not like that, so I spoke it would be a warm dry winter, and it was, except when some ignorant types interfered and I had to in energy wave push my will back onto the weather.

I do not know what is coming in weather as I did not inquire. I have not looked for a sign of what is to be. This blog was right about this drought, because I read the sign given and inquired of it from the Lord's Holy Ghost.

I have been servant to all, and have been spit on and ridiculed. That you will answer for in national sins. I tell you to make Peace with God and behave. Perhaps God will have Mercy upon you my children and someone might intercede for none is there to stand up and deliver among your sons or daughters for the balance or recompense weighed out.

It does none of you any good that I'm upset as my discontent goes directly to God. I informed you in 2001 that God had removed His hand of protection from America for you are an apostate bunch. I heard the Archangel cry out on 9 11 along with the dead.
You are now much worse off my children and deceive yourselves thinking you are strong and safe, when you are feeble and vulnerable.

You have no God for the Lord your God, you have cast off. His fury and His wrath follow in Judgment. He sees your sin, but is blind to your suffering in the punishment America deserves nationally.

Here the Word, make Peace with God, unless worse comes upon this America.

agtG 245