Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Bane Capitol

The problem with Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran is not that he doesn't lie well. Obama Chin's problem is that he does not tell the truth well.

How hard is it to say about that thing Mitt Romney ran and made millions off of, that it was PREDATORY which it was and is like all this carnivore capitalist Wall Street vermin.
How hard is it to say that Mitt Romney took over his company and when he left the company turned more savage in ripping people apart and companies, so what do you think America would be like with Romney.

Pretty simple stuff really that any Richard Nixon could toss out there and voters would figure it out, and Romney is not bright enough to come back with, "Yes after I left things did get worse, but after Obama left Chicago in community organizing it, there were piles more dead blacks in prison and the morgue!"

See Romney is no puncher, and he is not a counter puncher either. He gets called out by Obama for weeks on his company, and finally he comes out with some fag Mormon remarks about untruthful Obama.

That is not the way one handles a fag politician like Barack Hussein Obama. John McCain actually slapped him around well and Newt Gingrich had Barry on the ropes to doping him up playing their games, but Mitt Romney only seems to have any venom for Conservatives in stabbing them in the back.

The fact is this blog has tagged Romney more than anyone and is why Romney is only in a dead heat with Obama in America, as Obama with everything handed to him can not seal the deal with America and Romney has not a clue how to get the glue cap off.

Obama capitalism eats it's own and Romney's capitalism eats someone elses own. They both get the same result in the Shalom Wall Street Insiders all get rich and the rest of America turns into pauper status.

The most disappointing thing in this, as this blog has catalogued all of this exclusively is that for the second time now Obama in his multi million dollar Chicago smear machine has come out and fired a blank at Romney, giving Romney time to lumber about the place boring more people to death.
The time to define and paint Romney is now, as Lee Atwater did Michale Dukakis. It is not later as people need first impressions with words like predator and savage tied to Romney, and Obama has blown his chance as all he does is yell allot and thinks he still is in a gay bitch match back in college talking to his own kind.

I know there is bigger ammo in the David Axelrod and Valdaherie Jarrett arsenal, in the same underhanded stunts they pulled on Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, but for reasons absolutely unknown, they sit on the prime loadings and thing some Baine Capital is going to appeal to that bunch of leftist independents whose same investments raped America just like Romney's company did.
Obama's polling sucks and it appeals to only the worst of his low class voters.

The problem in this should be red flag to Axelrod in anyone who has an understanding of the Soviet Union, knew damn well you did not show propaganda to the Russians, because as the narrator was harping how bad America was, the Russians were focused on the Lincoln Continentals and Levi blue jeans the Americans had......and they were seeing that Americans were rich and not listening to the story.

That is what people hear in Romney in he is powerful, screws people over and is rich. That is the kind of thing the Afroid in Chicago who got a turkey thrown at them by Obama in 2008 wants for a life, and figured Obama would be giving them in a pile of cash.
Obama harping on jobs, is just reminding people of the jobs he never gave them or the piles of cash they thought they deserved.

There is no excuse for Obama Inc on this, as they could have destroyed Romney already as he was too stupid to pay this blog off in the things pointed out here. The GOP was not going to replace him with anyone.....who Jeb Bush ????
Sure Sarah Palin would be the choice or........Rick Santorum????

Obama and his advisers are fools. Romney is a silent lump on a log if left to himself, and he only starts yelling if one rams a pole up ass apparently the 100th time over. Obama could have told the truth on Baine or whatever it is called and Romney would have just shut up waiting to be defeated.

That is the reality on B. Hussein Obama and Romney. Obama could run the dirty  campaign cutting the edge on Romney being a border buster, and turning whites against him in GOP border states, including Texas. Obama could have turned the Mexican beaner against him in not allowing the peon to think Romney is Mexican, but of that white Spanish class who rules there while the peon eats dog crap for a meal.

It is all so fricking simple. Simple as Obama hammering on the Mormon cult issue of that voting block of almost 50% of Americans do not want that nut in the White House, as their beliefs are so insane. Yet Obama chose a money company and then chose the idiot propaganda which Romney can refute with "it happened after me".

That makes Obama exposed for the fag politician he is. It would be so simple to destroy Mitt Romney and yet Obama in his million dollar Obot brains who had the election handed to him in 2008, have no experience in ripping Romney to shreds on issues, which do not bring counter thoughts in the public's mind about Obama in Fast and Furious, his Super Depression and the reality of what a bad liar Obama is, and he is worse at telling the truth.

Obama is just 3rd world. I told that bone I could have ruined Romney months ago, but he trusts in David Axelrod whose only work is about breaking into court files and feeding sex tape information to the tabloid press.
Problem with that is, Romney has only one wife so no divorce records and premature ejaculation does not get other women pregnant, only your old Mormon wife.

It would have been so much fun to Dick Nixon both of these campaigns, as I would have had them drooling in the corner holding their crotches. I could have by now given Romney or Obama a 30 point lead, and by November popped them to 45 points in a landslide. Yet we have thee most boring things being yelled about in none of this is sexy.

Look, you got to know this in exclusive my children. Mitt Romney is being told he does not want a landslide, or else Congress will have a super majority where he will have to repeal Obamacare. This Rovian ilk wants this money maker in place, and the way to do it, is to leave it filibuster DNC ready so the GOP can just sit around like the did under Clinton and Bush, and do nothing about implemented socialism as they all agree with it.

None of the Afro show is interesting as it is all third rate drama. Both of these liberals do not belong in the White House. Both are fag politicians.

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